KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Kennel Linux Void-based

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

Below is the PLUG files f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_no-kernel_FRteam-rc7.plug accompanies the build script to create a base distro similar to KLV-Airedale with the XFCE4 desktop option.

This build is designed without the Void Linux kernel installed since it is added in a component form like KLV-Airedale-RT has using a Puppy Linux style huge kernel. It is simple to include the commands to install a kernel which then needs the initrd.gz to be created and the vmlinuz to be extracted using the FR-utility scripts to make the kernel components. The following PLUG does not install a Void Linux kernel so it possible to use any compatible 00module, 01firmware and vmlinuz.

There are a few more steps needed to make a boot-able ISO or IMG but the resulting firstrib_rootfs is immediately ready for a frugal installation in an uncompressed or squashed form.

Make any modifications one sees fit and since the length of the build times are reasonable, experimentation with shaping the system is easy and productive.


Code: Select all

# f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_no-kernel_FRteam-rc7.plug
# version="3.0.0"; revision="-rc7"
# Kennel Linux Void outfitted with a xfce4 desktop and no kernel **uses puppy linux kernel**
# Creation date 24Sep2021; Revision date: 14Aug2023
# Copyright Kennel Linux team; Licence MIT

# build this via terminal commands: build_firstrib_rootfs.sh
# export CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=-1  **not needed with versions greater than v501**
# ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_kernel_FRteam-rc7.plug
# Architecture i386 will probably successfully build too as an alternative to amd64

# login is user=root passwd=root

# All the parameters/commandlines can be appropriately changed:
# Simply comment in or comment out till you have what you desire
# or add new packages to the xbps-install lists.
# You can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here.
# base system
xbps-install -y base-minimal ncurses-base bash eudev
xbps-install -y file mc xterm xauth
xbps-install -y shadow wpa_supplicant  # needed for most wifi
xbps-install -y ntfs-3g zstd

# set up passwd system
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default root passwd to "root"

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Xorg server, xfce4 Desktop configuration

xbps-install -y xorg xfce4 xfce4-panel xfce4-plugins compton picom
xbps-install -y gvfs yad
xbps-install -y gvfs-smb gvfs-mtp gvfs-cdda

# Optional packages
xbps-install -y geany gftp rox ffmpeg mtpaint xfce4-screenshooter
xbps-install -y octoxbps fox guvcview putty
xbps-install -y e2fsprogs yelp gparted
xbps-install -y dosfstools mtools cherrytree
xbps-install -y squashfs-tools wget gxmessage

# Browser selection
xbps-install -y firefox

# Fix Firefox Fonts 
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/
xbps-reconfigure -f fontconfig

# Install Audio
xbps-install -y pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils
ln -s /etc/sv/pulseaudio /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/pulseaudio

# Install Network Manager
xbps-install -y NetworkManager network-manager-applet
ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/NetworkManager

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Add ~/Startup directory
mkdir -p /root/Startup
cat <<'EOF' >> /usr/local/bin/start-up
sleep 5
user_home=$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER})
ls $user_home/Startup/* | while read J
   "$J" &

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/start-up
# Setup autologin on tty1
cp -a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /root/.xinitrc
cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1
sed -i 's/GETTY_ARGS.*/GETTY_ARGS="--autologin root --noclear"/' /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1/conf  # editing for autologin root
touch /etc/sv/agetty-tty1/down

# Arrange to startx in user's .bash_profile (per Arch Wiki)
# Remove this section if not wanting boot straight into X
touch ~/.bash_profile
cat <<'AUTOLOGIN' > /etc/profile.d/autologin.sh
# autologin on tty1
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$(fgconsole)" -eq 1 ]; then
exec startx  # remove the exec if you want back to tty1 on exit X


# Get and install autologin fix
cd /etc/sv
wget https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz
tar xvfz agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz

# Use agetty-autologin-tty1 instead of agetty-tty1 
rm -f /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/agetty-tty1
ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/agetty-autologin-tty1

# enable dbus service
ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/dbus

# Auto-editing .xinitrc to use xfce4 instead of twm
# Because I'm using exec here the script will end there so no xterms started
# sed -i 's/twm &/exec xfce4-session/' ~/.xinitrc

sed -i '51,$d' /root/.xinitrc
echo "/usr/local/bin/start-up &" >>/root/.xinitrc 
echo "# exec xfce4-session" >>/root/.xinitrc
echo "xfce4-session" >>/root/.xinitrc  # removed exec to allow dropping out of Xorg to console

