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Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Fri Sep 24, 2021 2:49 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9 released

* Fixed PulseAudio when running apps as spot (thanks @dimkr )
* Fixed network management and connectivity.
* Fixed initrd.
* Fixed and improved Internet Connection Wizard. Added support for connman.

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: 2bc4bb00c6c67fc2ccf0787bd42c8f37

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 6:27 am
by Clarity

A Review
Downloaded the latest ISO file to my SG2D USB stick ("/BOOTISOS" folder). Selected the QuickPUP 21.08-b9 selection and it boots directly to desktop. Network services are working and multimedia is working as expected.

Time to download and start the ISO file boot is 62 seconds. After reaching desktop FirstRUN set and away we go. It boots a little slower than PUPs as its boot process is a bit more deliberate as it details its steps.

Continuing to test.

BTW: Save sessions work as it does for all PUPs AND is found on reboot of the ISO file. ... EXCELLLENT :thumbup:

This ISO file booting behaves as all frugals do without any need to setup a frugal. The ISO file is the FRUGAL. Anyone willing to review ISO file booting OOTB with NO ERRORS try this and review for yourself. Its truly a simple approach taking the issues and the guesswork out of the equation to get your PUPs to its desktop.

Thanks @mistfire

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:59 pm
by rhtoras

I download the iso i burn via dd command in a usb and when i try to boot there is a black screen. It says something but i cannot remember what. What is the process to boot on desktop ? What shall i type ? There is a root environment if i remember correctly. Thanks anyway!

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 1:15 pm
by mistfire
rhtoras wrote: Sat Sep 25, 2021 12:59 pm

I download the iso i burn via dd command in a usb and when i try to boot there is a black screen. It says something but i cannot remember what. What is the process to boot on desktop ? What shall i type ? There is a root environment if i remember correctly. Thanks anyway!


DON'T DD your usb. Just install syslinux on your usb and configure it if you want Legacy BIOS boot. If you want UEFI boot just mount iso image and put all its contents to FAT32 formatted usb. Don't forget to turn off the secure boot

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2021 8:41 pm
by Clarity

@rhtoras do this:

  1. Make the USB shown here using dd

  2. Add QuickPUP64 "ISO file" to the /BOOTISOS folder on the USB

  3. Boot it and select QuickPUP64

In the future for any additional QuickPUP64s (or any other PUPs), merely add their ISO files to that very same USB and boot. That will work without issues.

Today's PUPs ISO files are "self contained" bootable Frugals.

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:30 pm
by rhtoras

thanks guys i will try these...

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 9

Posted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:44 pm
by mistfire
rhtoras wrote: Sun Sep 26, 2021 2:30 pm

now it says no bootable usb this not a bootable device...
what i did fpr uefi is mount the iso and put all contents in fat32 usb. I was sure it wont work this way although i tried it. Could it be a secure boot thing ? Because i did not turned it off because i could not.

Turn off the secure boot. Also don't forget to set the first boot was USB in UEFI

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 10

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 1:37 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 10 released

* Linux kernel 5.14.8-lxpup64
* Improved Package Management
* Additional Slackware repos added (slackonly, slackers, and slackel)
* Updated packages
* More bugfixes

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: 3c0c78fe7df2d43a4148b5e457a70890

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 10

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2021 9:16 pm
by Clarity


Downloaded the ISO file to /BOOTISOS on the USB. SG2D presented QuickPUP64-v10, selected it and voila...desktop. All done in less than 6 minutes and testing now! NO issues start to finish.

Performance is quick-smooth-stable.

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 11

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 2:01 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 11 released

* Fixed VPN problems
* Updated NetworkManager and BlueZ
* Fixed Redmond-Delta theme
* More bugfixes

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: c77d9df948208a356d10b70f73383347

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 11

Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:24 pm
by Clarity

Downloaded the ISO file to /BOOTISOS and booted directly without ANY issues.

Continuing to test, BUT behavior is wonderful. Thanks!

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 12

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 9:55 am
by mistfire

QuickPup 21.08 BETA 12 released

* New apps added

  • gtkterm (hyperterminal)

  • tigervnc (vnc client)

  • x11vnc (vnc server)

  • ghex (hex editor)

  • pureadmin (gui for pureftpd ftp server)

  • gnome-system-log (log viewer)

  • winff replaced ffconvert

  • grdesktop replaced x-rdp

  • baobab disk analyzer replaced gdmap

* Removed some bloat on root filesystem
* pgprs redirects to modem-manager-gui (if installed)
* Fixes on package management

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: 391cc1fde08bc57224ba3d59be08e955

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 12

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2021 6:23 pm
by Clarity

Stable and responsive.

Downloaded the ISO file in 49 seconds and booted in QEMU is 35 sec. No issues in desktop.

QEMU QuickPUP64-v12.jpg
QEMU QuickPUP64-v12.jpg (19.87 KiB) Viewed 29823 times

Also booted on 'real' PC via its ISO file on a SG2D USB as well: No issues to report in all tests.

GREAT combinations of abilities in this distro!

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 13

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:27 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 13 released

* Fixed broken CUPS functionality
* With system privacy settings
* New applications added

  • grsync (rsync gui frontend)

  • gworldclock (world clock)

  • system-config-printer (CUPS GUI frontend)

  • gigolo (remote filesystem manager)

* Smaller main SFS compared to previous one
* Some bugfixes

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: 4faca22b7ffe8bbe32702f31e562a2c6

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 13

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2021 3:48 pm
by Clarity

Same results in getting to desktop as reported earlier. QEMU boots ISO file in 21 sec while SG2D USB boots in less than 40 secs.

