@fredx181, @Clarity, @wiak ,@geo_c,
Thank you all for the very informative replies. I did not expect to trigger this level of response.
Oh I see - could be a question about the likes of build_firstrib_rootfs.sh and FRmake_*.sh scripts
Yes this is the main issue I was raising. I had a small idea of what they were but not what they might do and not whether there was some mechanism that caused them to be loaded at boot up. I have now said many times on this forum that I am a simple user of the OSs that are hosted here and have very little or perhaps no expertise. This tends to make me very wary of anything I haven't seen before particularly the files, folders etc found inside an .iso that I am going to attempt to install on my hdd and then boot. Now I know what they are for I think it is unlikely that I will make use of them. For the moment I have placed them in their own folder.
if KLA-OT2baseCE-1.0 is an "only for experts" OS then please let me know.
From what I've said above you may not be surprised to here that I am a user who prefers to use a GUI rather than the command line I expect that more use of the command line than I am used to will be require. All I've done so far is connected to the wifi and done some setting up manly of the included browser. I will probably switch to one of the portable browsers I already use. I do more this evening and see how I get on.