## USER CONFIGS: Copy main configs to /etc/skel for all normal users later added
xbps-install -y sudo
cp -af /root/. /etc/skel
mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config /etc/skel/.cache /etc/skel/.local/share
echo Still some extra to do here re the likes of runit starting pulseaudio
echo among other user needed config bits and pieces,
echo so probably a few user-config issues noted as needing fixed here

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create weedog as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash weedog  # weedog in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "weedog\nweedog\n" | passwd weedog >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default weedog passwd to "weedog"

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create spot as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spot  #spot in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "spot\nspot\n" | passwd spot >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default spot

# Create /home/spot directories
mkdir -p /home/spot/Desktop
mkdir -p /home/spot/Documents
mkdir -p /home/spot/Downloads
mkdir -p /home/spot/Music
mkdir -p /home/spot/my-applications
mkdir -p /home/spot/Pictures
mkdir -p /home/spot/Public
mkdir -p /home/spot/Startup
mkdir -p /home/spot/Templates
mkdir -p /home/spot/Videos

# Set permissions
chown -R spot:spot /home/spot
chown -R weedog:weedog /home/weedog

# add users to groups and change permissions
usermod -a -G audio weedog
usermod -a -G audio spot
usermod -a -G video weedog
usermod -a -G video spot
xhost +
chmod 755 /
chmod 755 /bin
chmod 755 /lib

# add sudo -spot to .desktop files
cd /usr/share/applications
sed -i 's/^Exec=/&sudo -uspot /' octoxbps.desktop
sed -i 's/^Exec=/&sudo -uspot /' octoxbps-notifier.desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/thunar.desktop /usr/share/applications/thunar-spot.desktop
sed -i 's/^Exec=/&sudo -uspot /' thunar-spot.desktop
sed -i 's/^Name=/&spot-/' thunar-spot.desktop

#### Get KLV custom packages ####
# Create and switch to build directory
mkdir -p /root/Build
cd /root/Build

wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/libfontconfig1-1.12_0.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/gparted-shell-1.0_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/mime-add-1.1_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/xbps-tools-1.0_3.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/pfind-howbig-tca-1.0_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/uextract-4.7_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/tzupdate2-2.0_2.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/xluncher-1.0_0.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/default-scripts-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/dropbear-0.81_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/SFS-Load-2.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/tas-1.15_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/packit-pfind-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/gettext-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/swapper-1.2_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/backgrounds-1.0_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/run-as-users-1.5_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/inst-xbps-1.8_1.noarch.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/gtkhash-1.1.1_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/pure-ftpd-1.0.50_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/syndownload-2.0_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/desktop-config-1.0_1.x86_64.xbps
wget ‐‐continue https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/sClock-1.5_1.x86_64.xbps

#### Install KLV custom packages ####

# Register and index packages
cd /root
xbps-rindex -a Build/*.xbps

# Install libfontconfig cache fix
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ libfontconfig1-1.12_0

# Install gparted-shell
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ gparted-shell-1.0_0

# Install MIME definitions 
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ mime-add-1.1_0

# Install pfind-howbig-tca
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ pfind-howbig-tca-1.0_0

# Install xbps-tools 
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ xbps-tools-1.0_3

# Install uextract
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ uextract-4.7_1

# Install tzupdate
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ tzupdate2-2.0_2

# Install xLunch
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ xluncher-1.0_0
xbps-pkgdb -m hold  xlunch-4.1_3

# Install default launch scripts
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ default-scripts-1.0_1

# Install dropbear
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ dropbear-0.81_1

# Install SFS-Load
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ SFS-Load-2.0_1

# Install tas
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ tas-1.15_1

# Install Packit and pFind
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ packit-pfind-1.0_1

# Install gettext
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ gettext-1.0_1

# Install swapper
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ swapper-1.2_1

# Install  backgrounds
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ backgrounds-1.0_1

# Install run-as-spot and run-as-weedog
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ run-as-users-1.5_1

# Install inst-xbps
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ inst-xbps-1.8_1

# Install gtkhash
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ gtkhash-1.1.1_1

# Install pure-ftpd
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ pure-ftpd-1.0.50_1

# Install Syndownload
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ syndownload-2.0_1

# Install desktop configuration
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ desktop-config-1.0_1

# Install sClock
xbps-install -y --repository=Build/ sClock-1.5_1

# Set execution permissions recursivly for binaries and scripts
chmod +x -R /usr/local/bin

# Clean Up

rm -r /root/Build
rm /var/cache/xbps/*

echo "desktop build process finished"
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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

I had to merge the addon_f.plug file back on to the end of the f00_XXXXXX.plug to get a clean run using the plug files from the previous post.

