KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

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KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

Now ready for download and testing is the completely experimental KLV-Awesome-RT ISO 531 M, a KLV that has the Awesome hybrid window manager, pcmanfm, Thunar and Rox are all built in the rootfs.

Kernel is a full real time 6.1.38-rt13 which can be swapped with full real time kernel 6.1.46-rt14 which is available to download.

The 07KLV-awesome_rootfs is made with the PLUG:


Code: Select all

# f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_no-kernel_WDLteam-alternate-1.plug
# version="1.0.0"; revision="-alpha1"
# Kennel Linux Void outfitted with a spectrwm desktop 
# Creation date 01May2023; Revision date: 01May2023
# Copyright Kennel Linux team; License MIT

# build this via terminal commands:build_firstrib_rootfs_401rc1.sh
# export CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=-1  **not needed with v501**
# ./build_firstrib_rootfs_401rc1.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_kernel_WDLteam-rc5.plug
# Architecture i386 will probably successfully build too as an alternative to amd64

# login is user=root passwd=root

# All the parameters/commandlines can be appropriately changed:
# Simply comment in or comment out till you have what you desire
# or add new packages to the xbps-install lists.
# You can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here.
# base system
xbps-install -y base-minimal ncurses-base bash eudev
xbps-install -y file mc xterm xauth
xbps-install -y shadow wpa_supplicant  # needed for most wifi
xbps-install -y ntfs-3g zstd rsync

# set up passwd system
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default root passwd to "root"

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Xorg server, spectrwm Desktop configuration

xbps-install -y xorg awesome
xbps-install -y xlockmore tzutils
xbps-install -y gvfs-smb gvfs-mtp gvfs-cdda
xbps-install -y yad gxmessage

# Optional packages
xbps-install -y geany gftp rox lxterminal
xbps-install -y e2fsprogs yelp gparted
xbps-install -y dosfstools mtools 
xbps-install -y squashfs-tools wget
xbps-install -y lxterminal htop
xbps-install -y pcmanfm Thunar

# Browser selection
xbps-install -y firefox

# Fix Firefox Fonts 
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/
xbps-reconfigure -f fontconfig

# Install Audio
xbps-install -y pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils
ln -s /etc/sv/pulseaudio /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/pulseaudio

# Install Network Manager
xbps-install -y NetworkManager network-manager-applet
ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/NetworkManager

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set timezone
sed -i 's/#TIMEZONE="Europe/Madrid"/TIMEZONE="America/New_York"/' /etc/rc.conf

# Add ~/Startup directory
mkdir -p /root/Startup
cat <<'EOF' >> /usr/local/bin/start-up
sleep 5
user_home=$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER})
ls $user_home/Startup/* | while read J
   "$J" &

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/start-up
# Setup autologin on tty1
cp -a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /root/.xinitrc
cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1
sed -i 's/GETTY_ARGS.*/GETTY_ARGS="--autologin root --noclear"/' /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1/conf  # editing for autologin root

# Arrange to startx in user's .bash_profile (per Arch Wiki)
# Remove this section if not wanting boot straight into X
touch ~/.bash_profile
cat <<'AUTOLOGIN' > /etc/profile.d/autologin.sh
# autologin on tty1
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$(fgconsole)" -eq 1 ]; then
startx  # remove the exec if you want back to tty1 on exit X


# Get and install autologin fix
cd /etc/sv
wget https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz
tar xvfz agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz

# Use agetty-autologin-tty1 instead of agetty-tty1 
ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/agetty-autologin-tty1

# enable dbus service
ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/dbus

# Auto-editing .xinitrc to use awesome instead of twm
# Because I'm using exec here the script will end there so no xterms started
# sed -i 's/twm &/exec xfce4-session/' ~/.xinitrc

 sed -i '51,$d' /root/.xinitrc
 echo "/usr/local/bin/start-up &" >>/root/.xinitrc 
 echo "awesome" >>/root/.xinitrc  # removed exec to allow dropping out of Xorg to console

