Re: MikeWalsh’s WineAppImage Framework
mikewalsh wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 6:50 pmvtpup wrote: Fri Apr 26, 2024 2:42 pmThanks Mike I've installed the 9.3 Wine portable, and really like it!
Is it doing what you wanted it to do ? Most of my own Windoze apps are still 32-bit, though I do find the occasional one that insists a 64-bit is available, and to please install that instead. And then it quits on me.....
At least it seems to have the sense to recognise when an app is at the end of its development, and a 64-bit build was never created. THEN, it will let you install/run the 32-bit version (although it still complains about it!)
Yes it is, I mentioned what I've tried on the 9.3 portable thread -- a new 64 and my old 32s are both working...