The initial build run did not include the addon_f.plug for some reason and the build was incomplete but functional.

After combining both into a monolithic plug , the 2nd build produced a functional KLV using the latest v8-rc1 build script.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by williwaw »

./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64

Code: Select all

usr/local/bin/wd_mo 100%[===================>]     367  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-08-14 13:55:29 (3.08 MB/s) - ‘usr/local/bin/wd_mount’ saved [367/367]

cp: cannot stat 'f_*': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat 'firstrib_rootfs/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory
[*] Updating repository `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/x86_64-repodata' ...
ERROR: [reposync] failed to fetch file `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/x86_64-repodata': Transient resolver failure
[*] Updating repository `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/nonfree/x86_64-repodata' ...
ERROR: [reposync] failed to fetch file `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/nonfree/x86_64-repodata': Transient resolver failure
mv: cannot stat 'firstrib_rootfs/etc/resolv.confORIG': No such file or directory

is it fatal?
Is an arguement for a plugfile required for a minimal install?

the script seemd to fail for debian and devuan with an error

Code: Select all

Initialising FirstRib build. Please wait patiently...
debian default not currently available from FirstRib


# ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh arch default amd64
are these errors fatal?

Code: Select all

( 43/114) installing libgpg-error                    [###########################] 100%
( 44/114) installing libgcrypt                       [###########################] 100%
( 45/114) installing systemd-libs                    [###########################] 100%
( 46/114) installing procps-ng                       [###########################] 100%
error: could not extract /newroot/usr/share/man/uk/man1/ps.1.gz (Zstd decompression failed: Restored data doesn't match checksum)
error: problem occurred while installing procps-ng
error: could not commit transaction
error: failed to commit transaction (transaction aborted)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
cp: cannot stat 'f_*': No such file or directory

Assuming no errors have occurred above,
firstrib_rootfs flavour arch default x86_64 is now ready.

@ rockedge re:your plug files above. they are specific to the Real Time kernel build process? If a plug file is a required arguement, where can I find the plug file for a minimal void or debian build

Last edited by williwaw on Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

I will set up a PLUG for making a minimal KLV (Void Linux) build. The PLUG above does not build a kernel into the system and a kernel must be manually added.

One could just use the already made components for a Void Linux kernel or use Puppy Linux huge kernels. Which must be installed manually.

This example is with the Puppy Linux huge RT kernel:

Screenshot(10).jpg (12.03 KiB) Viewed 3509 times

A trick would be down load a KLV-Airedale-XX ISO and use all of that except for the 07KLV-airedale_rootfs.sfs. Replace it with the firstrib_rootfs you make running the build script. Uncompressed like: 07firstrib_rootfs or squash it to 07firstrib_rootfs.sfs.

Or using KLV-Airedale-sr2 components which include a Void Linux kernel 6.3.12:

Screenshot(11).jpg (11.56 KiB) Viewed 3505 times

It should work just by replacing the rootfs in an existing KLV with a rootfs of your own design!

Further you might not want the 10gtkdialogGTK3_filemnt64.sfs to load or it is not needed simply remove the 2 digit prefix or remove it from the file system.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

@williwaw I commented out most optional packages and no browser is installed. Also no kernel is installed but that is easy to adjust.

This PLUG will make a Void Linux (KLV) with a Xorg, XFCE4 desktop, with audio and network components. If no desktop is desired comment out or remove the statement in the plug file.