## USER CONFIGS: Copy main configs to /etc/skel for all normal users later added
xbps-install -y sudo
cp -af /root/. /etc/skel
mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config /etc/skel/.cache /etc/skel/.local/share
echo Still some extra to do here re the likes of runit starting pulseaudio
echo among other user needed config bits and pieces,
echo so probably a few user-config issues noted as needing fixed here

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create weedog as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash weedog  # weedog in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "weedog\nweedog\n" | passwd weedog >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default weedog passwd to "weedog"

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create spot as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spot  #spot in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "spot\nspot\n" | passwd spot >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default spot

# Create /root directories
mkdir -p /root/Desktop
mkdir -p /root/Documents
mkdir -p /root/Downloads
mkdir -p /root/Music
mkdir -p /root/my-applications
mkdir -p /root/Pictures
mkdir -p /root/Public
mkdir -p /root/Startup
mkdir -p /root/Templates
mkdir -p /root/Videos

# Create /home/spot directories
mkdir -p /home/spot/Desktop
mkdir -p /home/spot/Documents
mkdir -p /home/spot/Downloads
mkdir -p /home/spot/Music
mkdir -p /home/spot/my-applications
mkdir -p /home/spot/Pictures
mkdir -p /home/spot/Public
mkdir -p /home/spot/Templates
mkdir -p /home/spot/Videos

# Set permissions
chown -R spot:spot /home/spot
chown -R weedog:weedog /home/weedog

# add users to groups and change permissions
usermod -a -G audio weedog
usermod -a -G audio spot
usermod -a -G video weedog
usermod -a -G video spot
xhost +
chmod 755 /
chmod 755 /bin
chmod 755 /lib

# add sudo -spot to .desktop files

#### Get KLV custom packages ####
# Create and switch to build directory
mkdir -p /root/Build
cd /root/Build

wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/libfontconfig1-1.12_0.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/gparted-shell-1.0_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/mime-add-1.1_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/xbps-tools-1.0_3.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/pfind-howbig-tca-1.0_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/uextract-4.7_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/tzupdate2-2.0_2.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/xluncher-1.0_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/default-scripts-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/dropbear-0.81_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/SFS-Load-2.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/tas-1.15_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/packit-pfind-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/gettext-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/swapper-1.2_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/backgrounds-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/run-as-users-1.5_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/inst-xbps-1.8_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/gtkhash-1.1.1_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/pure-ftpd-1.0.50_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/syndownload-2.0_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/desktop-config-1.0_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/sClock-1.5_1.x86_64.xbps

#### Install KLV custom packages ####

# Register and index packages
cd /root
xbps-rindex -a Build/*.xbps

# Install libfontconfig cache fix
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ libfontconfig1-1.12_0

# Install gparted-shell
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ gparted-shell-1.0_0

# Install MIME definitions 
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ mime-add-1.1_0

# Install pfind-howbig-tca
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ pfind-howbig-tca-1.0_0

# Install xbps-tools 
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ xbps-tools-1.0_3

# Install uextract
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ uextract-4.7_1

# Install tzupdate
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ tzupdate2-2.0_2

# Install xLunch
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ xluncher-1.0_0
xbps-pkgdb -m hold  xlunch-4.1_3

# Install default launch scripts
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ default-scripts-1.0_1

# Install dropbear
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ dropbear-0.81_1

# Install SFS-Load
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ SFS-Load-2.0_1

# Install tas
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ tas-1.15_1

# Install Packit and pFind
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ packit-pfind-1.0_1

# Install gettext
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ gettext-1.0_1

# Install swapper
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ swapper-1.2_1

# Install  backgrounds
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ backgrounds-1.0_1

# Install run-as-spot and run-as-weedog
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ run-as-users-1.5_1

# Install inst-xbps
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ inst-xbps-1.8_1

# Install gtkhash
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ gtkhash-1.1.1_1

# Install pure-ftpd
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ pure-ftpd-1.0.50_1

# Install Syndownload
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ syndownload-2.0_1

# Install desktop configuration
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ desktop-config-1.0_1

# Install sClock
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ sClock-1.5_1

# Set execution permissions recursivly for binaries and scripts
chmod +x -R /usr/local/bin

echo "stage 2 is complete!!"

