The future of the forum and about the structure

Ideas and discussion

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »


Suggesting I am unable to deal with the technicality of phpBB is a mean way of motivation. Happens to be at this point people coming to me for answers on how to do this that and the other thing on phpBB. This forum is customized at the core code level by me by hand. Lets see you do it amigo.

Let's see you come up with someone who will convert a broken down million and half posts phpBB2 to a functioning phpBB3 for you for free. Laughable if it wasn't so sad. With the spam removed on top of it all.

The guy you mention is a German who makes official extensions for phpBB but is a copy and paste coder and gave us some time to get his things running correctly.

This forum lives on a server that is physically in Dusseldorf Germany. Which means what?........that we are 100% bound to comply with EU laws and we got some FREE advice and help to do that. Usually the guy's help costs money.

Here is the first phase of a new structure. Now none of our backups are any let me know if I am steering in the right direction.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

@fredx181 I would like to compact the Kennel Linux main section quite a bit using sub-forums

The main in the titles are to prevent duplicate names so I do not get lost in the jumble.,..... :shock: :thumbup2:

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by amethyst »

I've been using JammyPup32 for a long time as my daily driver but I see it does not even make the Puppy Main Distribution section but is regarded as a Derivative. Can this be correct?

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

@amethyst Oh no! Okay how can I fix that........ plenty of room for adjustments as you can see.

Lots of movement so bare with me and try a little encouragement. Point out what to move where. Like in black in white.

By the way can't you take back Elon Musk to South Africa? He's a fraud

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by fredx181 »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:47 pm

@fredx181 I would like to compact the Kennel Linux main section quite a bit using sub-forums

The main in the titles are to prevent duplicate names so I do not get lost in the jumble.,..... :shock: :thumbup2:

Nice thing of the more expanded view (except for Fatdog, perhaps you forgot?) is now that you can exactly see the last post of a subsection (e.g. from KLV-Spectr or e.g. UbuntuDogs).
But that doesn't go for the subsections of "Puppy Linux Main" (just thinking out loud e.g. about "equality", but on the other hand there are of course too many "sub-sub-subsections" in "Puppy Linux Main")

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by amethyst »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:52 pm

@amethyst Oh no! Okay how can I fix that........ plenty of room for adjustments as you can see.

Lots of movement so bare with me and try a little encouragement.

By the way can't you take back Elon Musk to South Africa? He's a fraud

Well put it in the Puppy Main Section (although it has been bundled into a section where some of peebee's other distros also were/are), I get a feeling that a lot of people on this forum are using Jammy. Why do some of peebee's distributions make it to the main puppy distribution page and some not? We don't want Musk here (enough frauds and crazy ones here already).

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

Why do some of peebee's distributions make it to the main puppy distribution page and some not?

Because peebee asked me too.

Where exactly is the Jammypup stuff?

except for Fatdog, perhaps you forgot?

The FatDog section has been set up by the FatDog Team. I guess I can look into expanding it.

Update: FatDog expansion has happened.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by amethyst »

Where exactly is the Jammypup stuff?

In the built from woof-ce recipes in the derivative section.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »


Ahh lunch time! I'll move it after my visit to the boat ramp on the Housatonic River to eat a sandwich and have a back in 30 minutes.

Look up the river and you'll see what I mean.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by fredx181 »

Nice job done @rockedge !
Hopefully the "Puppy only" guys won't complain too much, but Hey ! your favorite is still on top of the list ! 8-) :lol:

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by amethyst »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:16 pm


Ahh lunch time! I'll move it after my visit to the boat ramp on the Housatonic River to eat a sandwich and have a back in 30 minutes.

Look up the river and you'll see what I mean.

Thanks, I think it deserves a place there. Have you thought of changing the name of the forum?

