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Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 3:06 pm
by gyrog
Thanks for testing, I think you found that things are working as expected at this stage.
@01micko, I gave eslacko64- a spin, and lo it worked, just like my local "patched" 'eslacko64-'.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 9:37 pm
by baldronicus
Hi @gyrog . I had tried something else before reading your post with the additional SAVESPEC info. Thank you for the additional information and clarification.
I don't know that it would be of interest, but I tried putting a savefolder on a system hard drive, while booting from the f2PupStick based USB, setting up a SAVESPEC file in advance. Just to see if it might work.
First attempt failed, as I had forgotten to set the "psave=" parameter, so the partition wasn't found during boot (I presume). SAVESPEC file was updated (by 'shutdownconfig, I presume) to P_MEDIA='atahd' (I might have P_MEDIA wrong, PUP_MEDIA maybe, I've forgotten).
After setting the SAVESPEC file back to intended settings, adding the "psave=" parameter, rebooting and saving, it worked. Tested the save by changing the screen background which did update.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:53 pm
by gyrog
That's odd, if a SAVESPEC file exists in the install directory, before first boot, that contains an "SS_ID=" entry, the 'init' script should set the variable PSAVEPART in the PUPSTATE file, and it should be honoured by the save code in 'init' and 'shutdownconfig', without the need to set "psave=" boot parameter.
A SAVESPEC file should replace a "psave=" boot parameter.
I'll try with an f2StickPup install of 'eslacko64-'.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2020 11:55 pm
by gyrog
Please see viewtopic.php?p=10222#p10222 for 'mk-savespec-1.sfs' utility.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:29 am
by gyrog
Sorry @baldronicus, it works for me.
I did a fresh 'f2StickPup' install of 'eslacko64-'.
I then added a SAVESPEC file to the install directory, that referenced an ext4 partition on my internal HD, using the 'mk-savespec' utility mentioned in my previous post.
Then booted the usb stick, (first boot), to desktop, as expected.
On first shutdown 'shutdownconfig' did not ask me for a partition or give me a chance to change the sub-directory,
'rc.shutdown' then saved my session to the directory and partition referenced in the SAVESPEC file.
On reboot, 'init' found the savefolder on the HD, and did a normal pupmode=12 boot.
Everything the way it is supposed to go. No "psave=" boot parameter used.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 12:48 am
by ttuuxxx
Just testing it out, Took a couple minutes to revert to a layout I like , Tried Opera portable but it wouldn't start, I'll look into it. I normally run Opera in Bionic .
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:25 am
by baldronicus
Hi @gyrog . I think it should be me that is sorry.
I am glad it worked with your trial, and I apologise for making more work.
I was using the same f2StickPup that I had been using for earlier tests, and although I had thought I had set it back correctly, it could have been in any state. I was also posting from recollection, so I could also have messed things up there.
I guess I should mention that baldronicus= Baldrick (as in the Black Adder side kick character with the cunning plans that always fail) and Moronicus Maximus (which is self explanatory). Unfortunately many of my attempts to "help" are not very helpful.
Again I apologise for creating more work, but I am glad that the correct function has been properly confirmed.
Thanks again.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 6:31 am
by gyrog
Relax @baldronicus, more testing is good.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 2:27 pm
by ttuuxxx
Got Opera to work, it needed a system link and also libpng12. Been using it for a couple days, feels stable, no real issues so far.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2020 7:51 pm
by gyrog
I've uploaded a new verssion of 'shutdownconfig' that extends the list of partitions available for selection.
Please see viewtopic.php?p=10376#p10376.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:45 am
by Clarity
Use ISOmaster in eSlacko...11.iso to add @GyroG's ydrv to the eSlacko...12.iso
Booted eSlacko...12-ydrv.iso directly via SG2D
- eSlacko Boot Screen.jpg (54.17 KiB) Viewed 4500 times
The booted cmdline is
Code: Select all
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pmedia=cd find_iso=/boot-isos/eslacko64-
Question (for @01Micko)
Should "isomaster" be added to right-click for ISO files?
