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ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 3:32 pm
by HerrBert

When trying to access /proc ROX-Filer freezes.
Happens to me in Slacko 700 (64bit), ScPup64, Bionic64, Fossapup64.
Also in Slacko 6.3.2 (32bit), but only if thumbnails are active.

Can anyone confirm this?

Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2020 5:30 pm
by backi
Yes ....i can confirm this .....for Fossa-Dog too.
Seems indeed..... has something to do with Thumbnails (show thumbnails images ) activated or not.
Without activation fine.

Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 6:29 am
by ozsouth
Occurs on my ScPup64-20.06 install. Requires restarting X. I'm using jwm 2.3.2.

Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 1:26 pm
by rockedge
I can not reproduce this on a Bionic64. ROX 2.11

Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 1:42 pm
by fredx181
When opening /proc it freezes for me too on Debiandog Stretch, but as backi mentioned, indeed only when thumbnails enabled.
Rox version 2.11


Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2020 8:05 pm
by HerrBert
Weird situation: ROX version (2.11) seems not to have changed since (at least¹) Slacko 6.3.2
Even Slacko 5.7.0 reports to have ROX Version 2.11
Kind of disturbing is the fact, that some users confirm this freeze depending on thumbnails (me too on slacko 6.3.2), but here on my hardware any other than slacko 6.3.2 freezes regardless of thumbnails being active or not.

¹)Output from Slacko 6.3.2 (32bit)

Code: Select all

# rox -v
ROX-Filer 2.11
Copyright (C) 2005 Thomas Leonard.
soweit es das Gesetz erlaubt
Sie dürfen Kopien von ROX-Filer weiterverteilen
nach den Bestimmungen der GNU General Public License.
Für diesbezügliche weitere Informationen, siehe die Datei COPYING.

Kompiliert mit GTK Version 2.24.10
Läuft mit GTK Version 2.24.20

-- Eigenschaften, die beim Kompilieren festgelegt wurden --

Unterstützung für große Dateien... Ja
Inotify support... Ja
Dnotify-Unterstützung... Nein
Binärkompatibilität... Nein (apsymbols.h nicht gefunden)
Extended attribute support... Ja

Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2020 12:08 am
by williams2
This is a very old bug, from 2006 (14 years ago.)
The bug was in Rox 2.5 in Puppy 2.13 beta.

It was fixed by a workaround, to not try to make thumbnails of zero length files.

Maybe someone removed the test, not knowing why it was there?
>> are testing Puppy 2.13BETA with Filer 2.5 in it. Open ROX-Filer on the
>> /proc directory, Rox freezes and have to restart X. Turn off thumbnails,
>> Rox does not freeze. Look in /sys, no problem.

Re: ROX-Filer freeze when accessing /proc

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:34 am
by garnet
The bug was fixed but was re-introduced, and then fixed again.


Unfortunately some puppies were shipped with this buggy version Rox (Puppies published between Sep 2019 and Jul 2020), and unless you're running one of the still-maintained puppies, there is no way to fix this problem other than re-compiling Rox on your own.