Just the old pmonth_gtk2, with a facelift
Well, rewritten and renamed a bit.
ptxt, version 01
ptxt is a scriptable splash window. Undecorated, skips taskbar and pager.
Semitransparent areas should blend with the root window detail.
To toggle splash window on and off use ptxt_toggle script in /root/my-applications/bin
folder. ptxt_toggle script takes only one comment - appfolder name of the ptxt function.
AppRun script can display different text data and may use other media, depending
on the nature of the splash.
ptxt window size is determined from bg.png background picture in appfolder.
Window X and Y location, location of the text and the splash timeout
are configured in the AppRun script and then handed over to GTK2 program as arguments.
Splash window quits on any focus-out event, or when timeout-seconds
timer is reached. timeout value must be 1 second or more.
Open terminal in source folder and run regular:
make install
That should build and install ptxt and example data. ptxt is not expected to appear in
the menu, to give ptxt a testrun click on example appfolder in /root/.ptxt folder.
DroidSansMono.ttf font used in examples is included with the source.
Please see the README file and example AppRun scripts for more information.
For cal -v switch, shown on the screenshot, use the regular util-linux cal
from version 2.36 or later, here is a link below:
GNU GPLv2, or at your option, any later version of that license.
EDIT: updated to version 02
Small code cleanup, added click to close, etc.
"Hello" AppRun script extended with some appfolder menu and
locale support examples.