Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony - a long ramble

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Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony - a long ramble

Post by GusCE6 »

First, sorry for the delay. I’ve been dealing with health problems, walking in on a suicide attempt, a relative causing endless legal hassles, and other problems, but it’s nice to be back here again, among COMPETENT people who can and have helped get things done!

Here’s an update: The 2012 ASUS experienced a faulty hard drive- at least that’s what it appears to be- so its Windows 8 no longer works. The LICK installed Puppy Linux 6.0.5 no longer works of course. Luckily I had USB Puppy Linux 6.3.0 stick to load in the RAM, until I can get a new hard drive that is what I am using. I do not know how to create another distro on a USB stick except for the same distro.

Of course the poor Sony has a defective power supply (when it rains it floods) so it’s out for now. Even so I’m still interested in how far it can go. It is sad it cannot run games like “Undertale” unlike the Pentium 4 2003 Dell, but oh well. It is also a shame Opera Mini does not appear to be updated any longer. Years ago I stumbled across it for Windows CE and it was amazing what it enabled the puny 2006 Sylvania Windows CE netbook to do- it could even fully handle Deviantart and Youtube before those idiotic site script changes, and even now can handle some. In the case of Deviantart if memory serves it is the “static.parastorage.com” which is causing the trouble. If Opera Mini was to be updated then most people’s browsing problems would be no more.

Fenyo some time back said this- by browser he probably meant Palemoon 27:

“I've tested the browser with TwittchTv on an Atlhon Xp machine and it seems stable for hours, but only works if you have new enough ffmpeg, gstreamer codecs, even Precise isnt good enough, just saying video format not supported, but Trusty or Jessie or newer base is ok, i dont know whether Puppy has a newer codecs for Precise or even Lucid (Lucid seems to be too old for current usage, maybe Precise is the sweet spot for really old P3's, on an Athlon Xp/ K7 Sempron or Tua P3's with enough ram and with supported vga (Ati Radeon 8500+, Geforce4+) is good enough for currently supported Debian base (9+) distros, if the window manager is light enough (Xfce or lighter)).
Update: the oldest distro which has new enough gstreamer-ffmpeg for twitchtv is Centos 6, it has 3rd party repo called epel and nux-desktop, and it has newer codec packs than vanilla Precise, even though it has older base, but it was a really long supperted distro (2010 to 2020). I dont know whether it lighter than Puppy (always depend on the machine hardware config too), but Centos 6 in epel has xfce and even icewm packages, so you could config realtivly up to date system (support ended just november of 2020 compared with Lucid which EOL april of 2015) with light but outdated window manager, although Trusty or Jessie based distro with a newer and comfortable light wm is not seems heavier, so you have to try to be able to decide which one is the most suitable for your hardware...”

Could you explain that in more detail? At this point I’m willing to use the Sony as an experimental device, but would prefer to keep XP on it so it is a multi-boot device- how would I so install those distros? I’m no fan of Microsoft but I did like XP...of course if one knows where I can download XP that does not need those stupid activation codes FOR REAL- I’ve run into others making that claim but of course it wasn’t true, I wish people would check to make certain first- that would be nice. Microsoft “tech help” is an oxymoron.

I’m going to install a Linux distro on the ASUS when ready, probably Ubuntu since gaming and Internet activity are my primary concerns. I am assuming USB distros like the one I am using work via the ASUS itself so I can still use them. This would expand the ASUS’ abilities.

I was also told that I could install RAM upgrades beyond the extra 128MB for the Sony but this seems doubtful- it would add to the original 128MB and so you would get 384MB, 640MB, etc, which are weird numbers, and that’s assuming you get a card which can not only physically fit but would work properly. The Sony is model PCG-SRX77.


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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony

Post by mikewalsh »

@GusCE6 :-

For a pre-activated XP ISO, try these two:-

https://getintopc.com/softwares/operati ... 3-1144291/

https://getintopc.com/softwares/operati ... d-5762326/

I've used both of these - admittedly, quite a few years ago now - but the Black Edition, in particular, has had a ton of updates and more modern hardware support "slipstreamed" into the original SP3 ISO. Works well, too.

(Don't ask me about CentOS. Don't know the first thing about it....)

The only thing I will say is this:- If you want to set-up a dual-boot install with Windows, you must install Windows first.....and you MUST give it the whole disk to itself. After it's installed, you then use the Windows disk-management tools from within Windows to shrink the partition, and create sufficient space for a proposed Linux install. You then install your Linux distro afterwards.