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by keniv »

wiak wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:29 pm
keniv wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:12 pm

Could I just ask for some calm here. I am sure that some improvements could be made to the forum but I think that comments are now being made that, seem to me, could endanger it's very existence. Earlier in this thread there was a request for a breathing space. I think it's now time to have just that to allow things to cool down. I and I suspect the majority of members do not want to see people leaving or indeed the forum coming to an end over this. I have written this in a way which I hope does not offend anybody. If it does then I apologise in advance.



You appear to be Scottish Ken, or at least live there and have learned something from the experience being that you occasionally show your diplomatic side.

Well I was born in Scotland and still live there though to "occasionally show your diplomatic side" seems to make little difference. Little notice is taken of ordinary users, like myself, if they even post on these sort of issues.



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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

Little notice is taken of ordinary users, like myself, if they even post on these sort of issues.

Not true. I am listening, reading and considering. Really unfair comment IMO directed towards just me. Okay here is your chance. What should be done? Write the proposal in a tree form in text.

I'm waiting so the down trodden and overlooked get fair say.

Have you thought of changing the name of the forum?

No! Doesn't anyone read what I write about the importance of the name of the forum is to SEO????????????

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 3:46 pm


Suggesting I am unable to deal with the technicality of phpBB is a mean way of motivation.

You have misread my post since I definitely said I had no doubt you could do the work if you could be bothered. I also said I wouldn't blame you if you didn't yourself feel like doing it. Nothing mean in that. No idea about that other phpBB guy; just noticed his comments. Could be junk for all I know.
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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by mikewalsh »

@bigpup / @rockedge / @wiak / @fredx181 / @all :-

bigpup wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 12:32 am

This forum is named Puppy Linux forum. :!:

Everything on it should be about Puppy Linux.

Rockedge is allowing operating systems, that are not Puppy Linux, to have space on the Puppy Linux forum.
A free ride!


If this forum is going to be a bunch of different Linux OS's forum.

Then it needs to say that in the name of the forum.

@bigpup :-

I don't know if you missed it, my friend, but the entire reason for the continued use of the "Puppy Linux Discussion Forum" title has been dissected & explained at length already in this thread. It's all about the SEO rankings (Search Engine Optimizations).....and how people find us in the first place.

Love it or loathe it, like it or not, Puppy has - in a way - been a victim of its own success.....hailing back to its roots, in the days when something like a Puppy was a revelation. For better or for worse, Puppy has become a "brand name"; almost a 'generic' name - like 'Hoover' is for vacuum cleaner - when anybody starts discussing small, portable operating systems.

However; remember the general description of Puppy (and derivatives) as it is used today. A family of similarly-engineered small distros, bound by common, core concepts, attempting to provide a similar experience.....regardless of choice.

From the Home page:-

"Puppy Linux is a collection of multiple Linux distributions, built on the same shared principles, built using the same set of tools, built on top of a unique set of puppy specific applications and configurations and generally speaking provide consistent behaviours and features, no matter which flavours you choose."

That's always been something of a loose, fluid description, leaving plenty of "wiggle-room" for modification/experimentation. But; we have to move with the times.


I have a confession to make to you all. I've always said that, yes; on occasion I get the urge to try something different.....and I never stray far, or for very long.....and ALWAYS return to the "sanity" of the "kennels". Familiarity has a tendency to "breed contempt", as it were, and makes so many humans think that the way they are USED to doing things is the only way they CAN be done. We're creatures of habit, most of us.....whether we admit it or not.


Although I've always maintained I'm a Puppy 'fan', first & foremost, I have on many occasions sampled several of the multitude of alternative offerings that have always been available in our community. Furthermore, I've always tried to keep an open mind & judge them on their merits, and NOT compare them to what I'm used to. I've probably been "naughty", too, in that I rarely - if ever - give any kind of feedback on my try-outs. I owe many individuals an apology over that lack of feedback.

Less than 6 months after joining, I was already experimenting with the 'Mariner' edition of Lighthouse64.

I've tried out several of Barry's offerings over the years.

