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Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 2:27 pm
by keniv
fredx181 wrote: Sat Oct 31, 2020 1:24 pm Yes, remove what you like from the Menu, fixmenus doesn't exist in BD (in Puppy only) but I guess that the menu entry will disappear by itself when removed from /usr/share/applications.
Hi Fred,
I moved the two non-functioning .desktop files out of /usr/share/applications and rebooted. Entries have now gone from the menu.
Thanks again for all your help.



Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 5:00 pm
by fredx181
New .deb package youtube-get3 v1.1.0: ... .0_all.deb
Needed a small fix for "playlist/channel download" and "user download"
Previously gave error message in some cases when there was an error from Youtube for one list item, but didn't continue to build the list.
Fixed by disabling such error messages for the most and added --ignore-errors to some yt-dlc command lines.


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2020 8:40 pm
by fredx181

New .deb package youtube-get3 v1.2.0: ... .0_all.deb

See changes info here: viewtopic.php?p=9066#p9066


New .deb package youtube-get3 v1.3.0

Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:12 pm
by fredx181

New .deb package youtube-get3 v1.3.0: ... .0_all.deb

See changes info here: viewtopic.php?p=9203#p9203

EDIT: Added now to Busterdog repo, install youtube-get3 by using Synaptic or with apt:

Code: Select all

apt install youtube-get3


Re: 32-bit compatibility on 64-bit

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 11:01 am
by fredx181

I tried to add 32-bit compatibility to my 64-bit Buster install, but it failed because libelogind0 and libeudev1 wasn't found.
Should be fixed now, added libelogind0:i386 and libeudev1:i386 to the amd64 repo.

So, I did the following and now I'm able to install/run 32-bit applications (e.g. wine32).

Code: Select all

dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update

apt install libc6:i386 libatk1.0-0:i386 libcairo2:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libfreetype6:i386 libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:i386 libglib2.0-0:i386 libgtk2.0-0:i386 libgtk-3-0:i386 libpango1.0-0:i386 libsm6:i386 libxext6:i386 libxrender1:i386 libxt6:i386 libasound2:i386 libdbus-glib-1-2:i386 libatomic1:i386 libcolord2:i386 libx11-xcb1:i386 libelogind0:i386 libeudev1:i386


Re:Adjusting sound level in BusterDog

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:42 pm
by keniv

I'm having trouble in adjusting the sound level when playing video using the sound level adjustment icon in the tray. If I hover the mouse pointer over this icon I see "Scroll up/down to set volume Left-click for mixer". I'm trying to play video in .mp4 format downloaded using YouTube-Get v3. When I click on this file mpv Media Player opens and the video plays but the sound is too loud. I can't find a way to turn it up or down though I can mute it. If I place the mouse pointer over the sound adjustment icon in the tray then scroll up or down the volume does not change but instead it causes a jump forwards or backwards through the video. If I open alsa mixer altering the master setting does not seem to alter the volume though it does alter the numerical value shown in the sound level adjustment icon as a percentage (e.g. setting alsa master to 60 gives a value of 77% in the icon box). I'm baffled by this. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Any help with this would be much appreciated.



Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 4:53 pm
by fredx181

Hi Ken, don't know what can be wrong, only thing I can think of that you have (maybe?) more than one soundcard, if so, try from Menu > System > Soundcard selector, and select other sound card.


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:35 pm
by keniv

Hi Fred,
I tried Menu > System > Soundcard selector but I'm not clear as to whether I have one soundcard or two. Soundcard1.png was the first card shown and presumably the one I was using. When I clicked on this I was offered another (see soundcard2.png) which looked similar to the first but was shown as a different device. I selected this one and was asked to allow some lines of code to be written to /.asoundrc which I did. I rebooted and tried the sound again but this made no difference to how the sound behaved. I went back and chose the first soundcard again. I have also tried to play this file with GNOME Mplayer, with both sound cards, but this did not work other than a small box appearing on the screen. I decided to install VLC media player as I'd used it in the past and knew it had an on screen volume control. This does work and the sound can be controlled using the on screen control. One other thing. While I can find /.asoundrc.bak I cannot find /.asoundrc. Hope this all means something to you.



Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:12 pm
by rcrsn51

I cannot find /.asoundrc.

Just to be clear, the file ".asoundrc" should be made in your home directory.

By any chance is the volume for this sound card handled by the PCM control in AlsaMixer instead of Master?

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:18 pm
by keniv
rcrsn51 wrote: Wed Nov 18, 2020 5:12 pm

By any chance is the volume for this sound card handled by the PCM control in AlsaMixer instead of Master?

Yes you are right. Altering the level of PCM in Alsamixer allows me to vary the sound level. As already said altering Master does not affect the sound level. In the Openbox desktop varying Master did alter the numerical value shown in the sound level adjustment icon as a percentage. Varying PCM does alter this value. The JWM desktop does not have this box. Does this mean that BusterDog sound control does not properly recognise this this type of soundcard and this is why the "scroll up/down" volume control, in Openbox, doesn't work?

Just to be clear, the file ".asoundrc" should be made in your home directory.

If I click on "Home Folder" in file manager I see the contents of /root but only .asoundrc.bak appears in /root. I searched for it using pFind (see pFind.png). It seems to be in /opt/conf/.asoundrc. Is this incorrect?



Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:52 pm
by rcrsn51

In Sound Card Selector, you will see an Edit button at the top. Select a card from the drop-down list and click Edit. It will create the .asoundrc file in the right place.

I have no idea where all those other versions are coming from.

The Starter Kit uses a simpler, more fool-proof system. Its tray applet goes directly to AlsaMixer - no other volume control app is confusing the situation.

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:51 pm
by fredx181

Hi Ken,

Does this mean that BusterDog sound control does not properly recognise this this type of soundcard and this is why the "scroll up/down" volume control, in Openbox, doesn't work?

It's just that volume control via scrolling at the icon is set to 'Master' in the tint2 panel settings, if you want you can change to PCM.
Then, open the tint2 settings GUI (icon almost at bottom left), click the tab at the bottom: "Executor 1" and change every instance of Master to PCM, and click Apply.
I can't test this, as I don't have PCM, but I guess it should work.

tint2 settings
tint2 settings
Screenshot.jpg (33.62 KiB) Viewed 2216 times

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:54 pm
by keniv
rcrsn51 wrote: Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:52 pm

In Sound Card Selector, you will see an Edit button at the top. Select a card from the drop-down list and click Edit. It will create the .asoundrc file in the right place.

Thanks for the suggestion but when I tried it and pressed Edit all that was produced was a blank file named .asoundrc. I didn't know if I was supposed to populate the file with code or if the file should have been populated automatically. As I don't have the skills to know what this file should contain I pressed quit.
@ fredx181

It's just that volume control via scrolling at the icon is set to 'Master' in the tint2 panel settings, if you want you can change to PCM.
Then, open the tint2 settings GUI (icon almost at bottom left), click the tab at the bottom: "Executor 1" and change every instance of Master to PCM, and click Apply.

Thanks Fred, I tried this and it works as far as I can now turn the sound up and down as well as mute it with the mouse scroll wheel. However, it didn't alter the numerical value shown in the sound level adjustment icon, in the tray, as a percentage. Is there something in the tint2 settings I need to change to fix this though I'm not too worried if this doesn't work.



Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:43 pm
by rcrsn51
keniv wrote: Sat Nov 21, 2020 1:54 pm

Thanks for the suggestion but when I tried it and pressed Edit all that was produced was a blank file named .asoundrc. I didn't know if I was supposed to populate the file with code or if the file should have been populated automatically. As I don't have the skills to know what this file should contain I pressed quit.

You paste in the code that was provided by the Select button.

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 5:35 pm
by fredx181
Ken wrote:

it didn't alter the numerical value shown in the sound level adjustment icon, in the tray, as a percentage. Is there something in the tint2 settings I need to change to fix this though I'm not too worried if this doesn't work.

Yes, I notice too now, percentage doesn't correspond, no idea though how to fix.


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 4:52 pm
by keniv
rcrsn51 wrote: Sat Nov 21, 2020 4:43 pm

You paste in the code that was provided by the Select button.

