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Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:47 am
by Caramel

Following the topic Difficulties installing EasyOS and some suggestions, I believe a script to automate the creation of an easyos folder containing the initrd, vmlinuz and easy.sfs files in a partition for installation on an internal hard drive a PC would be useful. The script would be launched from an Easy USB key.

I suggest that we (EasyOS users) collaborate to write it, as my bash knowledge and skills are limited

First ideas :

The script would take as argument the partition where we want to create the folder. The partition would be previously mounted (by EasyOS on the key)

$1 is the first (and only) argument, i.e. the chosen partition (e.g. sdb2)

Testing the existence of /mnt/$1:

Code: Select all

if [ ! -d "/mnt/PARTCHOSEN" ] ; then
  echo "The partition does not exist or it is not mounted"
  exit 1

EDIT : Very bad, not work !

Checking that $1 is an ext4 partition:

EDIT : the command lsblk -n -o FSTYPE /dev/PARTCHOSEN displays the filesystem type of /dev/$1

creation of the easyos folder:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easyos
if [$? = 1 ] ; then

EDIT : the character $ is missing in this code

copy the initrd and wmlinuz files to the easyos folder:

Code: Select all

cp /mnt/wkg/initrd /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easyos
cp /mnt/wkg/vmlinuz /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easyos

EDIT : the character $ is missing in this code

copy of easy.sfs in easyos:

EDIT First try, Bad idea, it will generate an error if the version of EasyOS in use on the stick is not the last version installed.

(These commands are based on lines 1532 and following of the init script)

Code: Select all

VERS="$(ls -l -d /mnt/wkg/releases/easy-* | rev | cut -f 1 -d '-' | rev)"
sortedVERS="$(echo "$VERS" | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n)" #lowest to highest.
for LASTVERS in echo "$sortedVERS" | tail -n -1 | tr '\n' ' '`
   cp /mnt/wkg/sfs/easyos/oe/kirstone/easy_${LASTVERS}_amd64.sfs /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easys.sfs

EDIT New try :

Code: Select all

. /etc/lsb-release # retrieve the variable DISTRIB_RELEASE
cp /mnt/wkg/sfs/easyos/oe/kirstone/easy_${DISTRIB_RELEASE}_amd64.sfs /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easys.sfs

EDIT : $PARTCHOSEN/easyos/ instead of PARTCHOSEN/

EDIT : it's easy.sfs, not easys.sfs

Thanks for your help

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:47 pm
by Clarity

If I could offer a corollary where little to no effort would achieve this desire, would @BarryK (and others) be interested.

I have a solution that would NOT involve development work. But there must be some willingness to consider because it is NOT a development effort needing forum support. Further it would address/reduce most-all problems users encourter from the past, IMHO.

It has actually been done, per se. Kinda like; "in plain site (er... 'sight')".

If fact, I foresee the elements offered by the OP @Caramel as having relevance to this as well.

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:14 pm
by Caramel
Clarity wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 12:47 pm

If I could offer a corollary where little to no effort would achieve this desire, would @BarryK (and others) be interested.

I have a solution that would NOT involve development work. But there must be some willingness to consider because it is NOT a development effort needing forum support. Further it would address/reduce most-all problems users encourter from the past, IMHO.

It has actually been done, per se. Kinda like; "in plain site (er... 'sight')".

If fact, I foresee the elements offered by the OP @Caramel as having relevance to this as well.

@Clarity , I didn't really understand

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:28 pm
by Caramel

Another idea is to copy the easyos folder of the USB stick to the ext4 partition of the PC where EasyOS will be installed.

I have tested, it seems to work. But the encryption is lost (And, anecdotally, there will a partition integrity check at first boot)

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:33 pm
by Clarity

Hi @Caramel
An ISO or IMG 'LIve" distro "is already a container to what you are asking to develop".

Your request is about "extraction". Extractions efforts are unnecessary for almost all distros on this forum'; from DOGs to PUPs.
Technology exist negating that need, if employed. Thus it eliminates the many-many problems of users attempting to extract info out for use elsewhere, the problems resulting from extracts, as well as those attempting to create new bootable media.