# Clean Up

rm -r /root/Build
rm /var/cache/xbps/*

echo "desktop build process finished"
Screenshot(102).jpg (20.52 KiB) Viewed 6775 times

It looks like there is a lot of potential polishing with this tiling and stacking capable Awesome window manager
Only very briefly tested, use at your own peril...... :thumbup2:
KLV-Awesome-RT ISO 531 M

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

Added in several of the packages from KLV-Airedale that did not get added during the intial build of the rootfs. xLuncher is one of them which I will use in this version

Screenshot(104).jpg (40.38 KiB) Viewed 6739 times
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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by mikewalsh »

@rockedge :-

Hm. Y'know, that wallpaper looks awfully familiar.....

Mike. ;)

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

@mikewalsh makes a great default background doesn't it :thumbup2:

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by geo_c »

I'm posting from the original iso right now. Trying to figure out my way around. I fired up PCmanFM from the terminal and launched LibreWolf-appimage and linked my profile so I can read the awesome documentation I bookmarked.

Just figured out there's a menu bar for launching applications. This window manager looks pretty amazing. The menu bar has categories, looks easy to get around with keystrokes.

It has a tray, so minimized windows can be accessed from it. It's got the clean look of Bspwm. Even more functionality though.

Now time to figure out what's installed and what should happen next.


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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Tippe »


What's the purpose of that ISO?
Is it a Puppy Linux?
Is it official?


Bionic Puppy 64bit.
Won't use another one.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by geo_c »

Tippe wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 10:34 pm


What's the purpose of that ISO?
Is it a Puppy Linux?
Is it official?


No this is not 'puppy-linux," which is why it's located in the Kennel-Linux section of the forum. Kennel Linux uses scripts that build frugal installs of mainstream distro base file systems. This is a Kennel-Linux Void system, or KLV. There are several KLV variants in various stages of development. The main difference is the desktop window manager. This one uses Awesome window manager.

There is also KLA (arch), KLU (ubuntu), and KLF (fedora)

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Tippe »


So, what is the meaning of "Kennel"?

Bionic Puppy 64bit.
Won't use another one.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

So, what is the meaning of "Kennel"?

The concept sort of comes from this forum from a line often used to greet new members, " :welcome: to the Kennels!". The Kennel being a place that houses Puppy's and Dogs of all kinds. Pure breeds and just regular ones. Maybe a cat or 2 or 3.

The idea basically comes down to borrowing and sharing technology. Like Puppy tools and utilities that we've become accustomed to having available and borrowing those from various Puppy Linux distros as well as some fundamental ideas on using layered file systems. From DebianDogs come some more important tools and the method of loading on the fly SFS's on Overlayfs systems. So in summary, We're all hanging around the Kennels sharing ideas on different approaches to frugal and portable operating systems. All three types are very different in design but still share a common thread........or something like that :thumbup2:

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by williwaw »

should line 107 of the plug read?

106 touch ~/.bash_profile
107 cat <<'AUTOLOGIN' > /etc/profile.d/autologin.sh ~/.bash_profile

https://wiki.voidlinux.org/voidlinux_en ... nvironment

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

@williwaw I think we changed from using the ~/.bash_profile and instead used the autologin.sh script in /etc/profile.d which is system wide and not on a per user basis is the .bash_profile

Also un-comment the lines 117,118 and 119. I commented them to have a console login prompt for development purposes and I did not change it back in the PLUG.