Chrome? After PET install via Menu>Setup>Download Chrome results in a non-starter with this errror
Code: Select all
# google-chrome-stable --version
/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Sound is a bear to
understand how to troubleshoot,
the fact that the Sound Card Wizard's Test Sound button iproduces no test sound at all,
and the need to KNOW that boxes are NOT pre-checked for HDMI cards
makes getting sound via HDMI a nightmare for those switching from a monitor+soundcard to a TV using HDMI. Could the setup wizard check the boxes on behalf of the user when the system starts as Puppy currently does for old soundcards?
- soundcard selections.jpg (13.7 KiB) Viewed 4486 times
Re: Installing nVidia driver onto Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:19 am
by Clarity
I have couple PCs with PCI nVidia cards. I have connected to a TV via HDMI.
eSlacko boots using nouveau for the driver. But, I am not getting sound thru the TV.
Code: Select all
# cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [MID ]: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel MID
HDA Intel MID at 0xf9ff8000 irq 33
1 [NVidia ]: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia
HDA NVidia at 0xfbe7c000 irq 16
2 [pcsp ]: PC-Speaker - pcsp
Internal PC-Speaker at port 0x61
The results of "aplay -L" is attached.
Has anyone gotten sound over HDMI via nouveau?
What is the recommended path to change to the nVidia driver for this distro?
For those that have this working, is sound being carried over HDMI thru your TV?
I am NOT getting sound to the TV using nouveau. I may be missing some step I should be doing.
Note: Found this on sound ability via nVidia utility. Is this utility installed when nVidea driver installs to allow sound?
I know these questions are about 2 different drivers for the card; namely nouveau and also nVidea. I hope my post here is not confusing, although, I can see it may.
Edit after initial posts
Nouveau success: confusion exists because the PUP sound utilities have issyes and required significant trial&error to resolve.
I started with the Sound card wizard clicking thru the HDMI representatives. Each HDMI card selection change would cause the Card Wizard to disappear. Subsequent re-opening and using the Test sound button did NOTHING with sound.
- soundcard list(1).jpg (34.76 KiB) Viewed 4489 times
For each HDMI selection it would disappear. Reopening and click Test Sound yields the following with NO sound
Code: Select all
speaker-test 1.1.1
Playback device is hw:1,3
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 2 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Rate set to 48000Hz (requested 48000Hz)
Buffer size range from 64 to 16384
Period size range from 32 to 8192
Using max buffer size 16384
Periods = 4
was set period_size = 4096
was set buffer_size = 16384
0 - Front Left
1 - Front Right
It wasn't until I found the "Sound Wizard", separate from the soundcard wizard where I was able, again through trial&error to get test sound (barks) to be produced via the TV.
- sound testing.jpg (54.48 KiB) Viewed 4489 times
Edit, too
Upon reboot, sound is NOT working!!! Back to trial&error to fix.
If there is/was an easier-proven way? Please advise.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 9:31 am
by gyrog
could you please report what happend on first shutdown?
What dialogs did 'shutdownconfig' display?
The latest changes are to 'shutdownconfig'.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 10:32 am
by Clarity
Sutdown from the pristine boot, moments ago, and rebooted successfully using SG2D finding the eSlacko ISO, default booting, boot finding the session, and arriving at desktop with many (except sound) settings in place.
During shutdown you should see Session was saved to a folder.
These are the "shutdown" screens
- 3shutdown.jpg (34.07 KiB) Viewed 4483 times
- 4shutdown.jpg (27.38 KiB) Viewed 4483 times
- 5shutdown.jpg (22.37 KiB) Viewed 4483 times
The system advanced to console with the following
Code: Select all
"saving session to /boot-isos/pupsaves/eslacko64save-with_YDRV file on sdf1 partition...
It should be noted that on the partition where the eSlacko ISO is booted from was ALSO a eslacko64save.2fs file which the boot skipped finding the eslacko64save folder within the boot-isos/pupsaves folder.
I was curious to see if the system would pause at boot-time to allow me to select which of the sessions to use for boot; namely a list of both the save-session file AND the save-session folder.
Please skip the prior update. Upon stopping the system, then changing the saved sesssion's name to something else, a subsequent boot did NOT pick up the old eslackosave FILE! As such the session saved as a folder booted seeing and using only the folder as satisfactory.
The old eslackosave FILE is destroyed and ONLY the eslackosave folder for "eslacko64-" is preserved!
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 1:52 pm
by gyrog
Thanks for testing.
That's what should happen by default with an SG2D "first-boot", and "first-shutdown".
