mikeslr wrote: Thu Jul 28, 2022 2:33 pmIf dpup-Stretch does not already have frugalpup you can download it from here, https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 416#p50416. In fact, I'd recommend that you install the latest (improved) pet if dpup-stretch has a builtin; or download and sfs-load the latest sfs if you didn't install an older pet. [Applications installed and, thus, in a SaveFile/Folder have priority over loaded SFSes].
I just followed this advice and downloaded the latest version - but I have to say it looks quite daunting for a newcomer. Without having used it yet - I actually think the appearance of the inbuilt "Diskpup Frugal installer" looks much simpler. (although I haven't yet compared their functionality...)
Does anyone have any pointers to a really simple - step by step - installer that would allow a basic user to get a standard/basic pup installed as a frugal to usb?
(Maybe the problem is that Puppy structure has changed so much over the last few years... Nothing is simple any more. Too many init variations, too many bios/uefi variations, too many changes to xdrvs, too many boot methods... Dunno - just seems tricky to find a simple tutorial. I know what I personally do manually, but which puppy utility makes it straightforward and guaranteed to get a frugal_to_usb install running...?)