Code: Select all

# f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_no-kernel_FRteam-minimal.plug
# version="1.0.0"; revision="-rc1"
# Kennel Linux Void outfitted with a xfce4 desktop and no kernel **uses puppy linux kernel**
# Creation date 24Sep2021; Revision date: 14Aug2023
# Copyright Kennel Linux team; Licence MIT

# build this via terminal commands:build_firstrib_rootfs.sh
# export CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=-1  **not needed with versions greater than v501**
# ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_kernel_FRteam-rc7.plug
# Architecture i386 will probably successfully build too as an alternative to amd64

# login is user=root passwd=root

# All the parameters/commandlines can be appropriately changed:
# Simply comment in or comment out till you have what you desire
# or add new packages to the xbps-install lists.
# You can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here.
# base system
xbps-install -y base-minimal ncurses-base bash eudev
xbps-install -y file mc xterm xauth
xbps-install -y shadow wpa_supplicant  # needed for most wifi
xbps-install -y ntfs-3g zstd

# set up passwd system
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default root passwd to "root"

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Xorg server, xfce4 Desktop configuration

xbps-install -y xorg xfce4 xfce4-panel xfce4-plugins compton picom
xbps-install -y gvfs yad
xbps-install -y gvfs-smb gvfs-mtp gvfs-cdda

# Optional packages
#xbps-install -y geany gftp rox ffmpeg mtpaint xfce4-screenshooter
#xbps-install -y octoxbps fox guvcview putty
#xbps-install -y e2fsprogs yelp gparted
#xbps-install -y dosfstools mtools cherrytree
#xbps-install -y squashfs-tools wget gxmessage

# Browser selection
#xbps-install -y firefox

# Fix Firefox Fonts 
#ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/70-no-bitmaps.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/
xbps-reconfigure -f fontconfig

# Install Audio
xbps-install -y pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils
ln -s /etc/sv/pulseaudio /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/pulseaudio

# Install Network Manager
xbps-install -y NetworkManager network-manager-applet
ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/NetworkManager

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Add ~/Startup directory
mkdir -p /root/Startup
cat <<'EOF' >> /usr/local/bin/start-up
sleep 5
user_home=$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER})
ls $user_home/Startup/* | while read J
   "$J" &

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/start-up
# Setup autologin on tty1
cp -a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc /root/.xinitrc
cp -R /etc/sv/agetty-tty1 /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1
sed -i 's/GETTY_ARGS.*/GETTY_ARGS="--autologin root --noclear"/' /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1/conf  # editing for autologin root
touch /etc/sv/agetty-tty1/down

# Arrange to startx in user's .bash_profile (per Arch Wiki)
# Remove this section if not wanting boot straight into X
touch ~/.bash_profile
cat <<'AUTOLOGIN' > /etc/profile.d/autologin.sh
# autologin on tty1
if [ -z "$DISPLAY" ] && [ "$(fgconsole)" -eq 1 ]; then
exec startx  # remove the exec if you want back to tty1 on exit X


# Get and install autologin fix
cd /etc/sv
wget https://rockedge.org/kernels/data/XBPS_packages/agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz
tar xvfz agetty-autologin-tty1.tar.gz

# Use agetty-autologin-tty1 instead of agetty-tty1 
rm -f /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/agetty-tty1
ln -s /etc/sv/agetty-autologin-tty1 /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/agetty-autologin-tty1

# enable dbus service
ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/dbus

# Auto-editing .xinitrc to use xfce4 instead of twm
# Because I'm using exec here the script will end there so no xterms started
# sed -i 's/twm &/exec xfce4-session/' ~/.xinitrc

sed -i '51,$d' /root/.xinitrc
echo "/usr/local/bin/start-up &" >>/root/.xinitrc 
echo "# exec xfce4-session" >>/root/.xinitrc
echo "xfce4-session" >>/root/.xinitrc  # removed exec to allow dropping out of Xorg to console

## USER CONFIGS: Copy main configs to /etc/skel for all normal users later added
xbps-install -y sudo
cp -af /root/. /etc/skel
mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config /etc/skel/.cache /etc/skel/.local/share
echo Still some extra to do here re the likes of runit starting pulseaudio
echo among other user needed config bits and pieces,
echo so probably a few user-config issues noted as needing fixed here

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create weedog as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash weedog  # weedog in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "weedog\nweedog\n" | passwd weedog >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default weedog passwd to "weedog"

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create spot as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spot  #spot in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "spot\nspot\n" | passwd spot >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default spot

