Edit: Something weird must have happened, see https://www.forum.puppylinux.com/viewto ... 530#p95530. Since Bookworm has run-in-terminal built in, the attachment has been deleted. The balance of the post is left just for the sake of continuity.
I've attached an application which will enable Right-Clicking a File and attempting to run it via a terminal so as to obtain a display of what's going wrong.
This is a TRUE tar.gz. Download, extract and place the enclosed folder in /usr/local/apps.
I'm leaving it up to the User to decide what type of files --scripts, AppImages, etc.-- to configure it to work with by customizing the Right-Click Menu.
With SFS-Load being limited, I was attempting to provide modifications to Mikewalsh's LibreOffice-portable, viewtopic.php?p=54048#p54048 so that there would be menu entries and the ability to Right-Click an appropriate file and have it open in an appropriate application: e.g., a .odt file in LibreOffice-writer. Those familiar with AppImages and Mike's frameworks for working with them will appreciate their advantage over even using synaptic to install an application. Just to mention one: to upgrade LibreOffice, or use a version customized to your native language its almost as easy as downloading the appropriate LibreOffice AppImage, renaming it and substituting it for your old version. Almost.
As almost the first thing I do is obtain some version of LibreOffice I can use, and as I had done that under BookwormPup64 by using synaptic to install it, I had to setup a 'virgin' version of BookwormPup64. Absent from BookworPup64 are Puppys usual diagnostic tools, their Right-Click availability and the Right-ClickTools I had painsteakingly built originally for use with VanillaDup, viewtopic.php?p=69513#p69513 did not work. Despite that, I was able to construct an application (installable as a pet) that accomplished all my goals by placing all necessary files in a folder --and after booting into another Puppy-- using dir2pet on that folder. But when I replaced the Libreoffice.AppImage the application no longer worked.
I spent hours examining code, making guesses, editing code, creating versions of the pet and trying them. Finally, it dawned on me that being able to run those codes in a terminal might provide a clue. It did. It told me I had forgotten to make the substitute AppImage executable.
Hence the attachment. It's not included as a pet because Bookworm can't make pets. My suspicion is other Rox-Apps are missing from /usr/local/apps (and likely necessary scripts in /usr/local/bin).
The feed-back on Bookworm by now reveals that the inclusions of apt and synaptic are not a panecea. A Puppy is not the Linux sourced in woofing it. A Puppys needs diagnostic and building tools --such as those I included in the Right-Click pet and the others I discussed here, viewtopic.php?p=69514#p69514 to figure out why some application built for a different Linux doesn't work, and overcome that failure.
Frankly, from a User's prospective apt is not as capable or user friendly a package manager as PPM. Both (and synaptic) will fail to install components included in the Source distro but left out of Puppy. PPM provides a GUI. Apt requires use of a terminal and knowledge of its commands.
Synaptic provides the GUI apt lacks. But synaptic does not increase a distro's popularity. Linux Mint provides a Software Manager, https://www.fosslinux.com/103961/the-co ... anager.htm and IIRC, GNOME Software, https://fossnoobs.com/gnome-software-is ... edesigned/ may be used with many Linux Oses. These, however, do little more than what was accomplished under Puppys with Quickpet.
The problem with Quickpet was that it depended on the Puppy's creator and his/her access to the repository accessed via Quickpet. Those limitations need not exist. Anyone can create pets, SFSes, even AppImages and provide a link to an AppImage which can be used. We do. But they get scattered all over the web with links on the Forum to them scattered all over the Forum. Anyone can test whether an application works. We do that as well.
What Puppy actually needed was a repository and someone (or more) willing to maintain it by copying proven applications into it (and perhaps providing links from it to proven AppImages). Again, this is something pretty much anyone is a capable of doing. Given the limited expertise required and many people who already volunteer may I suggest @rockedge, "If you build it, they will come."