Re: Announcements about LxPup, ScPup, UPups, Chromium, LXQt, Kernels etc.
Updated to:
Discussion, talk and tips
Updated to:
Kernel Release: 5.13.0-lxpup64
Build Date: Mon Jun 28 09:45:03 BST 2021
Build GCC: 10.3.0,
OS Support: GNU/Linux
Architecture: x86_64
SMP Enabled: Yes
aufs-5.x-rcN until aufs-5.13 appears
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
Kernel Release: 5.13.4-lxpup64
Build Date: Wed Jul 21 07:38:51 BST 2021
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
chromium_92.0.4515.107.sfs (RUNS-AS-SPOT) both 32-bit and 64-bit Snap versions
via Menu -> Internet -> Get Web Browser ... s/download ... s/download
The browsers in this folder are provided as add-ons for LxPupSc, ScPup and UPup 32bit builds
The versions of the browsers as of 23-Jul-2021 with their md5sums are:
chromium_92.0.4515.107 RUNS-AS-SPOT :f728c97b01db4c12967d8f58ae1a1ff9
ChromiumUBB_92.0.4515.107 RUNS-AS-SPOT for BionicPup32 :f728c97b01db4c12967d8f58ae1a1ff9
firefox-90.0.2 :b9c09dab90fd3f0620c170224ae3ffc2
palemoon-29.3.0 :82ad7a2889586b7cdc1ee880f02c92cd
seamonkey- :dd6a11887488c1f5befd8d8a82d669c8
Thanks again Peebee
Once again works perfectly on my fossapup64
Kernel Release: 5.13.5-lxpup64
Build Date: Sun Jul 25 17:34:25 BST 2021
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
Hello @PeeBee is the fdrv a requirement for boot+use of the 07/24/2021 ISOs?
Clarity wrote: Mon Jul 26, 2021 7:34 amHello @PeeBee is the fdrv a requirement for boot+use of the 07/24/2021 ISOs?
Don't understand............
The Updates listed above do not use this 64-bit kernel....
but the iso does contain a suitable fdrv for use with it......
Kernel Release: 5.13.12-lxpup64
Build Date: Wed Aug 18 17:38:06 BST 2021
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
chromium_92.0.4515.159.sfs (RUNS-AS-SPOT) both 32-bit and 64-bit Snap versions
via Menu -> Internet -> Get Web Browser
32-bit ... s/download
64-bit ... s/download
Kernel Release: 5.13.13-lxpup64 (x86_64)
Build Date: Fri Aug 27 07:33:57 BST 2021
Build GCC: 11.2.0
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
Kernel Release: 5.14.1-lxpup64 (x86_64)
Build Date: Fri Sep 3 12:38:44 BST 2021
Build GCC: 11.2.0
OS Support: GNU/Linux
Architecture: x86_64
SMP Enabled: Yes
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
chromium_93.0.4577.63.sfs (RUNS-AS-SPOT) both 32-bit and 64-bit Snap versions
via Menu -> Internet -> Get Web Browser
32-bit ... s/download
64-bit ... s/download
Kernel Release: 5.14.2-lxpup64 (x86_64)
Build Date: Thu Sep 9 07:06:53 BST 2021
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
@peebee I tested this latest kernel. I noticed that synaptics touchpad does not work unlike previous kernel version
mistfire wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:21 pm@peebee I tested this latest kernel. I noticed that synaptics touchpad does not work unlike previous kernel version
No changes that I know of ........... google search does not provide any info ............. what do you mean by "does not work"? Any clues in dmesg??
The touchpad does not work. Unable to intereact with mouse pointer. I checked dmesg, the touchpad does not detected. I tried lsmod the synaptics kernel module was not on the list. I tried hardinfo app still the touchpad doesn't detected even I tried lspci, it doesn't show the touchpad. However when I tried other linux distro such as Ubuntu, my touchpad was detected and works
I checked on my Samsung netbook and the synaptic pad worked fine
What firmware fdrv are you using? Try a different one?
Anyone else having problems?
Seems ok here. Just did a 5.14.0 to 5.14.2 bump on the LxPupSc64 21.04 +3 install on the i5 based Fujitsu S761. The touchpad (detected as synaptics) continues to work correctly on this HW/OS. Quick check of browsers, Sylpheed ok, not much else tested as yet. Most relevant stuff below:
Code: Select all
# dmesg | grep -i touchpad
[ 9.685612] psmouse serio4: synaptics: Touchpad model: 1, fw: 7.4, id: 0x180b1, caps: 0xd04731/0xa42000/0xa0000/0x0, board id: 0, fw id: 631307
[ 9.728029] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio4/input/input19
# inxi -b
System: Host: puppypc2965 Kernel: 5.14.2-lxpup64 x86_64 (64 bit) Desktop: LXDE (Openbox 3.6.1)
Distro: LxPupSc64 21.04
Machine: Device: laptop System: FUJITSU product: LIFEBOOK S761 serial: R1Y00453
Mobo: FUJITSU model: FJNB225 UEFI [Legacy]: FUJITSU // Phoenix v: Version 1.17 date: 03/14/2012
Battery CMB1: charge: 56.8 Wh 100.0% condition: 56.8/67.0 Wh (85%)
CPU: Dual core Intel Core i5-2520M (-HT-MCP-) speed/max: 800/3200 MHz
Graphics: Card: Intel 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller
Display Server: 1.20.11 driver: intel tty size: 134x35 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Network: Card: Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) driver: ath9k
Drives: HDD Total Size: 250.1GB (28.0% used)
Info: Processes: 154 Uptime: 1 min Memory: 271.1/5781.8MB Client: Shell (bash) inxi: 2.3.8
@peebee I tested the kernel still my touchpad doesn't work. synaptics_i2c kernel module does not load. It seems there is more HID and I2C kernel modules related to synaptics_i2c might be missing from compiling take a look on this list of loaded kernel modules from my laptop between Ubuntu kernel and LxPup kernel. My current laptop is Acer Aspire ES1-433
P.S: Please include basic ACPI kernel modules on the kernel. Your kernel unable to shutdown and reboot from initrd shell or when zdrv module is not loaded
Update: I tried your kernel on Lenovo S130 the touchpad not working.
chromium_93.0.4577.82.sfs (RUNS-AS-SPOT) both 32-bit and 64-bit Snap versions
via Menu -> Internet -> Get Web Browser
32-bit ... s/download
64-bit ... s/download
Kernel Release: 5.14.4-lxpup64 (x86_64)
Build Date: Wed Sep 15 10:30:34 BST 2021
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here
@peebee - where can I download the latest 32-bit kernel (only the kernel)?
amethyst wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:23 am@peebee - where can I download the latest 32-bit kernel (only the kernel)?
There isn't a 32-bit version of 5.14 that I know about........ I only build 64-bit kernels
You can get a 32-bit version of latest 5.10 LTS from: ... el-kit.yml
peebee wrote: Thu Sep 16, 2021 6:20 amamethyst wrote: Wed Sep 15, 2021 11:23 am@peebee - where can I download the latest 32-bit kernel (only the kernel)?
There isn't a 32-bit version of 5.14 that I know about........ I only build 64-bit kernels
You can get a 32-bit version of latest 5.10 LTS from: ... el-kit.yml
How does one download something from there, I can't?
Kernel Release: 5.14.7-lxpup64 (x86_64)
Build Date: Wed Sep 22 17:29:34 BST 2021
needs firmware (e.g. by fdrv)
from here