Packages - XBPS, PETs, TARs, etc.
Hello @BarryK I saw this blog post:
BarryK wrote:They don't have to be only .xbps packages; PET .pet and Kirkstone .tar.xz packages can also be installed. These foreign packages are converted to .xbps so that XBPS can install them.
Excellent approach to bring 'deliverable packages of the past' into a common package-management facility.
BarryK wrote:There is also a "packages-templates" section, in /usr/local/woofV/pkg-fix, which specifies that some packages may be opened up and modified before installing.
I view this a way to add additional scripts/apps that would not normally accompany a particular package to be installed with the package. And example is adding 'findsmb' app by @01micko to a SAMBA package such that this accompany's the subsystem installation.
Same would be true to add 'qemu_ready' by @norgo with a QEMU package installation.
These are local forum built upgrade-additions inclusion to the normal app/subsystem package to be installed.