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FrugalPup v35 is available.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 4:30 am
by gyrog

FrugalPup 35, DiskPup 35, StickPup 35 and f2StickPup 35 - Puppy frugal installer.

Download extra sfs 'frugalpup_35.sfs' (or '') from ... /frugalpup (3 MiB).
Or download 'FrugalPup-i386.AppImage' or 'FrugalPup-x86_64.AppImage' or zupdate ".Appimage" with 'FrugalPup-i386.AppImage.zsync' or 'FrugalPup-x86_64.AppImage.zsync'

This version has updated 'bootentry' so that the grub2 boot entries now support multiple "initrd" files.
An optional 'ucode.cpio' (cpu moicrocode), before 'initrd.gz',
and a possible 'local-initrd.gz' after 'initrd.gz', a kind of "ydrv" for 'initrd.gz'.

It also has an updated "help" file.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 5:54 am
by bigpup

Thanks for the new version!

Good improvements to the help.

May I suggest a slight change to the information on partitioning.
Formating Partitions:

DiskPup and FrugalPup require an install partition and a boot partition to be available, before they can be used.
If appropriate partitions do not exist, they can be setup using 'GParted'.

ADD this:
For drives that have nothing on them and only Puppy is going to be installed.
Make two or more partitions on the the drive.
1st partition, a small 128MiB size, formatted fat32, and flagged boot. (boot partition)
2nd partition (using rest of drives unallocated space) or several partitions (give them some size to hold stuff), formatted in any format. However, best if format is Linux (ext 2, 3, or 4) or f2fs (install partition(s) )

Install partition:
The Puppy files for each frugal install reside in their own sub-directory on this large partition. Also, the Puppy "save" mechanism is usually written to this sub-directory.
It is preferable to format this partition with a "Linux" filesystem, e.g. "ext4" on a HD or SSD, "f2fs" on a usb stick or SD card.

Boot partition:
The bootloader, "Grub2", is installed in this small bootable "fat32" partition.
It does not need to be on the same device as the install partition.
On a "uefi" computer, it can be the same "fat32" partition as "Windows EFI", but it's usually more straight-forward if it's not.
This is usually the first partition on the device that uefi/BIOS should be configured to boot.

A simple approach, is to install Puppy to a usb device using a layout like that generated by f2StickPup, e.g. on 3.73GiB usb stick:
sdc1: fat32 small(128MiB)
sdc2: linux(f2fs) large(3.61GiB).

I suggested a 128MiB first partition, because you use that size in your example.
But 100Mib is more than enough size.
The boot loader files are using very little space.

Flagging the first partition boot, is just to make sure it is seen by all possible computers, as a boot device.
Some computer, boot startup processes, look for this boot flag.
If not seen, the drive is not seen as a boot-able drive.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:22 am
by gyrog

Thanks for the input.
Definitely should mention the 'boot' flag for the "boot partition", some machines insist on it, (mine doesn't care).
I'll think about more "example" info for internal drives.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:29 pm
by Clarity

@gyrog Correction sent.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2021 11:59 pm
by gyrog

The only binaries in FrugalPup is Grub2 and Grub4Dos, FrugalPup itself is entirely scrip[ts.
Every Puppy Linux that has FrugalPup on it has the complete FrugalPup source, so adding the "source" to any repository provides minimal gain in the availability of the FrugalPup source.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2021 5:26 pm
by bigpup

Does Frugalpup boot loader install, see other Linux OS's on the computer, and also setup entries to boot them?

Primarily asking if Ubuntu is already installed on computer.
You do a Puppy frugal install, to one of the many partitions, Ubuntu has made on the drive.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:46 am
by gyrog

Sorry it's taken so long to reply.

The "grub2" installed by any of the FrugalPup family, can boot any OS that is installed on the system,
provided the 'grub.cfg' in the root of the boot partition contains an appropriate boot entry for the OS.
But FrugalPup generates boot entries for only Puppy Linux.
That's why there is an 'Otherinstalls' utility to generate "grub2" boot entries for some other OS's.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:00 pm
by bigpup


Will you look at this reported problem. Getting Frugalpup Installer to make a working USB install.
Installing a boot loader, that will boot on UEFI, with secure boot enabled.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:18 am
by ChrisFH
bigpup wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:00 pm


Will you look at this reported problem. Getting Frugalpup Installer to make a working USB install.
Installing a boot loader, that will boot on UEFI, with secure boot enabled.

