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Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 6:36 am
by Jasper
I think it would be a good learning experience to be able to build up a working system giving me knowledge.
I already use the application in my OS.
I forgot that I would potentially need Python 2/3 as I have extension scripts. However, they are useful but I could live without them.
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 7:26 am
by wanderer
hi jasper
then if you want to go the tinycore route
its very simple
just download the latest tinycore from the tinycore site
burn it to a usb
load it
and download and load the extensions that you need
and there you have it
there is a little learning curve to learn how things are set up
but its all very easy and straightforward
good luck
and keep us informed
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 10:26 am
by Jasper
Okay, will do
Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 12:48 pm
by Rantanplan
I installed TCL 13.1 on a USB stick.
It's a nice surprise.
I downloaded Deadbeef, but when I wanted to use it, it was "deadbeef devel" that was loaded versus "deadbeef".
How do I fix this?
Thank you.
PS: I don't have access to the forum because it's impossible to register.
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 1:27 pm
by rockedge
@Rantanplan What kind of problem are you having with the registration to the forum? We can fix that I think!
The answer is 3.14 or Pi or is there a problem with the email not being sent?
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 6:25 pm
by fredx181
Probably @Rantanplan meant the registration on the TinyCore forum (not this forum).
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 1:13 pm
by Rantanplan
Hi @rockedge and @fredx181 ,
Thank you for yours answers dears rockedge and fredx181.
Actually, I can't register to the tinycorelinux forum like other people (yes, Fredx181, well done ). The problem is known to the Tinycore team. They are solving it, or trying to.
For my problem, I solved it using the package.
Then, I converted it to .sfs, and then renamed it to .tcz.
And it works fine.
Thanks to Puppy Linux.
With my best regards.
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2023 7:03 pm
by wanderer
hi all
since rockedge has been kind enough to allow this thread to exist
i have decided to post occasionally to remind people of this little project
puppy is great and needs no improvement
i use upupbb 32 as my main distro (thanks peebee)
however even though puppy does not need improvement
i feel it can be improved by making it more minimal and modular
i feel this would aid with the making things more manageable
both for the developers and the users
for many years i tried to do this
by stripping puppy down to just the ramdrive and symlinked extensions
then while looking for ways to break puppy down i checked out tinycore
and found that they had already accomplished what i was trying to do
i then realized i could use tinycore as my base
and corepup was born
after playing with the system for a while
it became apparent that the best was to do things
was to keep tinycore essentially unchanged
so it was compatible with updates from the tinycore team
but add puppy pets and sfs to the system as extensions to the tinycore base
there also are a small number of core tinycore scripts
that are comparable to the core puppy scripts
that can be modified to expand the functionality of the system
while leaving the base system essentially unchanged
i believe that by combining the 2 systems puppy and tinycore
major improvements can be made
i encourage anyone that is interested in these ideas to look into corepup-tinycore
i will continue to post updates and explanations
so that anyone interested can have a good starting point
thanks all
see you soon
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 9:31 pm
by username2023
I have several questions:
1) is corepup-8 meant to run in virtualbox (I'm assuming it's small) or as live.iso (I'm assuming there's no installer)?
2) Is there an easy way to install dpkg in corepup-8?
(the simple way means executing 1-10 commands in the terminal)
3) Is there an easy way to install apt-get in corepup-8?
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:05 am
by wanderer
hi username 2023
corepup is based on tinycore which is an independently developed distro
it is not based on debian
so apt and other debian functions are not supported
corepup uses an entirely different system to add applications
corepup it is meant to run as a standalone distro
but i assume it can be run in a virtual machine
there is a version of tinycore called dcore on the tinycore site that uses debian functions
i would go there and check that out since it appears that would be more of what you are looking for
post if you have any further questions or comments
good luck
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2023 7:27 pm
by username2023
There are a few questions I wanted to ask on On the registration page, the last captcha does not move -> I can not register. I did not find the mail of TCL authors on the site. How to contact the authors?
