Thanks for testing.
Yes, the sfs does include a '/usr/share/applications/mk-savespec.desktop' file, so there can be a menu entry
As to the messages in the GUI:
My current approach to GUI utilities, is a "wizard" approach, each screen is dedicated to obtaining a particular bit of information.
And current MakeSAVESPEC fits this approach.
The advantage of this approach is that there are actually only a small number of screens that can be reused with different data.
As you have pointed out, the downside is, when you start you don't know how may screens there will be before anything gets done.
On the other hand some utilities may have a dynamic path that cannot be easily predicted.
I could add a "starting" screen that outlines the whole utility, and the sceeens that can be expected.
But this would become tedious, once you become familiar with the utility.
Unless, this screen had a "Don't show this screen again" facility.
I will think on this, for all my GUI utilities.