This is my grub boot menu:
Code: Select all
search --no-floppy --set=root --label a2
linux /klv8/vmlinuz w_bootfrom=/mnt/sda2/klv8 w_changes=RAM2
initrd /klv8/initrd.gz
Sometimes it boots, sometimems kernel panics, failing to find /mnt/sda2/klv8.
After testing, I found that /dev/sda and /dev/sdb are randomly allocated. (I have an SSD and a hard disk). My boot parameter was aiming at the SSD, which has 4 partitions, with KLV on 2nd partition's /klv8 folder. The hard disk has one. When the SSD is detected as sda, boots fine. When the hard drive gets detected first, booting fails.
I know that this can easily be solved by changing the boot parameter to:
Code: Select all
However, since I have never experienced similar issue when using fossapup64 with "pupsfs=sda2" boot parameter, so I did some search, and some say this is determined by kernel, which does not sort sda sdb... persistently. So far this sounds to be the case, but I'm not sure. I read through fossapup64 initramfs's init file, and did not find any code that seems to do anything to sort the /dev/sd? order.
For those who know about kernel compilation, is there any config that determines how the kernel sorts and names devices?