I came to this thread after I found the forum "thanks" format changed.
It is incredulous that a single post from a person who joined the forum on June 19, 2023, has a total of 8 post and who has contributed very little has influenced a feature that has been in place for years.
The "thanks" feature gives users a way to express appreciation or signal agreement/consensus for a post or reply without inflating the forum with brief "thank you" post. There are no awards or privileges or monetary gains for being thanked here.
We are lucky enough to have members who go above and beyond when sharing their knowledge. They freely give time from their lives to help others, time they could easily use for other pursuits.
They should be thanked and those numbers should be shown in their messages as it has been. They have earned that small bit of recognition.
To believe that members here somehow compete for those numbers is an adolescent mentality brought
over from social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.
Get over it.
@superhik , why not try doing something useful and constructive with your time.
@rockedge , Superhik has been offered a solution. I would assume the solution is enough (don't expect a "thanks"). Put the feature back for the rest of us.