Unetbootin -- Install boot Other Linux from USB

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Unetbootin -- Install boot Other Linux from USB

Post by mikeslr »

Well, we Puppy fans are a curious lot -- double entendre intended. And the forum even provides a place to discuss our infidelities. So how do you manage to setup your clandestine affair?

You can call on unetbootin. It's discussed here, viewtopic.php?p=6801#p6801. Just follow the links. Using it under Puppy (Bionicpup64 to be specific) revealed a couple of thing regarding the unetbootin.bin downloaded.
(1) I kind-a recalled Unetbootin didn't provide a routine for formatting the USB-Key. So, before plugging it in, gparted formatted it as fat32. Running it also didn't suggest any opportunity to format.
(2) That Unetbootin also required the USB-Key be mounted came as a surprise.
(3) mtools was a simple one-deb download via PPM. Installed and x-restarted. Until mtools was installed Unetbootin could not see the USB port.
(4) The ISO selection routine didn't work. Only the files/folders in /root were listed and there appeared to be no way to 'escape' from there. So I created a 'secret passage' :roll: --a symlink to the folder where the ISO I wanted to use was located. I guess I should have anticipated this. Most distros think that a 'User's place is in his/her Home'. And they don't want you rooting-around. Now, with my secret passage I can sneak out of my Home and cat-around without puritanical Unetbootin being anyway the wiser. :lol:

My first 'conquest': LinuxMint 20. ;)
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Re: Unetbootin -- Install boot Other Linux from USB

Post by bigpup »

(4) The ISO selection routine didn't work. Only the files/folders in /root were listed and there appeared to be no way to 'escape' from there.
Above the /root is the word computer.
Click on computer and in right side it shows /
Double click on /
The complete filesystem comes up
Navigate any place you want to.
Screenshot.jpg (48.01 KiB) Viewed 536 times

The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
When I was a kid, I wanted to be older.
This is not what I expected :o

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