Wow Thank you Fred I appreciate the time taken to do this. Posting from the iso I made from this basic Jwm set up.
Basic Jwm desktop has vlc, mtpaint, Audacious, gtkam, xpdf.
Moderator: fredx181
Wow Thank you Fred I appreciate the time taken to do this. Posting from the iso I made from this basic Jwm set up.
Basic Jwm desktop has vlc, mtpaint, Audacious, gtkam, xpdf.
Here's attached mklive-daedalus build script, it's a modification of mklive-chimaera with the difference that it will build a Devuan Daedalus system (Devuan equivalent of Debian "Bookworm") similar to DebianDog.
Updated attached mklive-daedalus 2023-03-15 and new Test ISO below, changes see: viewtopic.php?p=84331#p84331
Test ISO 64-bit, updated 2023-03-15 , built with Desktop option "Tint2" (password root = root, password puppy = puppy) :
EDIT: Dedicated thread now for Devuan Daedalus build system here: viewtopic.php?p=88394#p88394
After testing mklive-daedalus I found that the build failed because of that the "fuse'" package changed to "fuse3".
Fixed by changing fuse to fuse3 in the "preset" configs at Github .
The mklive-daedalus script (see above attached) is unchanged, but should work OK again now.
New mklive-daedalus build script attached and link to new Test ISO: DebLive_daedalus-amd64-UEFI-2023-03-15.iso Here
- Fixed some build problems (previously the build failed because of some changes in Devuan repo).
Important change:
- Devuan has now a separate repository for nonfree firmware: non-free-firmware
Added it in the script to be able to use it.
For an existing daedalus build, change in /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb daedalus main contrib non-free
To (add "non-free-firmware"):
deb daedalus main contrib non-free non-free-firmware
(also added this change to updated "repo-conf" (1.0.3) package in custom repository)
Other changes:
- No prompt anymore during build for yes/no overwriting (custom) /etc/rc.local
- The Desktop environment chosen (DE_CONFIG variable) now added to the "build_setup.conf" file.
Not only this is without systemd (as is mostly the purpose of Devuan), but also this does NOT have an 'usr-merged" system.
(the modern "usr-merged" system means that e.g. /lib, /bin, /sbin are symlinks pointing to /usr/...)
EDIT: Dedicated thread now for Devuan Daedalus build system here: viewtopic.php?p=88394#p88394