Some villain managed to delete the topic about the flat Earth while I was writing a message in it I'll have to create a new, more scientific one.
It will do for a Sunday afternoon.
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My acquaintance with the theories of the round Earth and the theories of paleocontact began in February 1991. It was then that a small but extremely fascinating brochure was published, which smashed these theories. The author was Yuri Morozov, a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Paleovisitology. "Traces of ancient astronauts". I still keep this brochure, a great thing filled with common sense
Of course, Erich von Daniken got the most "punches" from Morozov
Well, from what I remember well. Stripes and figures on the Nazca plateau, visible from the air, could not be landing signs of aliens. Even Maria Reiche, the famous German researcher of the Nazca geoglyphs, disagreed with Daniken on this issue. Although her theories were not all agreed with scientists.
Then there was the story in which Daniken told that the ancient people had an X-ray machine obtained from aliens The proof is a statue that has the right number of human ribs
It was already funny. If anyone did not understand, then in those days skeletons of people were lying everywhere and it was not difficult to count the number of ribs
Well, my FAVORITE case. Fred Melchedegaard from Denmark who saw a wheeled tank. On an ancient fresco. It is now kept in the Seventh Room of the British Museum. It's about the Assyrian attack on the town. Fred says it's a WHEELED TANK. Yes, it seems to see wheels, armor, and even a cannon and a commander's turret.
Usually, fans of ancient tanks shyly show not the whole fresco, they hide the upper part But there are warriors with bows and arrows. A tank attack supported by archers?
This is a battering ram that breaks the wall of a besieged town. Yes, wheeled, but not an alien tank, but the creation of people of those times.
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A wheeled tank with laser cannon, donated to the Assyrians by aliens storms the Seventh Room in the British Museum :