labwc/sfwbar sfs for KLV-Swayland
Firstly, many thanks @wiak for FirstRib.
I first tried KLV-Swayland last weekend and the sway implementation works great out of the box. So complete noob at this, but as a few will know I've pioneered labwc/sfwbar development with @dimkr who is progressing well in vanilladpup-11x.
So this weekend I thought I'd have a go at implementing labwc/sfwbar on top of Swayland and the result is an add on sfs 14KLV_labwc_sfwbar.sfs 648kB which includes some config files for labwc, sfwbar with slightly customised config and it's dependency gtk-layer-shell. I would have offered a plug script but sfwbar is not in the void repos as of now, so an add on sfs it is.
Checksum (sha256):
Code: Select all
f3cfe25215151c18b16b2f402bf753de476a06d881f05bd7eef734a1ccc1e6ed 14KLV_labwc_sfwbar.sfs
It does not work ootb, a slight mod is necessary to /etc/profile.d/ in the running KLV_Swayland distro or before you boot from any other linux:
Code: Select all
sudo sed -i 's/sway/labwc/' /etc/profile.d/ ## use relative path if not running in swayland or chroot
There is a basic menu both in labwc (hard coded) and a dynamic menu for sfwbar. It's far from polished but does the job. Nmtui (networkmanager) is available by clicking the network icon in the bogus 'tray' area. Should connect fine. Have fun!
Just a side note @wiak ; I was a little confused when I changed ownership to spot from a running Puppy for KL use: but then I realised in Puppy spot is spot:502, whereas in KL (at least swayland anyway) spot is spot:1000 Easy fix though because Puppy has ftp:1000 which worked fine.