hi BalogneChe and everyone
i actually believe we have a consensus
and everything is working out very well
i am very happy i started this thread
because now we are seeing the whole picture
puppy is now recognized as a concept not a piece of code
and it can have an endless number of iterations
woof-ce has provided the distrowatch candidates
bookworm64 (thanks radky) and bookworm32 (thanks peebee)
which are top notch
and are being actively developed
i assume they will either be upgraded when the time comes ( 1 year )
or peebee radky and the woof-ce team
will have another woof-ce candidate ready
they are the face of puppy when a newbee comes in
but then the newbee can see how diverse puppy is
( and by the way has always been with remasters and projects )
and what makes it so attractive to imaginative people
dimkr is actively developing
a fine tuned ( cleaned up ) and very advanced ( wayland etc ) woof-ce project
which gives developers a way to enter woof-ce on the cutting edge
we also have 2 alternatives build systems to woof-ce
for those who feel they cannot or do not want to use woof-ce
debiandog is a masterpiece ( thank you fredx181 )
and an alternative to woof-ce
if someone wishes to have a very very user and developer friendly build system that focuses on debian
( my personal favorite build system )
firstrib is also a masterspiece ( thank you wiak rockedge etc )
that allows developers to build puppy-like distros with almost unlimited variation
we are seeing many great distros produced by it ( thank you sofia )
lighthouse is a woof-build
that is highly polished
and is being actively developed by dry falls
fatdog is a highly developed and polished distro (thank you jamesbond etc )
and RSH seems to be building a woof-ce variant
that with his skills promises to be innovative and awesome
did i leave anyone out
so we have an embarrassment of riches
not a problem
we have an abundance of developers and distros
and 3000 members and 300 visits a day on distrowatch
let us keep doing what we are doing
and congratulate and thank all the people involved
these discussions on this thread may sometimes seem to be going nowhere
but if you pay attention
they are developing new ideas
which we will see come to fruition in the near future
they are also amusing
though i do think we should be nicer to each other
i know we all mean well
but feelings can get hurt unintentionally
so thank you everyone