(EasyOS 5.6.5)
I don't know anything about virtualization and it is possible that the problem come from qemu and not from Easy.
I wanted to try an QEMU disk image from http://qemu-advent-calendar.org/2023/ and precisely TinyCore Linux behind the day 01 door.
I downloaded the file day01.tar.gz, extracted with XArchive. There are three files in this archive, A text file with a short description. An iso file (TinyCore-current.iso) and a small script run.sh to launch qemu with the iso
The main command executed by the script is
Code: Select all
qemu-system-i386 -drive file=./TinyCore-current.iso,format=raw,if=ide
(EDIT : similar result with qemu-system-i386 -drive file=TinyCore-current.iso,format=raw,if=ide)
The result is
qemu-system-i386: Could not open './TinyCore-current.iso': Permission denied
It's not a problem of iso not found.
It's not important to me but it's intriguing when there is a "permission denied" with root