This is the kind of thing I'm looking at with pipewire, will it run well the big audio apps like Ardour? ... w/109287/3 ... m-taymans/
edit: Basically what my reading is telling me so far, even though a lot of this information is 6 months old, is that pipewire is still a work in progress when it comes to tying together jack applications, consumer grade audio applications, and pulseaudio.
Basically, it looks like pipewire is trying to emulate mac coreaudio, but without the exclusive one-server framework, and that seems mighty messy to me, though admittedly, once one gets it working it's probably heaven.
For the regular user, browsing and playing music using the normal user applications, it works great. I'm having no troubles with audio from browsers and media players showing up in qpwgrap.
But right now on the latest Spectrwm and Airedale RTs with pipewire and Ardour running, I'm not getting Ardour to show up in qpwgraph at all, but it will play output through the default audio card, while audio interfaces that are listed in Ardour's audio setup can be chosen, but are NOT getting audio through those interfaces if not set as default in pavucontrol. I'm a little stumped at this juncture, but I'll keep testing and fiddling for awhile.
further edit: And what I'm still not quite getting about the goal of pipewire is the fact if I just want to do normal user audio tasks, pulseaudio works great for that. If I want to route audio streams, even browsers and application audio output through different applications and hardware, jack works extremely well for that also. So I'm not certain what the niche for pipewire ultimately is. It seems to me it needs to come up to speed to be a full replacement for ALSA, jack, and pulseaudio. But if they somehow set it up to integrate those three into their framework, more power to them. It may be that they're trying to deal with jack and pulse until all software developers are brought into the fold, and then the others can be done away with.
@Clarity since you are set up to do iso booting, you're in a good position to boot up various linuxes with pipewire installed OOTB, and try out qpwgraph with different hardware attached, and report the results.