# Create /home/spot directories
mkdir -p /home/spot/Desktop
mkdir -p /home/spot/Documents
mkdir -p /home/spot/Downloads
mkdir -p /home/spot/Music
mkdir -p /home/spot/my-applications
mkdir -p /home/spot/Pictures
mkdir -p /home/spot/Public
mkdir -p /home/spot/Templates
mkdir -p /home/spot/Videos

# Set permissions
chown -R spot:spot /home/spot
chown -R weedog:weedog /home/weedog

# add users to groups and change permissions
usermod -a -G audio weedog
usermod -a -G audio spot
usermod -a -G video weedog
usermod -a -G video spot
xhost +
chmod 755 /
chmod 755 /bin
chmod 755 /lib

# add sudo -spot to .desktop files
cd /usr/share/applications
sed -i 's/^Exec=/&sudo -uspot /' octoxbps.desktop
sed -i 's/^Exec=/&sudo -uspot /' octoxbps-notifier.desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/thunar.desktop /usr/share/applications/thunar-spot.desktop
sed -i 's/^Exec=/&sudo -uspot /' thunar-spot.desktop
sed -i 's/^Name=/&spot-/' thunar-spot.desktop
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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by williwaw »

I will download a void iso. and swap out the 07 with my new 07. I was not sure if the script was failing for me on account of not having any plug script as a final arguement.

trying your .plug above returns

Code: Select all

ERROR: [reposync] failed to fetch file `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/x86_64-repodata': Transient resolver failure
[*] Updating repository `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/nonfree/x86_64-repodata' ...
ERROR: [reposync] failed to fetch file `https://repo-de.voidlinux.org/current/nonfree/x86_64-repodata': Transient resolver failure
mv: cannot stat 'firstrib_rootfs/etc/resolv.confORIG': No such file or directory

Assuming no errors have occurred above,

do you think the build will fail from these errors? the firstrib_rootfs folder is only 1.2 MB

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

@williwaw I have seen this problem before!! It's not anything you are doing! Sometimes the some of the Void Linux repos are unavailable we think because of the repos being updated. Trying to select a different mirror will usually resolve it. I just ran a build with the plug using selection #14 the New York repo mirror and it built successfully. When the repo can't be reached the script will finish incomplete.

Other times waiting seemed to resolve it. The most basic minimal that will boot will be around 28 M - 100 M for very minimal builds.

Try another mirror for the repos and we'll see if we can get a diagnosis of what is going on.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by williwaw »

same error at clarkston.

wiak mentioned above to put build_firstrib_rootfs.sh in an empty dir. where should I be placing the plug file if it is to be found by build_firstrib_rootfs.sh?

my build directory is not in my path and I have been running ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh to make the build.

is there any way to confirm the plug file specd as an arguement is actually found?

I am executing ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_no-kernel_FRteam-minimal.plug

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

@wiak Running the build in F96-CE_4 the addons_f.plug is being discovered and the download commands complete but suddenly xbps-install can't be found during the addon_f.plug phase. And upon completeion of the build script the firstrib_rootfs is only partially built and is has mount points active so I had to reboot F96 to delete that firstrib_rootf. The wget works but xbps-install does not in the addon_f.plug stage.

I made the PLUG monolithic again merging both parts and the build finished 100% and after squash booted immediately.

I can test it often because the build times are so short! :thumbup:

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by wiak »

williwaw wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 1:53 am

same error at clarkston.

wiak mentioned above to put build_firstrib_rootfs.sh in an empty dir. where should I be placing the plug file if it is to be found by build_firstrib_rootfs.sh?

my build directory is not in my path and I have been running ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh to make the build.

is there any way to confirm the plug file specd as an arguement is actually found?

I am executing ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_XFCE_no-kernel_FRteam-minimal.plug

During a build, if f_ is being found you will see it temporary loaded in firtstrib_rootfs/tmp

The plug file is simple sourced by build_firstrib_rootfs.sh from same dir that is in.

If using addons_f.plug too watch the spelling. Rockedge had that wrong.

Void repos sometimes do fail - when they are in middle of upgrading.

./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64

is correct, but you maybe need a minimum f_ plug file as argument too if result is to contain enough packages to boot. I can't remember if no plug build is bootable without a few extras. A no plug build of fedora is bootable. Build directory does not need to be in PATH... it's just a simple script.

./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh fedora default amd64

Well, needs FR initrd.gz, huge kernel, 00modules sfs, 01firmware sfs, vmlinuz to boot resulting firstrib_rootfs renamed to 07firstrib_rootfs of course.

