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Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.0

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:58 pm
by Chelsea80


I am continuing my travel around your OS, for which again my thanks for producing.

Playing audio and video from files saved via VLC (Default App) confirmed.

Playing audio and video from inserted CD and DVD via VLC (Default App) confirmed.

No audio from Boom Radio, a UK radio station (

No audio from YouTube.

I have checked all that I know. Basically, volume in task bar and volume in VLC.

I must be missing something (can't see the wood for the trees)!!

Any help will be appreciated.



Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.0

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 12:41 am
by wizard


No audio from Boom Radio, a UK radio station (

No audio from YouTube.

Have no knowledge on Boom Radio, you might try posting in the User section to see if anyone else can help.

Found the issue on Youtube audio and should have a fix in a day or so.


Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.0

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 2:18 pm
by wizard


There's no real simple way to fix the no Firefox audio problem, but this will do most of it.

-run Firefox and backup any bookmarks you've saved.
-close Firefox
-run: (be sure it's executable)

Restart Firefox and test the audio. You'll have to redo all your settings in Firefox.

You can also run one of mikewalsh's portables.

Thanks for finding the issue, will fix in next release.


Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.0

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:54 pm
by Chelsea80


Thank you, your efforts have paid off.

Followed your instructions after removing false gz

Now have audio from YouTube and Boom Radio.

Would it be safe to now delete and

Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.0

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 12:08 am
by wizard


Would it be safe to now delete and

Sure, you can always get them again on the forum.


Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Thu May 02, 2024 2:20 pm
by wizard

Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1 is now available, see the first post for the link.

Minor changes:
-change HTML viewer=palemoon
-add touchpad help
-fix Firefox no audio issue


Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 12:12 am
by Chelsea80


Thanks for V1.1

Have downloaded it.

Will get it installed onto USB stick when I have a bit more time.

Then the journey begins.

You say :

Minor changes:
-change HTML viewer=palemoon
-add touchpad help
-fix Firefox no audio issue

But significant IMO.

Will let you know how things go later.

Will also change my signature.

Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 6:16 am
by bugnaw333

Have problem with firefox. :o on fresh USB stick install v1.1.

Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 2:14 pm
by wizard


Hi bug, just installed v1.1 to USB with Unetbootin, booted and opened Firefox without issue. The error message in your image looks like you might be trying to use a save file/folder from v1.0.

EDIT: If you are trying to use your previous save, try this:
-use rox
-navigate to /usr/local/firefox
-drag the file: ff to the desktop

If that works, remove the other firefox icon from the desktop.


Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 2:48 pm
by bugnaw333

Thanks. Yes I use the old v1.0 savefile.
Before your reply, I reinstalled firefox using Puppy Package Manager and it works but still no audio for youtube. :o

Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Fri May 03, 2024 3:18 pm
by bugnaw333

Thanks. Yes I use the old v1.0 savefile.
Before your reply, I reinstalled firefox using Puppy Package Manager and it works but still no audio for youtube. :o

EDIT: If you are trying to use your previous save, try this:
-use rox
-navigate to /usr/local/firefox
-drag the file: ff to the desktop

If that works, remove the other firefox icon from the desktop.

It works now and have audio on youtube. :thumbup2:

Re: Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2024 2:20 pm
by bambuko

just to say, high and thank you :thumbup:
doing frugal install on an old Samsung N310