mikewalsh wrote: Fri Jan 31, 2025 11:43 am
@pp4mnklinux :-
pp4mnklinux wrote: Thu Jan 23, 2025 2:53 am
I think the link doesn't work because puppylinux is not one of their objectives and they are not going to work for it again.
I don't think that's the case at all. The "named" distros on the download pop-up are major, mainstream releases anyway; I would have been extremely surprised to find a specific package just for Puppy, given how small & 'niche' our community is.
You would do the same as for the Firefox and/or Pale Moon downloads; grab the appropriate, 'generic' tar.bz2 package, extract it and just swap the firefox/palemoon/midori directory over with your existing one. I believe that's how many of us have been doing it for years; I know it's a wee bit more 'manual', but it's not like most Puppians can't unzip a tarball, is it? JakeSFR's UExtract makes doing this very easy, and it's a default component of all Puppies these days.
Anyway, it fits with Puppy's "hobbyist" label. You wouldn't expect click-to-install for everything.......would you? 
Months ago, @ponchale and other puppy/midori users, presented it as the "Browser for puppy", and they defended puppy as one of her main objectives.
Puppy and Midori should run together... (this was the idea they try to transmit moths ago, but now, as I said, It doesn't look as one of their objectives)
.... when I have enough time, I'll try to find the posts I know talked about this...
https://astian.org/midori-en/midori-pup ... ch-other/
In the spanish version this idea is more emphasized:
https://astian.org/es/midori-es/midori- ... -es-mejor/
El dicho dice que juntos es mejor pero si a esa frase le añadimos juntos y ligeros seria perfecto, asi como lo dice el titulo de esta publicacion, Puppy es una distro Linux con años en el mercado, una de las mas ligeras pero con toda la potencia de Linux y hoy en busca de extender el alcance y los horizontes de Midori decidimos llevar a nuestro pequeño lagarto armadillo a Puppy.
En la nueva version beta lanzada el dia de hoy Midori 10.0.4 mostramos y explicamos cuales son las novedades.
Esperamos que Midori & Puppy sean la pareja perfecta, ligereza, privacidad & rapidez.
Gracias a josejp24
The saying goes that together is better, but if we add "together and light" to that phrase, it would be perfect, just like the title of this post says. Puppy is a Linux distro with years in the market, one of the lightest but with all the power of Linux. Today, in an effort to extend the reach and horizons of Midori, we decided to take our little armadillo lizard to Puppy.
In the new beta version released today, Midori 10.0.4, we show and explain what the new features are.
We hope that Midori & Puppy will be the perfect pair: lightness, privacy, and speed.
Thanks to josejp24.
Have a nice day