Just one more thing:
If you place a SAVESPEC file in 'sdf1:/boot-isos', that specifies a save location on a different partition,
does that produce a "first-boot", and then "first-shutdown"?
And if so does it find the new save-folder on reboot?
-------Gripe about SG2D
SG2D already provides a "find_iso=" boot parameter,
it's frustrating that there seems to be no way to get SG2D to add an "iso_dev=", (or equivalent), parameter to the cmdline.
SG2D knows what partition the iso is on when you select it, why doesn't it pass that informationon on to the 'init' script as another boot parameter? (rhetorical question).
The Puppy 'isoboot' script could very easiiy be changed to pickup the partition information via some other parameter name, if necessary.
Then 'isoboot' would not have to do a "search" for the partitiion, that's already been done by SG2D.
-------End gripe about SG2D
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 12:05 am
by Clarity
@gyrog This report is one of 2 posts I will present.
This post does NOT answer your request immediately preceeding this. But, clarify's an expectation I had of what should happen when multiple save session file exist for a single PUP distro. Thus, this post should be regarded as an FYI.
I booted pristine and moved the contents of your pupsaves folder to my Sessions folder which is where I am keeping all of my save-sessions for ALL of my PUPs & DOGs. So all ISOs are kept contained in a folder /boot-isos on the PC system while the save-sessions are kept in /Sessions folder.
The "Sessions" folder that I maintain on a PC's HDD, I have an EXT4 partition system named "sda7". My eSlacko64 PUP is booted via its ISO (SG2D) with the eSlacko cmdline being
Code: Select all
BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz pfix=fsck pmedia=cd find_iso=/boot-isos/eslacko64- psave=sda7:/Sessions/
In the /Sessions folder I have an older eSlacko session "file" AND the recently created eSlacko session "folder" moved from its origin on the booting partition (sdf1;/boot-isos).
This time, upon boot, the system finds BOTH eSlacko sessions in the Sessions folder and presents the list for my selection.
THIS behavior is expected. Nice to see it is consistent with the past.
EDIT: Because it may be important for review, I am attaching the bootinit.log
I interpreted somewhere that the SAVESPEC file is default created by your ydrv facilities and saved on the booting USB at save-session shutdown from a pristine boot. Thus the SAVESPEC would be a feature of what your init&shutdown changes produce for WoofCE PUPs. That SAVESPEC would also be a template to be modified, if necessary, if my understanding is true. Is there truth or does it require user manual creation of the SAVESPEC file?
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 11:26 am
by gyrog
A SAVESPEC file is automatically written to the install directory, (the one contianing the puppy...sfs file), if it needs to, and if it CAN.
If the filesystem type of the install partition is "iso9660", this can't be done with a simply "cp" command, so 'shutdownconfig' simply doesn't, just like it didn't with a SAVEMARK file.
This is the case with 'isoboot', since the instlall partition is 'loop0', the iso file itself.
However in these cases advantage can still be taken of the SAVESPEC facility by manually inserting an appropriate SAVESPEC file in an appropriate place.
In the 'isoboot' case, this is in the same directory as the iso file you are trying to boot.
In a real CD/DVD it would have to added to the root diretory of the CD/DVD.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:54 pm
by gyrog
Instead of using a "psave=sda7:/Sessions/" boot parameter for each iso,
you could create a single "/boot-isos/SAVESPEC" file that contains:
This should result in all save-folder's being written to "/Sessions" on the "sda7" partition, without question.
Well, at least those iso files that contain the new "improved" 'init' script, and the new "improved" 'shutdownconfig'.
The SAVESPEC file would simply be ignored by Puppies that don't contain the "improved" scripts.
Just a suggestioin.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 11:42 am
by 01micko
This could be interesting... (does not concern SAVESPEC)
The machine is GPT with no windows and no secure boot.
I booted from a frugalpup hard disk install with this grub2 stanza
Code: Select all
menuentry "eSlacko64 Test" {
insmod loopback
insmod iso9660
set isofile="/eslacko64-"
loopback loop (hd0,3)$isofile
linux (loop)/vmlinuz
initrd (loop)/initrd.gz
A very similar entry booted and installed (albeit with the installation files in a different location) Slackware-current.
The puppy entry failed to boot at the init level failing to find the main sfs. Perhaps it should - without boot parameters. The iso resides in /dev/sda3.