I tried out the DebianDogs, both before AND after Fred took over at the helm. Unique wee distros, the only thing that put me off was the primary use of Synaptic. (I had a very bad introduction to the whole concept of package managers, primarily Synaptic, many years ago, which put me right off using them, despite that they're the most efficient way to install things. I was pleased when I initially discovered Puppy didn't really rely on one to the extent that mainstream distros did).

I've used 10wt3ch's Studio Pups for years.

I gave the early kennel Linux distros a fair crack of the whip....especially 'Airedale'. A lot of novel, inventive work has gone into these small distros, and they ARE incredibly good. And as for Sofiya's work, I'm.....I'm speechless, honestly I am. They're in a class of their own.

The main reason I keep returning to Puppy is simple.....and it's nothing to do with being 'bone-headed', or 'stubborn', or unwilling to change. I've invested so much time and effort in creating totally unique set-ups, tailored & fine-tuned to my unique, personal requirements.....and I've reached that stage of my life where the enthusiasm just isn't there any more. But I have every respect for those that still have it..!


As for that "title"

It's what brings the traffic in our direction, it's true. But in no way does it even begin to hint at the treasure-trove of absolute gems this community offers.....and by that, I include everyone. Even @wiak (bless 'im!).....whose FirstRibit scripts (or was that wd_multi? Not sure now) got a try-out by me a couple of years ago. I was very impressed, being able to create a totally portable build of Manjaro Linux. THAT was neat.

We need to keep the title for historic & technical reasons. But there's no reason for NOT having a more equitable division of the available real-estate, given just how much utterly exquisite workmanship there IS to "display". I wonder if it might be an idea to have something like an initial, single, short "landing-page" come up before the "front-page" proper, giving the visitor a welcome, making it totally clear that what he/she is about to find is very much MORE than just Puppy in this modern day & age.....and giving a small list of direct links to each of the main distro sections. one for KL, one for FatDog, one for Easy, etc. This gives the individual the option to proceed straight to a given section if they already know what they're looking for. Otherwise, there can be a BIG button at the bottom saying something quirky like "Into the kennels..... >>>>>". Or summat like that, anyroad.

Just an idea.


And last (but not least). Quite simply, i feel I owe EVERYBODY an apology for my somewhat erratic behaviour - including outbursts - this last week or two. Mama - who hit 91, 3 days ago - has (we believe) had a series of mini-TIAs over the Xmas/New Year period. At one point we thought she'd lost her eyesight; on another occasion, she was breathing so shallowly during an afternoon nap that I honestly thought she'd passed away. Needless to say, I've been on edge for several days now.

If I had the sense I was born with, I'd have kept away.....but you guys are like family after all these years, and the familiar surroundings have kept me somewhat calmer, and kept my mind off other things. Erik, in particular, did NOT deserve my outburst yesterday.

Anyways; there ya go. That's my 'take' on things after due consideration.....whether y'all consider it constructive or not.

Mike. :)

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

@mikewalsh I understand completely. Difficult and stressful times which I for one can relate too.

Your ideas and words are important and you are a major player in maintaining this sites health. We stand with you and an outburst or two isn't the world amongst friends.

The name Puppy Linux Discussion Forum is the brand name. it has 20+ years of exposure to search engines and Puppy Linux is known in the operating systems world.

It is valuable and will not change in name or concept.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by Chelsea80 »


Blimey, talk about pre-empt.

I wonder if it might be an idea to have something like an initial, single, short "landing-page" come up before the "front-page" proper, giving the visitor a welcome, making it totally clear that what he/she is about to find is very much MORE than just Puppy in this modern day & age.....and giving a small list of direct links to each of the main distro sections. one for KL, one for FatDog, one for Easy, etc.

Using my Word Processor to draft a suggestion very similar.

A clear and concise choice to a dedicated distro as an option simplifies a 'look see'.

So I'm with you on this.


1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

Chelsea80 wrote:

Using my Word Processor to draft a suggestion very similar.

Landing page design suggestions are hugely appreciated!