QEMU QuickPUP64-v13.jpg
QEMU QuickPUP64-v13.jpg (34.99 KiB) Viewed 29741 times

No issues in any PUP operations, thus far.

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 13

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 9:09 pm
by Clarity

Is there a QP64 ISO with kernel 5.15 available?
Just curious.

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 13

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:02 am
by mistfire
Clarity wrote: Mon Nov 01, 2021 9:09 pm

Is there a QP64 ISO with kernel 5.15 available?
Just curious.

To be released pretty soon. I currently test the NTFS3 native driver

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 14

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 11:59 am
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 14 released

* Linux kernel 5.15 with NTFS3 support (thanks @peebee )
* Improved NTFS3 mounting. (It means NTFS3 is the default driver for mounting NTFS filesystem if it was supported by kernel)
* Improved handling of Dconf
* Mesa DRI drivers and some runtime libraries are now moved to a separate SFS module.
* Smaller main puppy SFS module
* Some fixes on ADRV SFS module
* Added XFCE Sensor Viewer
* Added neofetch
* Some bugfixes

* This is a bleeding edge for those who are using NTFS-formatted storage devices. Use it under your own risk.

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: da785838862d206d5e31009574e6bb62

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 14

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 9:32 pm
by Clarity

In QP64-v13, I booted QP64-v14 in a Virtual PC

QEMU QuickPUP64-v14.jpg
QEMU QuickPUP64-v14.jpg (12.86 KiB) Viewed 30711 times

Next, booted using the SG2D USB & also the Ventoy USB on a non-secureboot PC without any issues to desktop.

Session saving is as usual on PCs (real/virtual).

No issues to report. I will test on my secure-boot PCs with NTFS drives when time permits.

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 15

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 1:59 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup 21.08 BETA 15 released

* Fixed Transmission Torrent client and PulseAudio
* Fixed default keyboard shortcut
* gnome-screenshot replaced xfce4-screenshooter
* Fixed Redmond-Delta-10 theme
* New apps added

  • acupsd (ups manager)

  • gtick (metronome)

  • putty (multi-purpose terminal)

  • gtorrentviewer (torrent file viewer)

  • paman (pulseaudio manager)

* Some bugfixes

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: d772b1b637a449a030f6a92cf103e703

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 15

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2021 2:50 pm
by Clarity

Wow, downloaded the ISO file to the USB and booted it in QEMU all in 62 seconds flat.

Putting the USB into a 'real' PC booted straight-away.

Thanks for the fresh approaches you are providing!

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 16

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:41 am
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 16 released

* Removed duplicates on root filesystem
* PPM and pkg can now able to deal with hard-linked files which creates duplicate files that eats precious disk space. (Thanks @BarryK for his idea from dealing with DRI files which lead to improve these package managers)

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: 8a3e04b9c26434516752ab170935c7f8

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 17

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:13 am
by mistfire

QuickPup64 BETA 17 released

* Linux kernel 5.15.3-lxpup64
* Seamonkey replaced Light browser
* Simple scan replaced xsane
* Fixed system-config-printer samba browsing
* Improved initrd
* Improved package updater
* More bugfixes

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: a5e7a654a4687235d08be0a0d2564b77

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 18

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 1:08 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 18 released

* Linux kernel 5.15.6-lxpup64
* Improved package management
* Improved package updater
* Fixed timezone configuration

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: 7e19f497be0312aa3a6d1b4e95602da8

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 18

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 3:32 pm
by Clarity

Successful boots via

  • QEMU

  • SG2D

  • Ventoy

All PUPPY subsystems operating without issues.

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 19

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 12:27 pm
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 19 released

* LUKS replaced cryptoloop as encryption method for savefile
* Improved initrd. Fixed luks decryption for encrypted puppy save file
* Improved shutdown.
* Improved package management.

Download: ... t1LgbXkQiJ
MD5 Checksum: e913f2f7d4165f689eb284c40ad3bdc8

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 19

Posted: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:41 am
by Clarity

Hello @mistfire Hope your holidays are great.

On a pristine boot, the system's root show 2 files I am unfamiliar with; namely "sd_mod & sr_mod". What are these files. In the past, I have also seen sc_mod.

Are they crucial in either booting, system operations, or some subsystem use?

I have noticed how this system boots differently than most of the WoofCE PUPs depending on tool(s) used for ISO file boot launch.

System runs very well. Thanks for your good work.

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 19

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:01 am
by mistfire
Clarity wrote: Mon Dec 27, 2021 3:41 am

Hello @mistfire Hope your holidays are great.

On a pristine boot, the system's root show 2 files I am unfamiliar with; namely "sd_mod & sr_mod". What are these files. In the past, I have also seen sc_mod.

Are they crucial in either booting, system operations, or some subsystem use?

I have noticed how this system boots differently than most of the WoofCE PUPs depending on tool(s) used for ISO file boot launch.

System runs very well. Thanks for your good work.

I have no idea why those files produced at root level directory. I might be needed on other purpose.
QuickPup64 system boot was fully customized with tweaks.

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 20

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:05 am
by mistfire

QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 20 released

* Linux kernel 5.15.11-lxpup64
* Improved package management for commercial linux application such as Viber, Discord, etc.
* Improved pulseaudio configuration.
* Improved sfs loading
* Improved boot and shutdown process

Download: ... sp=sharing
MD5 Checksum: abd3bbc7a6c4c4129a39c6cbf0386066

Re: QuickPup64 21.08 BETA 20

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2021 10:52 am
by ally

gdrive link sharing failure