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:11 am
by wanderer
hi username2023
i think there is an ongoing problem with registering on the tinycore forum
however i am registered and i will inform them that you are having trouble
in the meantime
if you have a question you can post it on this thread
and i will repost it on the tinycore forum
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2023 3:15 am
by username2023
Did anyone answer the topic of registration problems?
this error:
tce-load -i /media/sda2/nano.tcz
nano.tcz: OK
sh: nano: not found
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:37 am
by wanderer
hi username2023
i will post this error message on the tinycore forum
with an explanatory message
lets see where that goes
any message you want to send them
post in this thread
and i will cut and paste it to their forum
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 5:38 am
by wanderer
hi username2023
this is the answer that they posted to fix your error
Sometimes when loading an extension through the command line
you will get that response.
Running the following after loading the extension should fix it:
hash -r
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 4:36 pm
by username2023
answer for TCL forum:
it did not help, the error is in the picture
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 4:16 am
by wiak
I'm not running TC anymore so can't check directly. But if nano is indeed installed it would be worth your checking where on your TC system the nano binary is actually installed. If your system has the 'which' command, you can enter at terminal:
If it was installed in, say, /usr/bin, then you could then try running it via complete path found using command:
If which command is not installed, you could either try installing it or or simply look manually via filemanager or by using ls command in folders such as /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin, /bin, or maybe TC stores most binaries in some special TC-named folder?
Re: Corepup - nano
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:45 am
by Rantanplan
Hi everybody,
wanderer recommends using the latest version of TC rather than Corepup, as I understand it.
i use tc+ 14.0 32 bits without backup whith Xvesa.
in this environnment, nano needs 4 dependancies :
I use Apps icon to download and load nano.tcz.
Then, in terminal, i type :
and it runs :
- screenshot_0622103136.png (187.01 KiB) Viewed 8005 times
In your msg, i don't understand, why do you use :
And why do you load with this command :
Normally, nano.tcz is in tce/optional and tce/ is declared in extlinux.conf
These questions aren't matter for your problem.
Can you verify that all dependancies are downloaded ?
Re: Corepup - Register to TC Forum
Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 8:58 am
by Rantanplan
This problem is knew by the tinycore's team.
No official solution at this time.
Somebody has find a solution : see ... #msg168262
With firefox, combine Ctrl+Shift+I touchs to open "Developpers tools" (or similar).
Locate the captchas in the second row with your mouse and in the inspector screen clear the corresponding rows.
I had to make several attempts before I succeeded.
I successfully tried and i could register. But, I didn't receive a confirmation message.
And several days later, I was able to log in with the username and password.
Good luck.
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:00 pm
by Rantanplan
Signing up for the tinycorelinux forum should be easier.
There are no longer the two rows of images to synchronize.
Below is the new recording interface:
- tcl_register_screen.png (28.69 KiB) Viewed 7434 times
I didn't test it.
Yours sincerely.
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 6:48 pm
by wanderer
hi all
since rockedge has been kind enough to allow this thread to exist
i am reposting this summary of corepup
to remind people of this little project
puppy is great and needs no improvement
i use upupbb 32 as my main distro (thanks peebee)
however even though puppy does not need improvement
i feel it can be improved by making it more minimal and modular
i feel this would aid with the making things more manageable
both for the developers and the users
for many years i tried to do this
by stripping puppy down to just the ramdrive and symlinked extensions
then while looking for ways to break puppy down i checked out tinycore
and found that they had already accomplished what i was trying to do
i then realized i could use tinycore as my base
and corepup was born
after playing with the system for a while
it became apparent that the best was to do things
was to keep tinycore essentially unchanged
so it was compatible with updates from the tinycore team
but add puppy .sfs to the system as .tcz extensions to the tinycore base
there also are a small number of core tinycore scripts
that are comparable to the core puppy scripts
that can be modified to expand the functionality of the system
while leaving the base system essentially unchanged
i believe that by combining the 2 systems puppy and tinycore
major improvements can be made
i encourage anyone that is interested in these ideas to look into corepup-tinycore
i will continue to post updates and explanations
so that anyone interested can have a good starting point
thanks all
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 6:50 pm
by wanderer
hi all
i am requesting help and input (either positive or negative) for my little project
in modifying puppy sfs files to work in tinycore
i am using tinycore 15 at this time
what i do is take a puppy .sfs file
rename it .tcz
load it into the /tce/optional folder in tinycore
have the tinycore app loader symlink it
then run it in a terminal
sometimes it runs fine
sometimes it has problems with dependencies
i then try to satisfy the missing dependencies
sometimes i can sometimes i cant
of course you can unsquash the sfs and modify or add stuff and then resquash it
thoughts anyone
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 7:55 pm
by geo_c
do you think it's possible to FirstRib tinycore?