This is what I have in /opt/conf/.asoundrc.

Code: Select all

# alsa_equalizer_debdog
#defaults.ctl.card 2
#defaults.pcm.card 2
#defaults.timer.card 2

ctl.equal {
  type equal;

pcm.plugequal {
  type equal;
  # Modify the line below if you don't
  # want to use sound card 0.
  slave.pcm "plughw:0,0";
  # or if you want to use with multiple applications output to dmix
  # slave.pcm "plug:dmix"

#pcm.equal {
  # Or if you want the equalizer to be your
  # default soundcard uncomment the following
  # line and comment the above line.
 pcm.!default {
  type plug;
  slave.pcm plugequal;

Does this look as it should? Does the line "#defaults.pcm.card 2" confirm I have two sound cards?
As the sound now seems to be working and adjustable I'm tempted to leave the setup as is. Is there a reason I shouldn't leave it as is?


Yes, I notice too now, percentage doesn't correspond, no idea though how to fix.

No problem Fred. If it had been an easy fix I would have tried it but the box showing the % isn't really necessary.



Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 5:13 pm
by fredx181
keniv wrote:

As the sound now seems to be working and adjustable I'm tempted to leave the setup as is. Is there a reason I shouldn't leave it as is?

Yes, just leave as is, no need to change I'd say.
To explain, the asoundrc in /opt/docs was for the equalizer setup,but there's now pequalizer for that.
Also just to explain about sound-card-selector, I think you need to first click Select, copy the output and then click Edit and paste it in. (but again, no need to change soundcard)


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2020 1:36 pm
by keniv

OK Fred, thanks for that, I will leave things as is.



For Buster, new SFS-Load method

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:39 pm
by fredx181

*** For testing new SFS-Load method ***

In Buster, SFS loading works by using "aufs", but for new 'Dog' development (next will be 'Bullseye'), probably aufs will be abandoned, so I tried to invent new method for SFS loading (using symlinks) that works on a system using "overlay" (instead of aufs). It works well on Buster too, from what I tested.
See also info here: viewtopic.php?p=11354#p11354

To have a full working SFS-load with new method using symlinks, install new versions of packages sfsload and porteusbootscripts.

sfsload v1.0.6 for Buster: EDIT: BUG FIX, v1.0.8: ... .8_all.deb
Includes new "loadmodule" script and SFS-Load GUI (Menu > System > SFS-Load GUI).
Right-click entries Activate/Deactivate module in pcmanfm.

porteusbootscripts v0.0.8 for Buster: ... .8_all.deb
Added unload function to the shutdown scripts and save2flash, to make sure any manually loaded module will be unloaded at shutdown/reboot.

After install above, in case you want to get back to earlier versions:

Code: Select all

apt install sfsload=1.0.5
apt install porteusbootscripts=0.0.7


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2020 1:36 pm
by trister

I made a script gets a list of my AppImage files and creates .Desktop files in:
2./usr/local/share/applications (these are links to the above files)

Topic is here : viewtopic.php?f=136&t=1655

It made my life easier. maybe it will make yours too :)

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:02 am
by trister

Just a note for create-portable32 & 64 bit DEBs:
The option to build from squashfs doesn't work (for me at least).
The created AppImage runs the first few minutes but it stops working after a while (and always after reset).
I ended up using appimagetool and custom AppRun scripts...

(you can check some of my educational ( etc) appimages here : viewtopic.php?f=98&t=1660
I'm planning on uploading the same programs is squashfs when I find time )

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:37 pm
by fredx181
trister wrote: Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:02 am

Just a note for create-portable32 & 64 bit DEBs:
The option to build from squashfs doesn't work (for me at least).
The created AppImage runs the first few minutes but it stops working after a while (and always after reset).
I ended up using appimagetool and custom AppRun scripts...

Thanks for report. Can you give example .squashfs that this happens with ?
Does the application just stop working or crash or...


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:38 pm
by trister
fredx181 wrote: Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:37 pm

Thanks for report. Can you give example .squashfs that this happens with ?
Does the application just stop working or crash or...


I found what the problem is...