That's what I was offering to consider and is seen on the EASY forum here.

For the PUPs/DOGs, the systems behave exactly the same as an extraction-fixup you are asking to develop...except the extraction-fixup and future maintenance by some develop would be eliminated, too.

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 10:53 am
by Caramel

My first post was full of errors.

Probably no one cares, or you are too polite to tell me.

First script (it needs a lot of improvements)

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash

. /usr/bin/ 
. /etc/lsb-release # retrieve the variable DISTRIB_RELEASE

CHOSENPART=$(yad --title="$(gettext 'Frugal Install Assistant')" --text="$(gettext 'Choose the partition where to install') EasyOS" --entry)

TYPE=$(lsblk -n -o FSTYPE /dev/$CHOSENPART)
if [ ! "$TYPE" = "ext4" ]; then
yad --title=$(gettext 'Message') --text="/dev/$CHOSENPART $(gettext 'is not an ext4 partition')"
 echo "$(gettext '/dev/')$CHOSENPART $(gettext 'is not an ext4 partition')"
mount -t ext4 /dev/$CHOSENPART /mnt/$CHOSENPART 2> /dev/null # mount the chosen partition if it is not already mounted, the possible error message is deleted by the code 2> /dev/null
CHOSENREP=$(yad --title="$(gettext 'Frugal Install Assistant')" --text="$(gettext 'Enter the name of a repository where to install') EasyOS.\n$(gettext 'You can choose a sub folder.\nThe default choice is /easyos')" --entry --entry-text='easyos')
if [ "$CHOSENREP" == "" ]; then
elif [ -d /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP ] || [ -f /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP ]; then
 yad --title=$(gettext 'Message') --text="/mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP $(gettext 'already exists')"
cp /mnt/wkg/initrd /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP
cp /mnt/wkg/vmlinuz /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP
cp /mnt/wkg/sfs/easyos/oe/kirkstone/easy_${DISTRIB_RELEASE}_amd64.sfs /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP/easy.sfs

addition of the option -p at the command mkdir

CHOSENREP=$(yad --title="$(gettext 'Frugal Install Assistant')" --text="$(gettext 'Choose the repository where to install') EasyOS" --entry)
if [ -d /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP ] || [ -f /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP ]; then
yad --title=$(gettext 'Message') --text="/mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP $(gettext 'already exists')"

was replaced by

CHOSENREP=$(yad --title="$(gettext 'Frugal Install Assistant')" --text="$(gettext 'Enter the name of a repository where to install') EasyOS.\n$(gettext 'You can choose a sub folder.\nThe default choice is /easyos')" --entry --entry-text='easyos')
if [ "$CHOSENREP" == "" ]; then
elif [ -d /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP ] || [ -f /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP ]; then
yad --title=$(gettext 'Message') --text="/mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENREP $(gettext 'already exists')"

typo corrected easys.sfs replaced by easy.sfs

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:11 am
by Caramel

New version.
Kirstone replaced by Scarthgap
Examples of stanzas for boot manager added (Inspired by QV-installer viewtopic.php?p=116473#p116473)