I'll attach the logs saved with debugsave.
BTW, I got a wait message for 5 seconds.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 12:15 pm
by gyrog
Of course it didn't, these is no "find_iso=" boot parameter in the "linux" line.
Here is my eslacko iso file Grub2 stanza:
Code: Select all
menuentry "Puppy eslacko64" {
insmod ext2
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 0db94719-cdf1-44b7-9766-23db62fb85a5
set isofile="/isos/eslacko64-"
loopback loop $isofile
set root=(loop)
echo "Loading vmlinuz"
linux (loop)/vmlinuz libata.noacpi=1 net.ifnames=0 pmedia=atahd iso_dev=Work find_iso=$isofile pfix=fsck,fsckp TZ=AEST-10
echo "Loading initrd.gz"
initrd (loop)/initrd.gz
And you got a 5 second wait because there is no "iso_dev=" boot parameter in the "linux" line.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:52 pm
by bigpup
Is the original issue of booting now fixed or still being worked on?
This is to test out booting from usb/sdcard/mmc to see if waiting for the device is better than waiting for the USB susbsystem.
If it has been fixed.
Is there a way to add the fix to already released version of Puppy?
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:23 am
by Clarity
"I think" @gyrog technology is currently built into WoofCE such that new PUPs are generated with it....I think.
Also, ("I think") the @01micko latest Slacko64 contains this technology.
This does NOT answer @bigpup post, but, if I am correct, it could help others who are using WoofCE and the latest PUPs ISO builders.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 2:10 am
by 01micko
bigpup wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:52 pm
Is there a way to add the fix to already released version of Puppy?
Yes, but there are limitations on the age of the puppy.
See this viewtopic.php?f=66&t=1371
and this viewtopic.php?f=66&t=1059
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2021 2:54 pm
by gyrog
bigpup wrote: Sun Feb 14, 2021 9:52 pmIs there a way to add the fix to already released version of Puppy?
Theoretically, yes.
Practically, it could be fairly difficult if the 'init' in the target Puppy is very different from the current 'init'.
The patches from 'init-experiment' would have to be re-applied to the corresponding source files of the target Puppy.
The easiest way to give it a go might be to:
replace the initrd.gz in the target Puppy with one from eslacko or upupgg,
replace the DISTRO_SPECS file in this initrd.gz with the one from the target Puppy,
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 8:41 am
by Clarity
Does anyone have a copy of this thread's eSlacko64? Reason: The opening post's site for it is no longer present.
Did @01micko make a later version of this distro or a later Slacko64? ie. is Slacko64 v7 its replacement?
I do know that @peebee continues to carry-on the Slacko work of 01micko.
Thanks in advance
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 7:17 pm
by bigpup
I know of none.
But this was only released as a test of some changes that were being done to improve the init in Puppy.
I used it and helped to test stuff.
It was never released to be used as a fully working Puppy version.
The improvements this test provided, are now in the latest version of the init, that is being used in the newer or newest versions of Puppy.
Probably should just lock this topic.
01micko has for the most part stopped support for Puppy Linux.
All his web sites are gone.
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE
Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 9:16 pm
by mikewalsh
@Clarity :-
I concur with m'colleague here. Unless you're lucky enough to find somebody who's stashed away a copy of this, you're going to be out of luck. The only possibility I can think of might be in Ally's "grab-bag" over at; he MAY perhaps have saved one of the snapshots.
As to the reason, I confess to being curious as to why anyone would want it. In concept, it was very like any of BK's releases he's published since stepping-down from the top spot; full of test concepts and new ideas, except in this case, nearly all the "concepts" have already found their way into least, those that were found to be beneficial. Perhaps the main reason for wanting it would be from an historical perspective.....say, for anyone interested in tracing Puppy development through all the incarnations along the timeline?
As for 01micko? AFAIK, apart from some of the overall "say" in Puppy matters, Mick has to all intents & purposes severed his connection with the community. His life, and interests, are taking him in a different direction these days....
Life moves on.....and as the saying goes, "change is the ONLY constant".
Re: Experimental Slacko64 - eSlacko - UPDATE (closed)
Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:16 am
by bigpup
As stated in the last two posts.
This was only released for testing idea changes to init in Puppy.
The Eslacko ISO has been deleted.
This topic is closed and locked.