Hi Everyone,
Thought I'd provide an update to this issue. I've been trying FossaPup on a different computer, and I think the behavior regarding this issue might help someone diagnose what's going on. The new system is an Asus Zenbook UX360C Notebook, with 4 GB RAM, and an internal SSD. I used Lick to do a Frugal dual-boot install on my Windows partition. First I installed the full fossapup64-9.5 Puppy. I had trouble with Firefox on that, though. It was a very old version of FF, that tried to do some sort of automatic update, and then crashed, every time I used it after the initial install. So I came back to this Friendly Fossa and installed it, again using Lick to do a Frugal dual-boot install on my Windows partition (sda3). This has an up-to-date FireFox, which seems to be stable (so far, at least).
With the Friendly Fossa rc3 install, I got the same errors as I did on the other laptop, the HP Pavilion X2. (See the first post in this thread.) Renaming fossapup64initmodules.txt seems to work around the problem, and the trackpad works fine. (I promptly turn it off in Setup, though, because I can't type with the thing on. I use a wireless mouse.)
What was interesting, though, is with the full fossapup64 9.5 install, the list of modules in fossapup64initmodules.txt is identical, however, it only complains about one of them, intel_ishtp_hid. The error is different, too:
Code: Select all
Can't load module intel_ishtp_hid (kernel/drivers/hid/intel-ish-hid/intel-ishtp-hid.ko): No such device
If I removed the intel_ishtp_hid entry from the list in fossapup64initmodules.txt, the laptop boots FossaPup64 9.5 with no complaints.
Perhaps this info will help someone identify what's going on.