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 8:08 pm
by rockedge
geo_c wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 7:55 pm
do you think it's possible to FirstRib tinycore?
I do think so. Will have to look back but I think @wiak might have tried out "Weedogging" Tinycore or mentioned something about it. This information might be possible to find in the oldforum or the old FIrstRib Forum
Will need to look back at the compression types and how Tinycore is assembled.......then try a build with a PLUG or see if we can construct a FirstRib type initrd.gz from the Tinycore kernel using something yet to be determined.......
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 8:18 pm
by wanderer
hi geo_c and rockedge
the base core of tinycore is 12.7 megs in size (just a ramdrive easily opened modified and closed)
to this is added
a bootloader (syslinux)
and a kernal
and any number of tcz extensions which are simple sfs squash files systems
these are simply symlinked to the core
very simple very small very modular
that is the beauty of tinycore
would it not be better to use this system
and simple make sfs files that run in it
by resolving their dependencies
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 9:45 pm
by wanderer
what i am working on now
is trying to get firefox.sfs (from upup32) running in tinycore
it will run the startup script
but cannot find a number of dependencies
or write files because of inadequate permissions
cant create
usr/lib/firefox/firefox-run1 (permission denied)
usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/gschemas.compiled.TUJ83T (permission denied)
cant find
so im trying to come up with fixes for these issues
i was able to get fredx181 portable firefox running in an older tinycore
so i will also look at that
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 8:56 pm
by redquine
wanderer wrote: Thu May 09, 2024 9:45 pm
what i am working on now
is trying to get firefox.sfs (from upup32) running in tinycore
It's been a while since I used Tiny Core or Corepup, as I no longer have the laptop I used to run it on. But I remember using the "Firefox latest" .tcz, which I really liked as it was so effortless to install.
Do they still provide that, and if so: can you compare what's downloaded to the .sfs? Might provide you with what you need, or at least clues to why you're having these problems.
You've also re-kindled my interest in Corepup so I might have a go at this myself when I can find the time!
Edit: I wonder if it also has something to do with where the .sfs expects to find the dependencies. While it's an independent distro, Tiny Core's "parent" Damn Small was based on Debian/AntiX; I believe Ubuntu lays things out a bit differently. Can't remember exactly how, off the top of my head, but perhaps someone else can remind us? (Please and thanks in advance if so!)
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Fri May 10, 2024 10:53 pm
by wanderer
hi redquine
usually most of the tinycore tcz
including firefox_getLatest work fine
i am having a little trouble with firefox now but that may just be a certificate issue
in the past there has been problems with firefox and vlc
dont know if they have fixed them in 15
but what i am trying to do is see if some of the puppy files can be used
this would expand the array of extensions available
and some of the puppy apps are more polished
the dependency issue as you can see by the error message
has to do with things not being found
and with the app trying to write things in the wrong place for tinycore
they can slowly be sorted out
that was the advantage of the portable apps
they can just be placed in home in tinycore
so there are no conflicts
your interest and comments are much appreciated
if you do anything further with tinycore or have any more ideas
i hope you will post them on this thread
thanks wanderer
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 2:02 pm
by wanderer
hi rockedge
please delete this forum
as it is not progressing
and is only taking up space
Re: Corepup - a minimalist modular system
Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 4:21 pm
by wiak
Best to archive whole dog incubator section to Other Distros; it isnt progressing and I feel it isnt likely to.