It is important to have an empty file named down created in agetty-tty1 so there is no conflict with agetty-autologin-tty1

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:21 am

@williwaw I think we changed from using the ~/.bash_profile and instead used the autologin.sh script in /etc/profile.d which is system wide and not on a per user basis is the .bash_profile

Also un-comment the lines 117,118 and 119. I commented them to have a console login prompt for development purposes and I did not change it back in the PLUG.

It is important to have an empty file named down created in agetty-tty1 so there is no conflict with agetty-autologin-tty1

So I noticed that there isn't auto-login at boot. Which I don't mind.

My question is this. When I log out of the xorg environment and I'm at the prompt, that's not really a tty console, or is it? There doesn't seem to be any way to input a command other than the username and password. Maybe I've missed it though.

Perhaps if I want to use a console I need to log into a another tty?

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

I am reinstating the autologin and will have to do some adjustments to be able to drop to console while still being logged in

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by fredx181 »

geo_c wrote:

My question is this. When I log out of the xorg environment and I'm at the prompt, that's not really a tty console, or is it? There doesn't seem to be any way to input a command other than the username and password. Maybe I've missed it though.

If you're not logged in, you can't exec a command and if you do login and if startx is executed automatically (?) you won't get the chance to exec a command on console (on that tty).

Perhaps if I want to use a console I need to log into a another tty?

Yes, that's the way I think.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by williwaw »

fredx181 wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 4:23 pm

Perhaps if I want to use a console I need to log into a another tty?

Yes, that's the way I think.

do you have 6 ttys available that can be logged onto by both root and spot?
ctrl-alt-F1 thu F6

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

@geo_c as frex181 mentions, while on the running desktop press Ctl-Alt-F2. A login prompt should appear. Login as spot and you should be on a bash command line prompt on the console. spot will be logged in on tty2, meanwhile on Ctl-Alt-F1 (agetty-autologin-tty1) there still is the Awesome desktop logged in into as the root user. This works well across all of the KLV's

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by geo_c »

rockedge wrote: Tue Sep 12, 2023 6:22 pm

@geo_c as frex181 mentions, while on the running desktop press Ctl-Alt-F2. A login prompt should appear. Login as spot and you should be on a bash command line prompt on the console. spot will be logged in on tty2, meanwhile on Ctl-Alt-F1 (agetty-autologin-tty1) there still is the Awesome desktop logged in into as the root user. This works well across all of the KLV's

Yes that's great! It works. And that's why I have ranger, micro, htop, and calcurse installed. Ranger is great in tty, you can even preview images and pdf's with it if configured properly.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by williwaw »


autologin takes a bit of set-up! thanks for your earlier clarification. The items in the quote below seems to be directly related to that setup

# Setup autologin on tty1
cp -a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /root/.xinitrc
cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1
sed -i 's/GETTY_ARGS.*/GETTY_ARGS="--autologin root --noclear"/' /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1/conf # editing for autologin root

# Arrange to startx in user's .bash_profile (per Arch Wiki)
# Remove this section if not wanting boot straight into X
touch ~/.bash_profile
cat <<'AUTOLOGIN' > /etc/profile.d/autologin.sh
# autologin on tty1
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$(fgconsole)" -eq 1 ]; then
startx # remove the exec if you want back to tty1 on exit X


# Get and install autologin fix
cd /etc/sv
wget https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_ ... ty1.tar.gz
tar xvfz agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz

# Use agetty-autologin-tty1 instead of agetty-tty1
ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/agetty-autologin-tty1

My question is about the following configs in the quote below. Are these also a requirement to make autologin work? and if not, can you comment on the the need/purpose or reason for inclusion in the plug?