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by amethyst »

The KL-section is already large and has the potential to become very large. I suggest the different distributions are grouped under a heading "Kennel Linux Distributions" like in the Puppy section.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by keniv »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:14 pm

Little notice is taken of ordinary users, like myself, if they even post on these sort of issues.

Not true. I am listening, reading and considering. Really unfair comment IMO directed towards just me. Okay here is your chance. What should be done? Write the proposal in a tree form in text.

I'm waiting so the down trodden and overlooked get fair say.

My statement which you quoted was not aimed at you indeed in an earlier post in this thread I suggested that all the work in making changes to the forum would fall on one or perhaps a few people. I think this illustrates that I had some concern that the workload in making changes at that point could potentially be quite onerous and would fall to you.
As for writing a proposal I have also suggested that I was largely happy with the forum structure as is and don't have any proposal for radical change. I case there should be any doubt I have quoted from my original post bellow.

"I also have no issue with the current structure. I think much of what's being proposed would create a lot of work for one or at best a few people for very little if any gain. I don't think that such a workload should be imposed on anyone with out good evidence that it would lead to a substantial improvement over what we currently have. So far I don't see such evidence. Just my two pence worth as a nonphantom user of this forum."
I think others also suggested that they were largely happy with the forum as is but IMHO this did not hold much sway.

I would also like to quote from a second post I made,
"I have written this in a way which I hope does not offend anybody. If it does then I apologise in advance."
I am not in the business of trying to offend people and that includes yourself. I hope that this clarifies my position.



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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by Chelsea80 »


OK -

Please attached PDF

Puppy Front Page.pdf
(105.41 KiB) Downloaded 14 times


1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
....Frugal Install - Internal HDD - Gateway MX8716b - HDD 120GB - RAM 2GB

2. Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1
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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by fredx181 »

amethyst wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 6:06 pm

The KL-section is already large and has the potential to become very large. I suggest the different distributions are grouped under a heading "Kennel Linux Distributions" like in the Puppy section.

Yes, it's very large, something like this perhaps (with the distros grouped together anyway, like "Puppy Linux Distros")

Code: Select all

Kennel Linux Main
└── Kennel Linux Distros:
|    └── KLV-Airedale, KLV-Bspwm, KLV-Spectr, KLV-Swayland, KLV-HyprlandCE, KLA, KLU-jam, KLF, KL minis
└── More
|    └── KL-Dev_Work, How-To
└── And More
     └── KL_full2fr, firstribit, Virtualization

EDIT (later): Oh, I see it's a lot smaller now.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by williwaw »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 5:14 pm

Write the proposal.....I'm waiting...............

dimkr wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 2:46 pm

(although there are things I don't like, and I'm forking Puppy to create a weird distro that is technically derived from Puppy but super different, to the point it doesn't really belong here).

it seems that vanilliadpup will soon deserve it's own section if "built with woof-ce" is the definition of puppy.

(unless something different has already been mentioned in private)

Last edited by williwaw on Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by williwaw »

if a landing page is finalized later, will it be something that can allow tweaks from time to time without affecting the SEO of the forum proper?

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

williwaw wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 8:38 pm

if a landing page is finalized later, will it be something that can allow tweaks from time to time without affecting the SEO of the forum proper?

Yes! That is the exciting part. The changes are easier to make and have little influence on the SEO when using the one html page. as the landing page. We can use a really nice one page design.
We would discontinue redirecting to the current home page at GitHub and have point to this html file instead.

Like a table of contents with a forward. We would replace the current Puppy Linux home pages with a newly designed Landing page. The position of integration I'll have to think about what would function the best and be easy to use and informative.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by williwaw »

rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:41 pm

Like a table of contents with a forward. We would replace the current Puppy Linux home pages with a newly designed Landing page. The position of integration I'll have to think about what would function the best and be easy to use and informative.

nice. so a simplfied drop down is distinct possibility that could help the new visitors make sense of all the different offerings.
In that case, the most logical arrangements of forum topics is warrented, even if it appears to be an almost too long "menu" to some at present.

