So following Sofiya's comments, I'll probably include gpdf in next release.
I'm also checking out some small webkit-based browsers (but has to be better than not so great Dillo...!) that, after some encouragement, are even working with youtube for me (and most every page I myself tend to visit including this forum, BBC news, Gmail, Google Drive, Facebook, and so on; I forgot to check Mega NZ...EDIT: Mega worked too. Then again, I still think people are better really to add their own preferred browser, but occasionally it is nice to have at least something that works out of the box (especially since cherrytree so great for cut and paste into from browser) until then if I can get one into the iso without more than say 30 to 50MB extra iso-size bloat (without youtube working that is possible, with youtube, maybe just about)?
Problem is whether the browser will be stable or keep crashing... Thus far so good so maybe good enough as smallish inclusion or in small basePLUS release.
EDIT: browser proving stable thus far - in relative terms a small addition and saves needing portable or bigger browser until wanted. I'll definitely make a basePLUS iso with it to see what final size is compared to current 694MiB without browser. RAM used by browser is hard to say - none can do well in that respect with complex web pages. Will need someone with a low-resourced machine (with say 2GB RAM or similar and Core2Duo or weaker processor) to try it later. Works fine on my Intel i7 laptop of course!