Code: Select all

#! /bin/bash

. /usr/bin/ 
. /etc/lsb-release # retrieve the variable DISTRIB_RELEASE

CHOSENPART=$(yad --title="$(gettext 'Frugal Install Assistant')" --text="$(gettext 'Choose the partition where to install EasyOS.\nFor example: sda2, nvme0n1p2.\nIt must be an ext4 type partition')" --entry)
[ $? -ne 0 ] && exit
TYPE=$(lsblk -n -o FSTYPE /dev/$CHOSENPART)
if [ ! "$TYPE" = "ext4" ]; then
yad --title=$(gettext 'Message') --text="/dev/$CHOSENPART $(gettext 'is not an ext4 partition')"
 echo "$(gettext '/dev/')$CHOSENPART $(gettext 'is not an ext4 partition')"
mount -t ext4 /dev/$CHOSENPART /mnt/$CHOSENPART 2> /dev/null # mount the chosen partition if it is not already mounted, the possible error message is deleted by the code 2> /dev/null
CHOSENDIR=$(yad --title="$(gettext 'Frugal Install Assistant')" --text="$(gettext 'Enter the name of a repository where to install') EasyOS.\n$(gettext 'You can also choose a sub folder like /Easy/Scarthgap.\nThe default choice is /easyos')" --entry --entry-text='easyos')
if [ "$CHOSENDIR" == "" ]; then
elif [ -d /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR ] || [ -f /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR ]; then
 yad --title=$(gettext 'Message') --text="/mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR $(gettext 'already exists')"
echo "$(gettext 'Start copying files on /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR')"
cp /mnt/wkg/initrd /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR
cp /mnt/wkg/vmlinuz /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR
cp /mnt/wkg/sfs/easyos/oe/scarthgap/easy_${DISTRIB_RELEASE}_amd64.sfs /mnt/$CHOSENPART/$CHOSENDIR/easy.sfs

echo "$(gettext 'Copy of the files finished')"

WBLKID="$(blkid /dev/${WKG_DEV} | tr ' ' '\n')"
WKG_LABEL="$(echo "$WBLKID" | grep '^LABEL=' | cut -f 2 -d '"')"
WKG_UUID="$(echo "$WBLKID" | grep '^UUID=' | cut -f 2 -d '"')"

KCMD="rw wkg_uuid=${WKG_UUID} wkg_dir=$WKG_DIR" # options to pass to kernel

echo "$(gettext 'If you need to make a bootloader menu entry, pass these parameters on the kernel command line')"
echo "$KCMD"
echo "$(gettext 'Here is an example entry for the menu.lst file in GRUB4DOS:')"
echo "title EasyOS Scartgap (partition $CHOSENPART, folder $CHOSENDIR)
  find --set-root uuid () ${WKG_UUID}
  kernel /${CHOSENDIR}/vmlinuz ${KCMD}
  initrd /${CHOSENDIR}/initrd"

echo "$(gettext 'Here is an example menu entry for /etc/grub.d/40_custom in GRUB2:')"
echo "menuentry EasyOS Scartgap (partition $CHOSENPART, folder $CHOSENDIR) {
 insmod ext2
 insmod search_fs_uuid
 search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root ${WKG_UUID}
 linux /${CHOSENDIR}/vmlinuz ${KCMD} 
 initrd /${CHOSENDIR}/initrd

 echo "$(gettext 'Here is an example entry for the limine.cfg file in Limine bootloader:')"
 echo ":EasyOS Scarthgap
 echo "$(gettext 'Here is an example entry for the refind.conf file in rEFInd boot-manager:')"
 echo "menuentry \"EasyOS Scarthgap (${WKG_DEV})\" {
 volume ${WKG_LABEL}
 loader /${CHOSENDIR}/vmlinuz
 initrd /${CHOSENDIR}/initrd
 ostype Linux
 options \"${KCMD}\"

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:36 am
by pp4mnklinux
Caramel wrote: Fri Dec 08, 2023 6:28 pm

Another idea is to copy the easyos folder of the USB stick to the ext4 partition of the PC where EasyOS will be installed.

I have tested, it seems to work. But the encryption is lost (And, anecdotally, there will a partition integrity check at first boot)

That's the way... 4 me, haha.


Essential.- EasyOS requires a partition with ext4 filesystem.

Nowadays, the easier to install, the more interesting for everybody. ... ng-easyos/

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:00 pm
by MikeAndreas1
Caramel wrote: Sun Dec 03, 2023 9:47 am

Following the topic Difficulties installing EasyOS and some suggestions, I believe a script to automate the creation of an easyos folder containing the initrd, vmlinuz and easy.sfs files in a partition for installation on an internal hard drive a PC would be useful. The script would be launched from an Easy USB key.

