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Re: Vanilla Dpup 11.0.x Development Builds

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:54 pm
by d-pupp

@dimkr I am posting from dpup 11.0.181

The background setter is not working. No matter what I pick it defaults to the first one in the list

I'm still having problems with the altf1 on waybar it seems to get stuck. I'm not pushing the altf1 button but it keeps being pressed.
This is the log as I watched it live. I only pressed the first one all the rest I was trying to use a waybar icon on the launcher.

Code: Select all

Sep 21 19:24:46 (none) kernel: [  788.512796] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input17
Sep 21 19:25:05 (none) kernel: [  807.295049] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input18
Sep 21 19:25:37 (none) kernel: [  839.919528] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input19
Sep 21 19:25:51 (none) kernel: [  853.301741] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input20
Sep 21 19:25:54 (none) kernel: [  856.195386] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input21
Sep 21 19:26:56 (none) kernel: [  919.070735] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input22
Sep 21 19:27:12 (none) kernel: [  934.325244] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input23
Sep 21 19:27:41 (none) kernel: [  963.241525] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input24
Sep 21 19:27:49 (none) kernel: [  971.559789] input: altf1 as /devices/virtual/input/input25

I'm also still have that issue with lxterm options. It won't open a window wider than the defaults. It will open one smaller
It has something to do with the display settings. It works fine if the display settings are not scaled up. I can drag the window longer.

Edit: I'm back in my daily driver version now. The update of the save folder went well.
The issue with display setting is fixed on this version.


Re: Vanilla Dpup 11.0.x Development Builds

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 5:59 am
by dimkr

11.0.183 will:

  • Fix inability to use a wallpaper image

  • Replace the hacky menu button with gaps around waybar

  • (Hopefully) fix missing weechat configuration files

  • Make sfs_load capable of unmounting a mount-but-not-loaded SFS

  • Stop the save2flash prompt at the bottom right corner before the errors list prompt at the top

(EDIT: forgot to mention, I see a big application startup time improvement after the switch to erofs with zstd, on this old dual core laptop: Firefox starts much faster)

Re: Vanilla Dpup 11.0.x Development Builds

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:32 pm
by d-pupp

@dimkr Posting from dpup 11.0.183
I like this one it is faster and I didn't consider the older ones slow by any means.
Thank you for the air gaps so I can get the menu when running full screen. That is perfect!
All this time it's been a pain for me and all I had to do was set a margin. :oops:

Thanks for bring all these new things to puppy. As I research this stuff I see it's not really new. Most of it's been around for awhile. Like erofs has been around since 2019. I'm learning a lot

Great work

Re: Vanilla Dpup 11.0.x Development Builds

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 5:13 am
by dimkr
d-pupp wrote: Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:32 pm

As I research this stuff I see it's not really new.

Of course it isn't. Nothing here is new, but Puppy is in stagnation for at least a decade: most new development activity begins by copy-pasting existing stuff, without going back to the basics and trying to optimize and rethink things. I know C (with years of experience, both in open-source pet projects and professionally) because my background is in low-level programming and I'm familiar with Puppy internals and its development history, so I was the right person at the right time for this adventure of essentially forking Puppy and rewriting things in a more efficient way.

The init system I wrote is a combination of a simpler one I wrote plus an old implementation of cttyhack I wrote 10 years ago. Everything here is super simple and even trivial: not too different if you look at the guts of busybox init and cttyhack. Both are really old.

The ad blocker I wrote is an improved version of an old one I wrote 9 years ago. Both are NSS modules, a very old concept in glibc. Reading 150k lines from /etc/hosts is a really bad technique for ad blocking and it's always been this way.

sfslock, the tool that reads SFSs into page cache and keeps them there (instead of copying them to a ramdisk like most distros do) is heavily inspired by vmtouch, a tool I've been using at least for several years, maybe since its first releases. The trick of locking page cache is nothing new, the Linux system calls for this have existed for ages and it doesn't require that much creativity to combine them correctly to achieve this effect.

pfscrypt, the tool that encrypts save folders, was not super hard to write. I used the API documentation, which is very good, and verified correctness by comparing to fscrypt using strace and also by reading its code.

Waylad support in yad is based on 01micko's equivalent work in gtkdialog, and it's nothing but a series of calls to gtk-layer-shell functions.

psnapcp, the tool save2flash uses to copy files to the save layer quickly with minimal overwriting, is based on simple techniques like space preallocation and readahead into page cache, all using old Linux system calls. I spent many hours on research on tools like rsync, to see what makes them fast and why, then came up with this simple but very effective solution. I must say I was really shocked to discover how inefficient cp is for synchronization of partially modified files: it actually writes the whole file again, and that's what most distros use in their save2flash-equivalent thing.

Re: Vanilla Dpup 11.0.x Development Builds

Posted: Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:29 pm
by d-pupp

@dimkr I thank you for your time and effort on dpup.
I really enjoy using it.
It supper stable and very fast even on my old PC and easy for me to setup and configure.
I think we have the same mind set on this. "Keep it simple"

Re: Vanilla Dpup 11.0.x Development Builds

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2024 6:07 am
by dimkr

@BarryK After reading ... cript.html, I think I'd really like to hear your feedback on 11.0.x (bad feedback is welcome too). The build system is at and the README has a pretty complete list of unique features, implementation details and differences compared to Puppy. Nothing is set in stone and I'm still unsure about some choices I made: maybe you'll have good counter-arguments to my line of thinking and ideas for useful features, considering all your post-Puppy adventures with things like UID namespaces and btrfs subvolumes :)