The reason Editors exist is that authors are too close to their work to be unbiased, The following draft "Information Page" needs a new set of eyes.
Puppy Linux is a family of operating systems published by members of the Puppy community using the open-source, configurable and modifiable, application named woof. Woof combines structures unique to Puppy with those from another Linux –such as debian, Ubuntu, Slackware and Void – to generate an operating system 'binary-compatible' with that other Linux, but more portable and modular. Modularity can help a User work-around the limitations of an older computer, take advantage of new hardware and extend the useful life of both it and a functional Puppy.
While each Puppy is different, Puppys provide:
(1) Portability. Puppys can be booted from all storage media, e.g. CDs, DVDs, USB-Keys and Hard-drives. When deployed to either a USB-Key or Hard-drive a Puppy only requires its own folder; not an entire partition. It can share the partition used by Windows, another LinuxOS and other Puppys.
(2) A set of applications for commonplace activities. Often applications with low RAM needs are chosen. Included are tools relating to the creation, modification and use of modules; and for diagnosing problems.
(3) Using one or more Package Managers that set can be augmented with applications directly from the repository of that Puppy’s ‘binary-compatible’, and from among the applications created for that Puppy or for use under several Puppys.
(4) Modularity. Puppys are conceived, built and operate as modular file-systems on storage. Those modules are either copied into or mounted in RAM. As each original module is READ-Only, the User has an option to preserve changes to settings, configurations and augment the built-in applications by creating a SaveFile or SaveFolder on storage: ‘persistence’. To Puppys a Save is just another module. A boot-argument permits the User to boot up without the Save into a 'pristine environment'.If desired another Save with different applications can be created and choices offered on boot-up. Alternate Saves facilitate experimentation and (of value on RAM-Challenged computers) booting into different environments for different purposes. Saves can be easily copied or backed-up.
(4a) The original READ-Only modules can be modified: the ‘base’ module to exclude and include applications; Kernels swapped; and ancillary READ-Only modules that are loaded on boot-up discarded, created or modified.
(4b) Ever update an application only to discover the update is worse than its predecessor? Puppys can mount external applications and application-suites packaged as Read-Only ‘squashed file-systems’, SFSes, and un-mount them when no longer needed. An unmounted SFS uses no RAM. SFSe are an alternative to 'installing applications’. Commonly used applications are already available as SFSes. A User can create others. SFSes do not overwrite SFSes.
(4c) Puppys can use portable applications which, if external, require no RAM when not in use. Many portable applications are already available. Portables can be easily backed-up before updating.
Some Puppys can use some AppImages available on the Web.
Many commonly used applications are available in more than one format. A User can choose which is best for a specific computer or objective.
Since modularithy and its advantages are not 'common currency' among Linux users and especially Windows users, I believe that some explanatory detail has to be provided in a manner that will not turn off 'newbys' as Linux-geek-speak. The sections above in blue may, however, be unnecessary.
I included a mention of tools and diagnostic because I think they are a strength we didn't know we had. flatpks and snaps are not the panacea they claim to be. You may be familiar with my crttique of Flatpaks: gramps as a 32 Mb deb vs a Gb flatpak after installing th 2.5 GB foundation, or rather failing to because of sketchy wifi. Recently i setup Kubuntu. It's web-brower is firefox as a snap. An update broke it; There was no way to diagnose the issue. Un-install/Re-install didn't work. A deb alterntive was not immediately available but could be downloaded; and installed with the same error . Eventually I had to download the firefox tar.gz --unpacked its a portable-- and create a menu to it.
p.s. Now that I've decided to stop thinking about it, I have an idea for a way to combine and more succinctly state the contents of 4b & c. Will post tomorrow.