step wrote: Sun Jul 10, 2022 11:05 am
Experimentally and apparently, with yad-master --form --field='Value':NUM '10[!10..200[!4[!100]]]'

stemsee wrote: Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:18 am
for example
Code: Select all
yad --form --field="Value":NUM "10[!10..200[!4[!1]]]"

What's in brackets is optional. [ ]
It's a standard in all manuals.
When you have brackets inside the brackets it mean that optional value has an optional sub-value.
Simplest value is like this:
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10'
then you can set boundaries, minimal and maximum values:
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10!10..200'
next is increment, default increment is 1
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10!10..200!5'
the last one sets the precision, how many places behind zero.
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10!10..200!5!2'
if there is the last sub-value, then the increment can be a floating.
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10!10..200!0.01!2'
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10!10..200!1.01!2'
100 is a lot, 20 looks like a maximum.
Code: Select all
yad --form --field='Value':NUM '10!10..200!0.001!100'
also a maximum precision is 0.0000000001