Yes, I'm the person who experienced this. I was quite confused. Please take a look at my original post about this.

Re: Frugalpup v35, Assembling Frugals with Boot loader on UEFI & Bios Computers

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 3:28 am
by gyrog
ChrisFH wrote: Tue Nov 09, 2021 7:18 am
bigpup wrote: Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:00 pm


Will you look at this reported problem. Getting Frugalpup Installer to make a working USB install.
Installing a boot loader, that will boot on UEFI, with secure boot enabled.

Yes, I'm the person who experienced this. I was quite confused. Please take a look at my original post about this.

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I haven't been on the forum for some time.

The "Security Violation", on the first boot of a machine with "Secure Boot" enabled, is expected because the Puppy "Machine Owner Key" has not been "enrolled" yet, but selecting "OK" and hitting the "Enter" key should give you a "Shim UEFI key management" screen, and you can proceed to "enroll" the key in the 'puppy.cer file.'

Please see ... p-mok.html for more information on the MOK "enrolling" process.

Re: FrugalPup v36, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2021 11:21 am
by gyrog

FrugalPup v36 is available.

FrugalPup 36, DiskPup 36, StickPup 36 and f2StickPup 36 - Puppy frugal installer.

Download extra sfs 'frugalpup_36.sfs' (or '') from ... /frugalpup (2.9 MiB).
Or download 'FrugalPup_AppDir-36.tar.gz (2.9 MiB)

This version has fully integrated SAVESPEC support for Puppies with a Woof year of 2021 or greater.

The GUI has been tweaked to always refer to "fat32", never "vfat",
and use "Separate save location" rather than "Separate save partition".

It also has an updated "help" file.

Note, Using the AppDir:
Extract the downloaded ".tar.gz" somewhere on a Linux partition, that is always mounted, producing a 'FrugalPup' directory that is the AppDir.
Use "PortableActivate", viewtopic.php?p=45091#p45091, to "activate" the AppDir so that it's available via a terrminal and the desktop menu.

Re: FrugalPup v37, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 6:25 am
by gyrog

FrugalPup v37 is available.

FrugalPup 37, DiskPup 37, StickPup 37 and f2StickPup 37 - Puppy frugal installer.

Download extra sfs 'frugalpup_37.sfs' (or '') from ... /frugalpup (2.9 MiB).
Or download 'FrugalPup_AppDir-37.tar.gz (2.9 MiB)

The internal file layout has changed, the '/usr/local/frugalpup' directory in the ".sfs" is now basically the same as the 'frugalpup' directory in the AppDir.
Installing FrugalPup will no longer populate '/usr/local/mi-utils'.
(This simplifies the maintenence of the various release formats.)

The 'Boot-type' dialog in the 'FrugalPup->Boot' facility, now provides the ability to install either 'uefi64', 'uefi32' or 'uefi';
'ueif64' installs the 64bit copy of uefi grub2,
'uefi32' installs the 32bit copy of uefi grub2,
'uefi' installs both.
FrugalPup has always contained both copies of uefi grub2, and it always installed both.
Apart from the slight saving in disk space, this only makes a real difference if grub2 is being installed to an ESP on a machine that requires 'uefi32'.
In that case, provided 'uefi32' is selected, 'bootia32.efi' will be specified in the UEFI/firmware boot entry instead of 'bootx64.efi'.

StickPup, f2StickPup, and DiskPup will continue to install both, as they are meant to produce media that will boot in pretty much any situation.

Current Puppy gives users the freedom to specify the "save location" anywhere, this includes the freedom to "shoot yourself in the foot".
Unfortunately this "trap" has not been documented.

This version of 'FrugalPup' includes a warning of this "trap" in the 'Save directory' dialog.

Some background:

The base filename for a Puppy savefolder/savefile is defined by the Puppy version, i.e. 'DISTRO_FILE_PREFIX' in '/etc/DISTRO_SPECS',
e.g. for 'xenialpup' it's always 'xenialpupsave'.

