I want to change default urxvt colors and thus I edit .Xresources files, specifying this parameters (among others):
Code: Select all
urxvt.foreground: #00FF00
urxvt.background: #000000
after reloading .Xresources and running urxvt
Code: Select all
# xrdb .Xresources && urxvt
I see foreground color has changed accordingly but backgroound does not. I assume some other config file is setting background color but I'm not able to find which config file or program configuration is changing my .Xresource config.
The strange behaviour is that, if I run urxvt through strace, every thing goes ok and background color changes to what I setted in .Xresources,
Code: Select all
# strace urxvt
but if I run xvrt by itself, without strace, background color doen't change.
Code: Select all
# urxvt
any idea to explore?