If the upcoming Jammy Jellyfish version is as good, we're in for a treat!
I also plan to switch to Jammy if nothing prevents. Moreover, I already have two ideas for creating desktop wallpapers for JJ with a puppy flavor.
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If the upcoming Jammy Jellyfish version is as good, we're in for a treat!
I also plan to switch to Jammy if nothing prevents. Moreover, I already have two ideas for creating desktop wallpapers for JJ with a puppy flavor.
Different devices. Different approach.
I tried to build Jammypup. An epic failure At the fourth last step, libhiredis cannot be found, although I kind of added it
I don't even know whether to continue or just wait for Philip to do everything A good plan.
Different devices. Different approach.
As a result, I still managed to build iso and devx of Jammypup using woof-ce. It runs in Qemu, but there is no virgl and opengl. I need to look for something somewhere.
Although I'm just "playing" and will wait for the version from @666philb .
Unfortunately, scrolling with the mouse wheel between tabs does not work for me (just like in imppup). And for me it is critical and I most likely will not use such a system
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Sat Feb 12, 2022 9:06 pmAs a result, I still managed to build iso and devx of Jammypup using woof-ce.
I played with jammy64, too. I want to make sure all latest woof-CE features work in jammy64 and add jammy64 to the list of weekly builds.
I created a jammy64 template at https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE/pull/2857 - it's alpha-grade, but very close to bullseye64 and sid64, and surprisingly usable considering the tiny effort.
You have the tenth version right away I named 9.7a for myself.
I'm looking at your DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS now. It seems my line about mesa is much shorter
By the way. What can be prescribed during building so that PPM becomes version 2.1.2?
Different devices. Different approach.
hi @grey,
i uploaded the older package manager to the fossapup repo so as long as you've allowed fossa's repo in DISTRO_PET_REPOS this line grabs it ....
Code: Select all
i am playing with a jammypup at the moment and it's trivial to go from impish to jammy just use the files from imppup renaming and adding the few missing libs. DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu-impish, DISTRO_PET_REPOS, DISTRO_SPECS, DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-ubuntu-impish, Packages-puppy-impish64-official (change impish to jammy in the name and also inside the file)
there's lot's of packages already compiled for impish that work in jammy (deadbeef needs recompiling) available here http://distro.ibiblio.org/puppylinux/test/imp/
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666philb wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 3:05 pmDISTRO_PKGS_SPECS-ubuntu-impish, DISTRO_PET_REPOS, DISTRO_SPECS, DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-ubuntu-impish, Packages-puppy-impish64-official
Hi. I'm probably blind today. Please poke my nose at the folder with these files using a direct link
Different devices. Different approach.
each puppy contains its own build recipe in /var/packages so grab imppups from there (or dmikrs). note that the names differ slightly to what's in woofce and so will need to be renamed.
/var/packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS = DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-ubuntu-jammy in woofce.
i can give a more detailed example if you need it
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666philb wrote: Mon Feb 14, 2022 5:17 pm/var/packages/DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS = DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS-ubuntu-jammy in woofce.
Oh, thank you! I unpacked imppup64's iso and then mounted puppy_imppup64_9.6.1.sfs Now I will try to make a version of jammy with virgl running in Qemu
Different devices. Different approach.
@Grey good to see you using woofce!! i
if your build is booting the first thing i would run is
Code: Select all
checkdeps -system
to see if stuff is missing (even if no X)
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You can also use deps:yes
, as in https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/w ... ee30a7R543. This instructs woof-CE to add missing dependencies to this package, recursively.
EDIT: something like yes|pipewire|pipewire-pulse,libspa-0.2-bluetooth|exe,dev,doc,nls||deps:yes
, in case GitHub doesn't show the right line correctly
Thanks! I've seen deps:yes in your test iso and vaguely guessed why it was needed, but to be honest I didn't dare to use it and left it "for later".
By the way, the design theme is good there, but too much - even the name Buntoo - "ubuntu-like"
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Tue Feb 15, 2022 6:40 amBy the way, the design theme is good there, but too much - even the name Buntoo - "ubuntu-like"
You can use the Tahrpup theme - I just ported it to GTK+ 3 and made it part of woof-CE in https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE/pull/2853
@dimkr, please explain in general terms the purpose of libicudata_stub.
I have an iso going only if libicu70 and libicu67 are present together. But then checkdeps complains about data from libicu67.
And also cat /tmp/xerrs.log
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Wed Feb 16, 2022 12:39 am@dimkr, please explain in general terms the purpose of libicudata_stub.
libicudata_stub replaces one part of libicu, libcudata, with a tiny library that does nothing. This is done for every version of libicu you have.
666philb wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:02 pmkernel staying at 5.4 for now as anything newer will not boot on my rizen in impish. newer kernels boot in fossapup so i think there's some issue with xorg nouveau stuff (in fact i know there is as some strange goings on )
Hm... Maybe I was in a hurry and chose the fresh 5.16.9 for experiments in vain ?
If nothing works out, then I will stay on Fossa, in which k5.16.9 works perfectly paired with Nvidia 510.54.
Different devices. Different approach.