Check this file : StingRayChess_0.98p_amd64.deb_v01.squashfs
I use your create-portable64 script on it ("StingRay" is the command to run).
It makes StingRay-portable file that runs ok.
When I delete/rename the original .squashfs it stops running.
I guess somehow the created portable app depends on the original squashfs.

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:57 pm
by fredx181
trister wrote: Tue Dec 22, 2020 9:38 pm
fredx181 wrote: Tue Dec 22, 2020 6:37 pm

Thanks for report. Can you give example .squashfs that this happens with ?
Does the application just stop working or crash or...


I found what the problem is...

Check this file : StingRayChess_0.98p_amd64.deb_v01.squashfs
I use your create-portable64 script on it ("StingRay" is the command to run).
It makes StingRay-portable file that runs ok.
When I delete/rename the original .squashfs it stops running.
I guess somehow the created portable app depends on the original squashfs.

Thanks @trister , yes , I could reproduce it, the appimage should be independent of course, not depend on the original path to the (chosen) .squashfs or .sfs, so that's a bug, should be fixed now in v2.2.0, install latest v2.2.0 with apt or install .deb:
64-bit: ... _amd64.deb
32-bit: ... 0_i386.deb
Please test if OK now and let me know.

EDIT: New attached create-portable v2.2 appimages, here: viewtopic.php?p=3328#p3328


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:58 pm
by trister
fredx181 wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:57 pm

Thanks @trister , yes , I could reproduce it, the appimage should be independent of course, not depend on the original path to the (chosen) .squashfs or .sfs, so that's a bug, should be fixed now in v2.2.0, install latest v2.2.0 with apt or install .deb:
64-bit: ... _amd64.deb
32-bit: ... 0_i386.deb
Please test if OK now and let me know.

EDIT: New attached create-portable v2.2 appimages, here: viewtopic.php?p=3328#p3328


Thanks fred .Now it works very good (tested the 64bit version).
It works much better than my custom AppImages :)

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2020 7:51 pm
by fredx181
trister wrote: Thu Dec 24, 2020 4:58 pm
fredx181 wrote: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:57 pm

Thanks @trister , yes , I could reproduce it, the appimage should be independent of course, not depend on the original path to the (chosen) .squashfs or .sfs, so that's a bug, should be fixed now in v2.2.0, install latest v2.2.0 with apt or install .deb:
64-bit: ... _amd64.deb
32-bit: ... 0_i386.deb
Please test if OK now and let me know.

EDIT: New attached create-portable v2.2 appimages, here: viewtopic.php?p=3328#p3328


Thanks fred .Now it works very good (tested the 64bit version).
It works much better than my custom AppImages :)

OK, good ! What or how exactly it works better ?
(btw, one thing I'd like to improve is the rather slow application start, when using .squashfs as base, don't know how yet)


Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Fri Dec 25, 2020 12:18 am
by trister

In my custom AppImages I unzipped my squashfs and moynt it as read only on /tmp/******* folder.
Your script "fuses" it with the file system (just like a loaded squashfs). This makes it much easier for me to handle configuration folders/files/saves etc.

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:12 pm
by trister

I have another question...
For example in one PC I have my frugal live folder in "/home/busterdog64/live"
In another I have it in "/home/dogbuster".
Is it possible to get the path of our live installation in a script (without hardcoding it) ?
I'm making some scripts and I have to modify them for each frugal installation -since I must use different folders in each one.

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 3:35 pm
by fredx181
trister wrote: Thu Dec 31, 2020 12:12 pm

I have another question...
For example in one PC I have my frugal live folder in "/home/busterdog64/live"
In another I have it in "/home/dogbuster".
Is it possible to get the path of our live installation in a script (without hardcoding it) ?
I'm making some scripts and I have to modify them for each frugal installation -since I must use different folders in each one.

Not sure if it's useful for you, but the path to the frugal install is in '/mnt/live/etc/homedrv', so this will show it:

Code: Select all

cat /mnt/live/etc/homedrv

Also '/var/log/porteus-livedbg' gives various info.

Re: BusterDog + build system (no-systemd)

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2020 5:22 pm
by trister

yes that was it .
Thanks :)