It's possible to create a smaller partition first, and try installing XP to that, but it REALLY doesn't like it; it complains & bitches about there being extra free space, and goes out of its way to try and use that, too. It's just simpler to give it its head, let it do what it wants - makes the installation a lot smoother! - then shrink & re-partition afterwards. At that point, it no longer seems to care...!

Mike. ;)

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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony

Post by rockedge »

Here are 2 more versions of decent ready to go activated Windows XP ->


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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony

Post by janugsa »

I have a laptop: cpu 550 MHz ram 256MB.

What do I use this laptop for?
Internet radio---- Yradio
Youtube------ YTFE youtube browser, add mplayer player.
Word processing----- abiword or openoffice

Last fall I tried the deviantart.com site.
With a little change of useragent and about:config I managed to import the pages in 3-5 minutes
using newmoon 28.17 browser.
Now in March I can't. I cannot get past the "We value your privacy" text.

I didn't even try it with a browser, as my laptop is very weak.
Streamlink program. I tried the old version of Streamlink Appimage, no need to install it. You can watch Twitch titles with console management using an external player.
Unfortunately it does not work due to the p3 sse processor. So I tried it on a 2 core laptop.
This way cpu load is a quarter than with browser.

NewMoon 28.17
I use it very rarely. Not recommended to browse on such a weak laptop.

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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

xp lite and win7 starter lite

*There are very few Linux distributions that you cannot install on USB with Universal-USB-Installer
maybe, you can install linux distributions on usb to use on a newer device

*There is a very old hosts in XP from 2009, you need to delete it or it will not connect to the network, no activaston required
you can try mypal, https://www.mypal-browser.org/
--rufus for xp is enough--

Acer Aspire One AO751h Netbook Intel Atom CPU Z520 1.33 GHz:1-1 core 2 GB+2 GB Swap.
Sony 5200 mAh
BionicPup32 19.03 Full
BullseyePup32 9.1.0 Lite Frugal
✨ Kingston 30 GB SSD ✨
✨ 2 GB Kingston USB ✨

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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony

Post by GusCE6 »

I really appreciate the help I'm getting here- thank you all.

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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony - a long ramble

Post by GusCE6 »


What are the technical requirements for this one? Normally it seems as though Puppy Linux 5.2, possibly 5.4, is the practical limit.

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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony - a long ramble

Post by mikeslr »

Hi gus,

I think you should start a new thread providing details of what your Asus specs now are.

I saw your new post about 5 hours ago. Couldn't figure out the specs then; hoped someone else would respond. Checked, re-read the thread now. Still can't really guess. Don't like to leave inquiries hanging.

Just some ideas in passing. Amethyst has published both a remastered racy (racy resurrector) and a remastered precise (precise extra) in this Section, viewforum.php?f=119. Don't know how well they'll work in your Asus. I published a remastered 32-bit buster which ran on my (now defunct) Asus 701sd. It's available from the link here, https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 957c#p4070. But it's likely that either josejp2424’s DpupBuster CE, radky’s BusterPup --links from that post-- or one of my all-time favorites, radky's dpup-stretch, viewtopic.php?p=1506#p1506 can be used.

I haven't kept track of Slackos since the 5 series. It is possible that several of peebee's '32-bit ubuntus', https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewforum.php?f=144 or his S15, https://forum.puppylinux.com/viewtopic. ... 5d8#p74125, might work.

The real problems with using newer Puppys with older computers are the amount of RAM available --newer components and applications tend to require more RAM-- and whether the newer kernels built-into newer Puppys include the firmware and drivers required by the hardware of the older computer; or if not, they can be obtained. To some extent, kernels can be swapped.

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Re: Fenyo, Browsers, and...the old Sony - a long ramble

Post by janugsa »

Slacko 5.8.10
-glibc 2.23
-kernel replaceable
-browser not included
-pupmode13 possible

https://oldforum.puppylinux.com/viewtop ... 6#p1037676

by Sailor Enceladus based on slacko 5.7
slacko 5.7.1----slacko 5.8CE------slacko 5.8.10

Technical requirements?? I don't think they were ever written down.
I know what I experience.
Precise5.7.1, Precise Light, Precise Extra, Slacko 5.7, Slacko 5.7.2CE--
They didn't work so well on the extra weak laptop.
Slacko 5.2.5 and slacko 5.4 are fast, but I can't youtube or browse.

Slacko 5.8.10 was the best. Not perfect, but it works.
I use the NewMoon 29.4.6 browser (Fenyo), but rarely:
https://mega.nz/file/Hk8llJrD#WPN4T3cnm ... LExL9RvDec

Celeron (coppermine) Pentium3 550MHz, RAM 256MB

Translated Deepl.

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