@wiak has a solution already for KLs which is similar, yet more expansive than WoofCE's SAVESPEC file approach.
SAVESPEC file is this for me (self explanatory):
Code: Select all
# This file, when present, will be used by WoofCE PUPs at boot time.
# The file sets the SESSIONs directional for the booting distro.
# Indicate the label or UUID of the partition containing Sessions
# Indicate the folder-name containing Sessions
# Indicate the media type device containing Sessions
His file has more capability yet intends to serve the same purpose to identify where Sessions are/will-be located.
@fatdog has no such approach where a file present at boot time will direct its sessions-management. Today, users MUST change, at boot menu time, using its savefile=...
parm to direct session identification. This parm approach is equivalent to what PUPs do, what DOGs do. Yet it does not, currently, offer a similar file-in-the-boot location for directing session management.
All of this surrounds the Session Management for Persistence in forum distros.
My efforts are CENTERED!!! THhis means that I have a partition, with a folder where ALL forum distros Persistence is kept. For all of the forum distros, a backup of this single folder (or partition) preserves the users distro use should something go wrong and needs restoration. On EVERY PC that I have touched for myself, students, people wanting to step into a forum distro, this arrangement is created at EVERY occasion, ONCE. And forever-more all sessions are directed to that partition-folder. Not only good-housekeeping, but all too simple for any use/user. My Persistence folder, for example,on this running PC:
So from a user perspective of persistence in this forum, WE see:
a single "check-root folder ONLY(???)' approach for Persistence
Menus useful for Persistence
Parms useful for Persistence
Files useful for Persistence
All intending to make the user boot experience useful and meaningful for Persistence.