How to update Vanilladpup 9.2.18 to latest version?

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How to update Vanilladpup 9.2.18 to latest version?

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Hello everybody:

I am using vanilladpup 9.2.18 as OS for internet browsing.- Today @dimkr told me it is really old and it could be better if I update to a modern version, so I decided to do this.

I usually read posts at this forum and I remember sometime ago I read that you don't need to install all the OS completelly, you can update your vanilladpup version only changing some archives at the installation folder.

As I told you, I think that I read something about it. I looked for it, but I can't find this post, so I am not sure if this is true or it's only my imagination, haha, or if you can apply that to change from 9.2.xx to 10.x.x., or...

Can any of you tell me if is possible to update doing what I think I read or not, and guide me with this process?

Thanks a lot in advance.- CHEERS.


I finally found the post I talked about: viewtopic.php?t=7018

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Re: Update process, can you help me? From Vanilladpup 9.2.18 to... ¿?¿?

Post by bigpup »

I think this is the info you are talking about.

To update your Vanilla Dpup, simply download a newer build and unpack the files:
1) Replace vmlinuz, initrd.gz and ucode.cpio with those from the new build
2) Put *.sfs from the new build in the directory with the files from the older build
3) Once you reboot and everything works, you can delete *.sfs files that came from the old build

Updating from a 9.3.x build to a newer 9.3.x build or from a 10.0.x build to a newer 10.0.x build should be safe and painless, unless stated otherwise in the changelog below. It's OK to skip updates (i.e. you don't need to update to 10.0.20 first, if you're updating from 10.0.19 to 10.0.21: you can skip 10.0.20), which means you don't have to update every time a new release is available: you can update once a month or every two months.

But you are making a big jump in versions.

Have both versions installed as separate frugal installs.
So you still have a install you know does work.

You could do a separate frugal install of Vanilla Dpup 10.0.x
Set up the boot loader boot menu with an entry to boot it.
(usually just run the boot loader installer program and it will setup the boot loader menu with all frugal installs it finds on the drive)

Maybe put a copy of the save from the v9.2.18 also in this v10.0.x frugal install.
Boot it and see how it all works using this older save. (not sure if the same name is used in V10.0.x for the save, may also need to rename it to what V10.0.x is looking for)

If it has issues using the old save.
Delete it from the v10.0.x install.
you will need to let it make it's own save.

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: Update process, can you help me? From Vanilladpup 9.2.18 to... ¿?¿?

Post by d-pupp »

@pp4mnklinux Please note version 9 and 10 are different.
You can not use your savefile from version 9 in 10

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