I know nothing of php, and just a little html, but the landing page seems like a more reasonable project for the community to kick back and forth and offer their two cents on, if not contribute some code.
I look foreward to seeing you start a topic on the landing page once the dust settles with the present shufflings.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by Wiz57 »

williwaw wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:25 pm
rockedge wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 9:41 pm

Like a table of contents with a forward. We would replace the current Puppy Linux home pages with a newly designed Landing page. The position of integration I'll have to think about what would function the best and be easy to use and informative.

nice. so a simplfied drop down is distinct possibility that could help the new visitors make sense of all the different offerings.
In that case, the most logical arrangements of forum topics is warrented, even if it appears to be an almost too long "menu" to some at present.

I know nothing of php, and just a little html, but the landing page seems like a more reasonable project for the community to kick back and forth and offer their two cents on, if not contribute some code.
I look foreward to seeing you start a topic on the landing page once the dust settles with the present shufflings.

It could even be done in plain old HTML, no scripting, PHP, CSS. Just a basic page with a somewhat
simple layout, in a bulleted type choice to "Jump to the desired forum section", no need to list all
the subforums on the index page. Also, should make the text in a font big enough and with the
appropriate contrast to aid visitors that may have visual difficulties. I've done this a few times,
way back when I had a lot more free time. Those old pages were "Anybrowser friendly", even
Lynx, links, elinks, Arachne and yes, IE and NetScape (I know, I'm old...give the old man a break!)

"Welcome to Our Forum Landing Page"
"Below you'll find links to our various offerings, Puppy, KL, Fatdog, EasyOS, DebianDogs and
many helpful and knowledgeable members to answer questions and get you started.
Adopt your animal TODAY, click one of the links below to vist their section of the forum.
Or Click now to visit the front page!"

Then start listing our forum primary sections.
Just an idea

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by mikewalsh »

amethyst wrote: Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:02 pm

Why do some of peebee's distributions make it to the main puppy distribution page and some not?

@amethyst :-

I can't speak for the SPups, Nic. Slackware has a super weird release, it's totally unpredictable, and is only ever released when Patrick Volkerding feels it's about time a new version made an appearance.

As for the UPups; Canonical have always worked to a 6-monthly release cadence, regular as clockwork.....and of those, it's the bi-annual, 4th "6-monthly" release that then becomes the next 5-year-support LTS release. The other 3 disappear off the face of the earth after just 9 months...

I would hazard a guess that those of Peter's builds which DO make it onto the "official distributions" page are more than likely those LTS builds. Even peebee himself will regularly close the threads for the "in-betweenie", "9-month wonders", because they're no longer supported. Canonical themselves have stated, enough times over the years, that those 3 successive 9-month wonders are basically 'practice runs' for the next LTS version...

Something along those lines, anyway.

Mike. :)

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

@Wiz57 That is correct. The easiest and most versatile for our needs is a single HTML page with a table of contents of sorts, linking to the various places on the forum(s) and remember there is a Wikki still active.

With some informative text of course.

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Re: The future of the forum and about the structure

Post by rockedge »

Here is an example of what we can do with a very simple setup ->

the code itself:

Code: Select all

   <title>Landing Page</title>
#toc_container {
    background: #f9f9f9 none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    display: table;
    font-size: 95%;
    margin-bottom: 1em;
    padding: 20px;
    width: auto;

.toc_title {
    font-weight: 700;
    text-align: center;

#toc_container li, #toc_container ul, #toc_container ul li{
    list-style: outside none none !important;


<div style="float: left; width: 40px;margin:0px 10px 0 30px">
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<p class="toc_title">Contents</p>
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  <li><a href="#First_Point_Header">1 First Point Header</a>
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    <li><a href="#First_Sub_Point_2">1.2 First Sub Point 2</a></li>
<li><a href="#Second_Point_Header">2 Second Point Header</a></li>
<li><a href="#Third_Point_Header">3 Third Point Header</a></li>


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                                    <span class="text-muted">64 bit</span>
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