When a "save location" is specified, Puppy takes the specified directory, prepends the mount-point of the specified partition,
and then looks in this directory for files with names that start with the savefolder/savefile base filename for the Puppy being booted,
if it finds such a file then it uses it, and boots in an appropriate mode.


If multiple copies of the same Puppy are installed and the same "save location" is specified for each of them,
they will all use the same savefolder/savefile.
Only the first boot of the first copy installed will actually boot as a "first boot".
The first boot of any following copies will find the existing savefolder/savefile and boot accordingly.

In this context, a re-master is just another copy of the parent Puppy.

Solution for frugal installs:

When specifying a "save location", make it unique for each frugal install using a unique sub-directory.
While it's not necessary when there is never more than a single copy of any Puppy installed,
it's a safe habit to aquire.
e.g. Install xenialpup in '/pups/xenial' on 'sdb9', and use a "save location" in '/psaves/xenial' on 'sdc9'.

Of course this issue does not arise if a "default" frugal install is performed, i.e. do not specify a "Separate save loaction".
Puppy will assume that the "save location" is the same as the "install location" and the savefolder/savefile will appear beside the other Puppy files of the frugal install.

Note, Using the AppDir:
Extract the downloaded ".tar.gz" somewhere on a Linux partition, that is always mounted, producing a 'FrugalPup' directory that is the AppDir.
See viewtopic.php?t=4789 for more details.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2022 12:26 pm
by gyrog

FrugalPup v38 is available.

FrugalPup 38, DiskPup 38, StickPup 38 and f2StickPup 38 - Puppy frugal installer.

Download 'frugalpup_38.sfs' or '' or 'FrugalPup_AppDir-38.tar.gz' from ... /frugalpup (3 MiB).


1. Fixes a bug in the "Boot" facility whereby if you opt to "Replace" the grub config file, under some circumstances the generated 'grub.cfg' is missinng significant parts.

2. An attempt is now made to determine the version of gtk that the currrent 'yad' is linked with.
If it is dectected that the current 'yad' uses any version other that gtk2, the 'yad' "--center" option is not used for any screen.
This is done because, if dual monitors are being used, a gtk3 'yad' places a "--center" screen in the center of the single logical screen, i.e. half on each monitor.
Having to drag every screen onto only one of the monitors, is quite annoying.
Note: this situation arises on Norgo's slacko64-8.2.2.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:06 am
by thinkpadfreak


Frugalpup is included in recent puppies. So I suggest it should be made ready for internationalization / localization for those whose native language is not English.

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 4:42 pm
by MrAccident

In Puppy Installer ― there isn't the option "Frugalpup - Install/manage Installs". Maybe the reason is that I removed the Builtin one. I followed the instruction ― it may be necessary to run Menu>Setup>Remove Builtin packages in order to frugalpup_20.sfs to be recognized. What do I do now?
[FossaPup 9.0.5]

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:23 pm
by bigpup

Try downloading and installing the Frugalpup Installer v38.

You can get the pet package in the first post of this topic.

If that does not work where it shows up in the menu.

The frugalpup file may be white listed because of how you removed it.

This is how to recover something you deleted that was built in.

Installing Frugalpup Installer v38 should update a older version already installed.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2023 9:54 am
by MrAccident

@bigpup - the Pet version worked. Thanks.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:13 am
by gyrog
thinkpadfreak wrote: Mon Jan 09, 2023 6:06 am

Frugalpup is included in recent puppies. So I suggest it should be made ready for internationalization / localization for those whose native language is not English.

I agree.

Unfortunately I'm not sure when, or if, I will get around to doing it.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 5:41 am
by thinkpadfreak
gyrog wrote: Thu Apr 27, 2023 12:13 am

I agree.

Unfortunately I'm not sure when, or if, I will get around to doing it.

If the script is ready for localization by way of "gettext," I will translate the messages into Japanese.
Likewise, other members of the forum will work on translation in their own languages.
I hope this project will come true some day.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:43 pm
by gyrog

Strange things happen, I've just started the project to 'gettext' all text messages.
So far I've managed to complete 'frugalpup' itself, which is just the first screen.
It all still displays properly in english.

