What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by JusGellin »

When using KdenLive64-1808.sfs and starting it from a terminal after a reboot gives this error:
kdenlive: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.60: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So that's why the sfs wouldn't run.

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by rockedge »

@JusGellin The problem I think is this libicuuc.so.60 library came in Bionic Beaver 18.08 so this KdenLive64-1808.sfs will work in Bionicpup64 and maybe Fossapup64-9.5. Later Puppy's like Noblepup64 don't seem to have this component.

You will need a newer version of the SFS I believe.

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by greengeek »

JusGellin wrote: Thu Jul 04, 2024 11:02 am

... I also have a bunch of mp4 files that have been recorded from local broadcast tv using
a device call Tablo TV that I would like to remove commercials from. So removing parts is mainly what I want to do.

I normally use a very simple gui to crop a portion that I want to keep from an mp4 video (eg parts of my dashcam footage).
If you want to try it I have just posted it here:
(Uses ffmpeg so will work in a variety of pups but I have no idea if it will work in Bookworm64 as I have not tried that one yet)

mp4cropper.jpg (16.78 KiB) Viewed 645 times
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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by mikewalsh »

@JusGellin :-

From experience, I can guarantee if libicuuc is required, the rest of the 'icu' set will be needed, too; these libs all interdepend on each other. Fortunately, you can install multiple sets of them in a Puppy, and they will NOT interfere with each other. I have three or four sets in some Puppies, and no cross-contamination occurs.

You can continue to try using RSH's build if you want. Here's a .pet for the icu60 suite from Bionicpup64:-

https://drive.sukudir.com/drive/s/shiy3 ... DsbM8xDffD

I've built it to work with the 'usrmerge' layout in BWP64. Simply click to install (and it can be removed just as easily if not needed).

Rockedge may be right; ultimately, you may well need a more up-to-date build. I don't know how much of a "lib-chase" you may be embarking upon if you try to get this build working.......but this will give you one more "piece of the puzzle", IF you want it. Entirely up to you, of course.


TBH, I'd try the current AppImages (if that was me). See here:-


Downloads -> Linux (AppImage, NOT Flatpak). Download it; I rename it to just 'kdenlive64' (and drop the .AppImage suffix)......then rt-clk -> Properties -> tick the 3 'Exec' checkboxes at the bottom -> 'Refresh' -> Close, to make it executable. Now open a terminal in this directory, and type

Code: Select all


.....followed by 'Enter'. What output do you get? Does anything happen? What errors are reported?

Mike. ;)

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by mikeslr »

Just a couple of pointers. IIRC, essentially Openshot and KDEnlive are equal, with KDEnlive having an advantage in handling transitions. But after Bionic I haven't been able to get any version of KDEnlive to work > the advantage of being able to run multiple Puppys each from its own folder. [I still boot into Bionic64 when Verizon reduces the power it uses to broadcast. Bionic picks up weak signals better than newer Pups],

Openshot may be having the same problem with your vids formats as KDEnlive; just not reporting it.

My needs are simple, mostly just deleting. Avidemux suffices. I no longer have to build my own, rather use the AppImages you'll find here, https://www.fosshub.com/Avidemux.html: The one for 'Old' systems works under Bionic, the "recent" under any more recent Puppies. Either version will enable you to scroll thru a vid marking sections to be removed, then render a vid without them. Very quick as it doesn't have to transcode. Or at anytime you can output just a section of the original. Avidemux will "append" clips having the same format.

Avidemux can transcode. Under Video Output change 'Copy' to a different choice. If Avidemux can read the format your camera renders it can output vids in a format either Openshot or KDEnlive can use.

By default the output is to the same folder as the source. If that's an 'external' folder RAM is only used for processing.

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by JusGellin »

Thanks for your suggestions and observations.

I downloaded the portable version. It gave me version 2.7.6.
It works well. I'll see how it does.

A couple of questions about this:
If I wanted to, how would I use the download from Avidemux? The download just gives an image - avidemux_2.8.1.appImage.
For the portable version would I be able to update it or would that have to be a new portable version?


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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by RSH »

AppImage is some sort of Program-Directory containing everything what's needed to run.
Maybe you'll need to make it executable after download - right-click and Properties.

My OS: ArtStudio64 - a Woof-CE built from Bionic 18.04
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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by RSH »

tick the 3 'Exec' checkboxes at the bottom

I never understood why in the hell there's always all three active.
Why should I allow the world to execute my programs?
Especially when I'm online?

My OS: ArtStudio64 - a Woof-CE built from Bionic 18.04
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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by mikewalsh »

@JusGellin :-

To update the portable, download the AppImage from the link @mikeslr provided. Now:-

Rename it. Delete the '.appimage' from the end, so in your example, 'avidemux_2.8.1.appimage' becomes 'avidemux_2.8.1'. Now rename 'avidemux_2.8.1' to match the AppImage inside the portable.....so it becomes 'Avidemux64'. This is just so you don't need to mess about editing the 'LAUNCH' script; you can do this with AppImages.....they're one of the very few executables you CAN rename to anything you like, because the act of clicking on them actually transfers the executable action to the launcher inside them. So it doesn't really matter what the outer 'container' is named...

Now do the trick with the 'Exec' checkboxes in rt-clk -> Properties as detailed above. As RSH has mentioned, in fact you can get away with just the top one; me, I tick all three 'cos I'm blasé, and really don't worry about security (what security?!?) The top one IS the only one actually required for the user to run the app, however. Some people get really shirty when you mention you couldn't care less, though, because it DOES give the wrong impression to noobs/beginners that don't know any better. Smacked wrist, Walsh!! :oops: :D

Now, just swap the two AppImages over. All things being equal, it should fire up; just in case, however, rt-clk on an empty space inside the portable, then Window -> Terminal here. Enter

Code: Select all


....and hit the 'Enter' key. This way, if it doesn't fire-up it'll give you some indication of WHY it won't launch.

Does that clarify matters?

Mike. ;)

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by mikeslr »

Except primarily for Web-browsers I pretty much leave AppImages alone/ don't bother with menu-entries. Web-browser's under Puppys --by default-- write web-cache to /root: e.g. /root/.cache/mozilla. Under Puppys that folder occupies RAM and can quickly exhaust RAM for doing actual work. So with Web-browsers I prefer Mikewalsh's portables as they are configured to re-direct cache to their own folders usually on Storage.

For AppImages like Avidemux, I just place them in a folder --e.g. /mnt/home/Pup-Apps-- and book-mark the folder. Starting such applications only requires: (1) Open Rox, (2) Scroll to and click the bookmark; (3) Scroll to and click the AppImage. [Of course, having made the AppImage executable as others have discussed]. I don't even have to edit the name of the AppImage unless I have a need to distinguish between versions. But, for example, Avidemux already did that, adding the description 'legacy' for the one required by older OSes.

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Re: What Is a Good MP4 Video Editor?

Post by JusGellin »

@mikeslr @mikewalsh

I'm going to start with the simple portable one to begin with and may go to the others later.
It works and does what I want.

I'm always confused where to put stuff and still keep it organized so I don't lose track for where programs and other files are.
Thanks for giving the suggestion where you put apps.

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