# set up passwd system

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

# Add ~/Startup directory
mkdir -p /root/Startup
cat <<'EOF' >> /usr/local/bin/start-up
sleep 5
user_home=$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER})
ls $user_home/Startup/* | while read J
"$J" &

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/start-up

And also, Is sudo required to make autologin work? If not, what else requires sudo to be setup?

xbps-install -y sudo
cp -af /root/. /etc/skel
mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config /etc/skel/.cache /etc/skel/.local/share
echo Still some extra to do here re the likes of runit starting pulseaudio
echo among other user needed config bits and pieces,
echo so probably a few user-config issues noted as needing fixed here

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create weedog as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash weedog # weedog in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "weedog\nweedog\n" | passwd weedog >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default weedog passwd to "weedog"

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create spot as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spot #spot in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "spot\nspot\n" | passwd spot >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default spot

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »

Some developments for Awesome. However, Bspwm is easier to set up and manage. I think you just need to get used to the controls, just like lua, which I wrote last time in 2014. have to study again :D lua is honestly a big hemorrhoid :geek:

I can't find where the hotkey settings file is located .on your system ?!
I will need to add some adjustments to your plugin if you don't mind ? :geek: Honestly not a bad environment Awesome .she's good in her own way.
The most important thing is to prepare and serve it correctly. :)

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »


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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

Sofiya wrote:

I will need to add some adjustments to your plugin if you don't mind ? :geek: Honestly not a bad environment Awesome .she's good in her own way.
The most important thing is to prepare and serve it correctly. :)

I don't mind at all! I encourage further development and polish on the KLV-Awsome PLUG file. I have not gotten around to actually add any customization to the raw Awesome default that is set up in my build. I decent configuration file is needed and a quick reference for the keyboard hot keys and bindings will be helpful.

williwaw wrote:

And also, Is sudo required to make autologin work? If not, what else requires sudo to be setup?

No sudo is not needed for autologin to work and the PLUG should be able to set up sudo as it stands, and adds the user spot and weedog to the wheel group.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by williwaw »

rockedge wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:01 pm

No sudo is not needed for autologin to work

I understand that the script downloads and sets up sudo.... why is it included in klv?

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

I understand that the script downloads and sets up sudo.... why is it included in klv?

KLV is a true multi-user system. We designed it to be able to run as the root user with all the freedom that affords and be able to operate with multiple users that can login and logout just as well. So default is boot into the root user but KLV can just as well run as user spot, weedog or one newly created on demand.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »

We’ll continue to build, it’s a bit slow :roll:

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »

For some reason the console output doesn't work for save/ don't save .

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:37 pm

I understand that the script downloads and sets up sudo.... why is it included in klv?

KLV is a true multi-user system. We designed it to be able to run as the root user with all the freedom that affords and be able to operate with multiple users that can login and logout just as well. So default is boot into the root user but KLV can just as well run as user spot, weedog or one newly created on demand.

Personally, I nowadays prefer to autologin as normal user so it's the first thing I change on installation. Matter of taste/convenience/familiarity really. With wheel group having no-password sudo usually, I find the arrangement the best of all worlds and limit my need of sometimes imperfect workarounds such as run-as-spot; for me it is better/simpler to actually just run as logged in user spot - everything works then per the way upstream repo distros intended, but, yes, when I have major admin/dev/experimenting work I want to do I certainly often swap over to using root login desktop. With multi-instance support I can of course arrange for some instances to be root desktop by default and others spot desktop by default. So it is all about flexibility, best usage practices, and whatever proves simplest in practical usage.

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »

Having learned lua, we assigned hotkeys close to Bspwm. select menu, screenshot (Print), Browser, pavucontrol .Pcmanfm,Thunar. added brightness control ,
and finally we moved from the dead point .Now the controls have become convenient

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by rockedge »

@Sofiya now that looks good! Nice work.

I am looking forward to trying out a version you have assembled. :thumbup:

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »

So far everything is going well, I hope it will continue to be so :geek: :)

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Re: KLV-Awesome-RT iso ready for testing

Post by Sofiya »

Minor bugs left to fix :geek:

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