But, I can't test if my approach will produce a reasonably translateable ".po" file.
So, I would appreciate some help to see if I'm on the right track, before I commit to 'gettext' the rest of the dialogs.
(I tried this once before, and found it rather difficult to marry very long 'yad' calls with 'gettext'.)

I have attached a tar file that contains the test files adaquate for 'frugalpup' to display the first page.
It also contains a 'frugalpup.po' file, produced by 'xgettext'.
Can the included 'frugalpup.po' be readily translated, producing a '' which works in the test 'frugalpup'?
And should the version number be translated?

"tar xf frugalpup-i18n.tar.gz" in an empty directory
(3.91 KiB) Downloaded 49 times

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2023 3:40 pm
by thinkpadfreak
gyrog wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 12:43 pm

I have attached a tar file that contains the test files adaquate for 'frugalpup' to display the first page.
It also contains a 'frugalpup.po' file, produced by 'xgettext'.
Can the included 'frugalpup.po' be readily translated, producing a '' which works in the test 'frugalpup'?
And should the version number be translated?

I am a little bit surprised (and of course, glad) that you have begun working so soon.

Since it is late at night over here in Japan, I will look into the matter tomorrow.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 4:08 am
by thinkpadfreak

I think it is necessary to put the 2 lines at the beginning of the script:

Code: Select all


export TEXTDOMAIN=frugalpup

do_exit() {
	[ "$CACHE_FN" ] && [ -f "$CACHE_FN" ] && rm "$CACHE_FN"
	[ -f "$TMP_LIST" ] && rm "$TMP_LIST"
	if [ "$1" ]; then
		yad $YAD_STD_OPTS --title "${Tt}" --width=220 --text-align=center \
			--text "${1}" \
	exit $2

I used MoManager to create

I didn't translate the labels of the buttons intentionally, but it is possible to translate them.
The version number need not be translated. In Japan we use digits as they are.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:32 am
by gyrog

Thanks for the response.

Given that I have no idea if the Japanese makes any sense, the screen looks good to me.
I will take on board your suggestion regarding the variable "export" at the beginning of the script,
and about not needing to translate the version number.

I notice that you did not translate the screen "title".
Is this a normal practce?
If so I will stop doing 'gettext' on it.

I will continue to provide 'gettext' for the button labels.

For now I will start "fixing" the rest of the dialogs in FrugalPup.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:49 pm
by thinkpadfreak
gyrog wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:32 am

I notice that you did not translate the screen "title".
Is this a normal practce?
If so I will stop doing 'gettext' on it.

I think "FrugalPup" is a kind of proper noun like a person's name. We will not need to translate such a word even if it means anything.

gyrog wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:32 am

I will continue to provide 'gettext' for the button labels.

I agree. There may be some people who want to translate them.

Thanks for your efforts.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 1:50 pm
by gyrog

Thankyou @thinkpadfreak for you help.

My plan is to report back here when I have finished, with a FrugalPup v39, a test release.
I would then release FrugalPup v40 as production.

I do not know how long this will take. But I have no other plans for FrugalPup to interfere with the process.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:31 pm
by gyrog

What about the "markup" text, e.g. "<span foreground='purple'>", does this remain un-translated?
I notice that some of the Japanese is in the different colours just like the english.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 2:35 am
by thinkpadfreak
gyrog wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 2:31 pm

What about the "markup" text, e.g. "<span foreground='purple'>", does this remain un-translated?

I used MoManager, which picks up strings to be translated automatically. It did not pick up the markup text.

If the markup text is translated into a different language than English, the script will not function properly.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2023 3:35 am
by gyrog

Thanks, I think it's all clear now.

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Tue May 02, 2023 12:34 pm
by gyrog

Just one more question:
What about puncuation marks? i.e. ,.:
Should they be made available for translation, or excluded from translation?

Re: FrugalPup v38, very flexible Puppy frugal installer

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 3:16 pm
by thinkpadfreak

Sorry to be late in response.

gyrog wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 12:34 pm

What about puncuation marks? i.e. ,.:
Should they be made available for translation, or excluded from translation?

If they are included in a sentence or sentences, just make them available for translation. In Japanese for example, we have the counterparts for them.