I suggest that we (EasyOS users) collaborate to write it, as my bash knowledge and skills are limited

First ideas :

The script would take as argument the partition where we want to create the folder. The partition would be previously mounted (by EasyOS on the key)

$1 is the first (and only) argument, i.e. the chosen partition (e.g. sdb2)

Testing the existence of /mnt/$1:

Code: Select all

if [ ! -d "/mnt/PARTCHOSEN" ] ; then
  echo "The partition does not exist or it is not mounted"
  exit 1

EDIT : Very bad, not work !

Checking that $1 is an ext4 partition:

EDIT : the command lsblk -n -o FSTYPE /dev/PARTCHOSEN displays the filesystem type of /dev/$1

creation of the easyos folder:

Code: Select all

mkdir /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easyos
if [$? = 1 ] ; then

EDIT : the character $ is missing in this code

copy the initrd and wmlinuz files to the easyos folder:

Code: Select all

cp /mnt/wkg/initrd /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easyos
cp /mnt/wkg/vmlinuz /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easyos

EDIT : the character $ is missing in this code

copy of easy.sfs in easyos:

EDIT First try, Bad idea, it will generate an error if the version of EasyOS in use on the stick is not the last version installed.

(These commands are based on lines 1532 and following of the init script)

Code: Select all

VERS="$(ls -l -d /mnt/wkg/releases/easy-* | rev | cut -f 1 -d '-' | rev)"
sortedVERS="$(echo "$VERS" | sort -t. -k 1,1n -k 2,2n -k 3,3n -k 4,4n)" #lowest to highest.
for LASTVERS in echo "$sortedVERS" | tail -n -1 | tr '\n' ' '`
   cp /mnt/wkg/sfs/easyos/oe/kirstone/easy_${LASTVERS}_amd64.sfs /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easys.sfs

EDIT New try :

Code: Select all

. /etc/lsb-release # retrieve the variable DISTRIB_RELEASE
cp /mnt/wkg/sfs/easyos/oe/kirstone/easy_${DISTRIB_RELEASE}_amd64.sfs /mnt/PARTCHOSEN/easys.sfs

EDIT : $PARTCHOSEN/easyos/ instead of PARTCHOSEN/

EDIT : it's easy.sfs, not easys.sfs

Thanks for your help

Could you clarify what specific issues you're encountering with your current script? Are there particular steps that are causing errors or not behaving as expected?

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:21 pm
by Caramel
MikeAndreas1 wrote: Fri Jul 12, 2024 12:00 pm

Could you clarify what specific issues you're encountering with your current script? Are there particular steps that are causing errors or not behaving as expected?

After the numerous corrections in EDIT, the scripts (version Kirsktone/ version Scarthgap) work for me.

They could be used from an usb stick or from the internal drive for making a new install (frugal install with the same version of EasyOS as that used during installation)

Re: Write a script to help the installation in a internal drive of a PC

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 4:40 am
by Caramel

Script easy-install ( for the EasyOS Scarthgap series):

This script helps to install EasyOS on a directory of an ext4 partition.
It must be used on a running EasyOS. It copies the 3 files (vmlinuz, initrd and esy.sfs) needed for an install to the directory choosen.
It asks for the name of the partition (examples: sda3, nvme0n1p2) and then the name of the choosen directory. (No folder or file with that name must already exist in the partition)

If the partition is not mounted, the script mount it ( Example /dev/sda3 is mounted in /mnt/sda3. If /dev/sda3 was already mounted elsewhere, the script will fail)

If the script was launched in a terminal,

(for example, if the script is in /files/downloads/, with the command

Code: Select all


it displays stanza to add to config files of a already installed bootloader grub4dos, grub2, limine or rEFInd.

(3.23 KiB) Downloaded 5 times

Remane it install-easy and make it executable :

Code: Select all

cd /files/downloads
mv install-easy.gz install-easy
chmod +x install-easy


(1.29 KiB) Downloaded 5 times

(actual compressed file)
Decompress it (For example by clicking on it and then click on the OK of the dialog window)