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ZOOM - What's the current state of play?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 4:15 pm
by mikewalsh

Afternoon, gang. Thought it was time I re-visited this one, and let y'all know what the state of play was at the present time.

When the community first started looking at this - tail-end of 2018 or so, early 2019 (a year or so before the pandemic took off) - we found we could run the desktop app in quite a number of 64-bit Puppies/Dogs/whatever. No such luck with the 32-bit build - it never DID work for us! - but the "requirements" for the app weren't too ridiculous.

As time passed, Zoom started pushing the requirements ever higher. Tahr64 was the first victim, followed not long after by Xenial64. It still ran OK under Bionic (or newer), though Bionic has never run it that well due mostly to Qt5 'issues'.

Around this time I found a Zoom 'app' in the Chrome Web Store. This worked without any fuss, based around the principle of the 'webapp' that Google pioneered many years ago now. That lasted all of about 8 months, at which time Google deprecated it and removed it from the Web store.

Currently, the only Pups/Dogs,etc, where the official desktop app will work is Fossapup64 9.5 - Phil's original - OR NEWER.

However; all is not lost. If you're prepared to put up with some degradation of video/audio quality, you can use Zoom anywhere you can run Chrome or one of the many 'clones'.....because you can use Zoom direct through their US website.

So; I now have my own Zoom 'desktop app' - a 'detached' webapp running in its own window, launched from its own Menu entry/multi-launcher, running from Slimjet as its 'backend'. Zoom running in Tahrpup64 again; who'd have thunk it? :D

This approach can be used in any of the Chromium-based clones. I recommend these, because although the website is accessible with Firefox, microphone detection/allocation is very poor here; video is no problem, but all you get for microphone usage is "default & only sink". FF relies on whatever microphone you've set-up as the global 'default' across the whole system; I guess with laptops this ain't a problem, due to there only being a single microphone fitted by default. It's a nightmare with desktops, where you don't HAVE a 'built-in' microphone, and can easily have half-a-dozen different mikes all plugging into various different locations/ports.

Which is why I prefer the 'clones'.....because these will always give you a drop-down list of all detected audio sources, and let you choose what to use. You can't do this with Firefox.

Anyhoo. All Zoom usage depends on your having created an a/c, regardless of HOW you access it. For access in the browser, go to this URL:-

This is the website's access portal for "webchat", as they call it. You'll need to sign-in, then you get the same familiar interface as you see with the desktop client. You'll need to give permission for webcam & microphone access, following which everything is identical in appearance & operation.

So; that's the current "state-of-play", guys'n'gals. Zoom IS accessible, if you're prepared to go about it a slightly different way.

Mike. ;)

Re: ZOOM - What's the current state of play?

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:11 pm
by mikewalsh

An interesting discovery.

If you're running 32-bit Xenialpup 7.5, you can use Zoom - in the browser - via the above-mentioned method.

@jrb did a bit of research, and managed to get @peebee 's current 32-bit Chromium SFS package running in Xenial32.


I "leant" on jrb's work, and put together a 'portable' build of this, including the discovered 'needed' dependencies.....which runs nicely here. And therefore access to the Zoom website's "webchat" portal is possible. Works nicely, in fact!

Big thanks must go to Eric Hameleers - AlienBob of Slackware fame - for his continuing work in compiling/building these 32-bit variants of Chromium. And not forgetting our very own peebee, who so tirelessly works to maintain our 32-bit ecosystem & keep it usable. Cheers, both of you.

If anybody wants this 32-bit portable package of Chromium, you can find it here:- ... Chromium32

Usual caveats apply:-

  • Download
  • Unzip
  • Move the portable directory anywhere you like
  • Click to enter
  • Click 'LAUNCH' to fire it up

Scripts will add/remove a Menu entry, if one is required.

Have fun.....and enjoy Zoom on 32-bit! (This definitely works in Xenialpup32; I assume it should work under Bionicpup32. I tried it in 32-bit Tahrpup, and it had a laundry-list of complaints as long as your arm, so.....I gave up on that one.)

I don't use Bionicpup32; for whatever reason, out of all the Pups I run, this is the only Puppy which seems to get 'stuck' on loading the kernel modules on this HP desktop. It does get there eventually, but this always happens regardless of the kernel in use. Hence, I've never used it full-time.

Mike. ;)

Re: ZOOM - What's the current state of play?

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2024 5:37 am
by FredW

Kind of off topic, but...
I'm still using zoomportable64 in fossapup. It seems similar to the Windows zoom except that trying to "share" a video, although it works, has a message at the bottom of the share window saying that pulseaudio must be installed for sound to be shared. Also there are not the two tick boxes available for enhancing video quality and sound. I tried running the LAUNCH with an apulse frontend. It worked, but I still had the same message re. pulseaudio and had no audio in the share.

Do you know about this problem and have any solution?