Okay. I built fossapup version 9.6 for the test using woof-CE. I didn't change anything in woof-distro, everything is by default. I run iso in Qemu.
Scrolling with the mouse wheel between tabs does not work. In "classic" 9.5 it works (for example, tabs in Quickpet).
In addition, here are the contents of the logs:
Of course, there are no accelerations in HardInfo in the Display section (there should be virgl):
Different devices. Different approach.
I took the Fossa version from Git from Actions, well, artifact number 139. The same results as in the previous post with my build.
Different devices. Different approach.
hi @grey ,
does window shading work with the scroll wheel ? (put cursor on title bar and use scroll wheel. window should roll up)
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Hi. Yes, it works everywhere. 9.5, 9.6, 9.6-139 & imppup.
Changing the active window also works if you turn the mouse wheel in the bottom panel.
Different devices. Different approach.
But scrolling tabs in Quickpet, PPM settings and others only in 9.5. But there is an exception - Osmo - scrolling works everywhere in it.
Different devices. Different approach.
hmmm ... possibly a gtk3 v gtk2 thing.
yep ... see this post https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/1848
removed from gtk3
gtkdialog was updated in woofce by @01micko & @dimkr so that it can render in gtk3 or gtk2.
the default is gtk3 but can be changed to gtk2 either at build time or by editing individual puppy gtkdialog scripts.
for example you can have the PPM either gtk2 or 3 by editing the line near the end of /usr/local/petget/pkg_chooser.sh
gtkdialog -p PPM_GUI
= gtk3
gtk2dialog -p PPM_GUI
= gtk2
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Oh, these gtk
It seems that the Software world is moving along the path of the physical world. The version numbers are increasing, and the functionality is being cut. This corresponds to "now I'm going to paint the facade of the house and no one will understand that it is 300 years old and it will soon fall apart". But the number (paint) is fresh
Different devices. Different approach.
Grey wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 4:47 pmI also plan to switch to Jammy if nothing prevents. Moreover, I already have two ideas for creating desktop wallpapers for JJ with a puppy flavor.
Well, I tried to make some sketches. For example, something like this:
Different devices. Different approach.
666philb wrote: Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:02 pmkernel staying at 5.4 for now as anything newer will not boot on my rizen in impish. newer kernels boot in fossapup so i think there's some issue with xorg nouveau stuff (in fact i know there is as some strange goings on )
Hi! Hm... Really. It works in Qemu (because virgl is there), but in the real system everything is not so smooth.
Most likely, everything stops at Waiting for modules to complete loading...?
A few observations:
1. Fossapup. The old (5.4.x) kernel works with both nvidia and nouveau. New ones (5.10.x, 5.15.x, 5.16.x) are launched, but with llvm instead of nouveau (Conky is not transparent). If the nvidia driver is installed, then everything is fine.
2. Jammypup. Here it all starts with how it ended last time The old (5.4.x) kernel works again at any position, but now with llvm instead of nouveau. New ones (5. 15.x, 5.16.x) do not start at all.
Different devices. Different approach.
hi @Grey
see barrys post here https://bkhome.org/news/202202/kernel-51610-broken.html
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666philb wrote: Wed Mar 02, 2022 6:11 pmhi @Grey
see barrys post here https://bkhome.org/news/202202/kernel-51610-broken.html
I also don't have the patience to read all the changes in the kernels. Maybe try 5.17-rc6?
Different devices. Different approach.
So, I put together some kind of Jammypup with a kernel of 5.4.181. Let's call it 9.7a
I know that the mpv icon in the main menu may be missing. I know that the Diffuse Tool is duplicated in two sections of the main menu at once.
If you have the time and desire, please check how it works on different video cards.
https://mega.nz/file/s01FySJD#2AZa1Tow- ... 2vydLmFR98
https://mega.nz/file/lx03UQQR#WE4XmhPJr ... CQ7BwU84Vo
Kernel sources:
https://mega.nz/file/losBjKaB#NdnOrXYu- ... Gn7J5zpTAs
Nvidia drivers:
https://mega.nz/file/ht1nWaYb#UAgHThR5c ... Tatm3QvkFs
...and Nvidia DOC for completeness:
https://mega.nz/file/o9twiIoT#7cy3IT8Fe ... k8K4p7vATo
Different devices. Different approach.
good work @Grey ,
running nicely in qemu.
what you'll find now (as is happening in my builds) is builds will break as ubuntu are updating packages such as python3.9 to 3.10 and libicu67 > 70
the builds will break until they freeze development in late march early april.
https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/jammy-je ... dule/23906
this will also break some of the impish pets i uploaded such as samba (i've uploaded a new one but that may break soon as well)
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666philb wrote: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:53 ambuilds will break as ubuntu are updating packages such as python3.9 to 3.10 and libicu67 > 70
Thanks. I'm still going to use your version. In this case, I was checking the operation of woof-ce
This libicu has already managed to spoil my nerves and blood
I couldn't do scrolling with the mouse wheel between tabs
By the way, which clipboard manager do you like best? CopyQ, Diodon, ClipIt? I think I liked CopyQ. But I'm already used to ClipIt. On the other hand, Diodon seems to be the simplest and cutest for the average user.
Different devices. Different approach.