I'm gonna try a dummy run one of these days. With a local clone of debiandog.github.io/MakeLive unless it isn't reasonably lightweight.
Without re-scripting it could also be set up as a saved VM snapshot from the chroot stage if new .iso deb-src sources could be apt added by then.
Latest run was without any of your mklive Extra Dog Packages or Desktop Environment Packages so I guess it's like a naked MakeLive then?
I checked text editor package download and installed sizes and found ne (as in nice editor https://packages.debian.org/buster/ne) which shaves about 1.2mb off vs. nano and seems quite a bit more beginner userfriendly as well. Leafpad is surprisingly lean as well at 90/465kb dl/instld.
Checking browsers next for something lean yet functional. Then create a fat SFS with a full firefox with extensions and account sync and so on to use ad hoc on the side.
Same for all the Dog and Puppy tools and see if/how that works as a SFS module loaded either on-the-fly or on boot.
I'm testing inside a portable virtualbox (https://www.vbox.me) on a 4GB RAM disk with quite fun boot times at around 2-3 secs which is helpful when trying to learn the various boot methods and how to use persistence .dat files.
Fantastic to see a bare-bone RAM bootable Debian with WM at >200mb pulling around 100mb RAM idle. It's a great base you've built for us Fred, thanks again.
LOL!bark-woof-fetch wrote: Sat Sep 12, 2020 11:19 am EDIT: Ooops.., Me, fredx181 edited accidentally your post, sorry!