Stick with it, once you get it right it will all thereafter seem easy, cos it is actually.

Pity the Void Linux repos are sometimes flaky. Computers are unforgiving of even tiniest mistake/misunderstanding/spelling error.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by wiak »

When I get home I'll write a single script that does all the commands correctly, including small noX f_plug for minimum bootable void linux build including wget of known to work huge-kernel, 00modules and 01firmware sfs, and initrd.gz. I'll post it here. Just make it executable and run from empty build dir and read the short script later to see what I did.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

This will build a very minimal Void system. Console only as root user with xbps pacakge manager and midnight commander available.

Code: Select all

# f_00_Void_generic_NoX_FR_team_no-kernel.plug
# version="1.2.0"; revision="-rc2"
# Firstrib Void outfitted with a basic command line console,  midnight commander and no kernel
# Creation date 24Sep2021; Revision date: 14Aug2023
# Copyright FR team; License MIT

# build this via terminal commands:
# ./build_firstrib_rootfs-XXX.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_generic_NoX_WDLteam.plug
# Architecture i386 will probably successfully build too as an alternative to amd64

# login is user=root passwd=root

# All the parameters/commandlines can be appropriately changed:
# Simply comment in or comment out till you have what you desire
# or add new packages to the xbps-install lists.
# You can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here.
xbps-install -y base-minimal ncurses-base bash eudev
xbps-install -y file mc 

# set up passwd system
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default root passwd to "root"

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

echo "desktop build process finished"
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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

@williwaw This one does a bit more setting up the Networkmanager and pulseaudio components and more users with sudo powers :


Code: Select all

# f_00_Void_KLV_no-kernel_noX_FR-team-minimal.plug
# version="3.2.0"; revision="-rc7"
# Kennel Linux Void outfitted with no X server and no kernel **uses Puppy Linux kernel**
# Creation date 24Sep2021; Revision date: 14Aug2023
# Copyright Kennel Linux team; Licence MIT

# build this via terminal commands:build_firstrib_rootfs.sh
# export CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=-1  **not needed with versions greater than v501**
# ./build_firstrib_rootfs.sh void default amd64 f_00_Void_KLV_no-kernel_noX_FR-team-minimal.plug
# Architecture i386 will probably successfully build too as an alternative to amd64

# login is user=root passwd=root

# All the parameters/commandlines can be appropriately changed:
# Simply comment in or comment out till you have what you desire
# or add new packages to the xbps-install lists.
# You can add as many valid commandlines as you want in here.
# base system
xbps-install -y base-minimal ncurses-base bash eudev
xbps-install -y file mc xterm xauth
xbps-install -y shadow wpa_supplicant  # needed for most wifi
xbps-install -y ntfs-3g zstd

# set up passwd system
printf "root\nroot\n" | passwd >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default root passwd to "root"

# set root to use /bin/bash
usermod --shell /bin/bash root

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8 
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Set Bash as shell
xbps-alternatives --set bash

## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Xorg server, Desktop configuration

#xbps-install -y gvfs-smb gvfs-mtp gvfs-cdda

# Optional packages
xbps-install -y dosfstools squashfs-tools wget

# Browser selection

# Install Audio
xbps-install -y pulseaudio pulseaudio-utils alsa-plugins-pulseaudio alsa-utils
ln -s /etc/sv/pulseaudio /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/pulseaudio

# Install Network Manager
xbps-install -y NetworkManager network-manager-applet
#xbps-install -y NetworkManager
ln -s /etc/sv/NetworkManager /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/NetworkManager

# Set locale to en_US.UTF-8
sed -i 's/#en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8/' /etc/default/libc-locales
xbps-reconfigure -f glibc-locales

# Add ~/Startup directory
mkdir -p /root/Startup
cat <<'EOF' >> /usr/local/bin/start-up
sleep 5
user_home=$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER})
ls $user_home/Startup/* | while read J
   "$J" &

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/start-up

# enable dbus service
ln -s /etc/sv/dbus /etc/runit/runsvdir/default/dbus

## USER CONFIGS: Copy main configs to /etc/skel for all normal users later added
xbps-install -y sudo
cp -af /root/. /etc/skel
mkdir -p /etc/skel/.config /etc/skel/.cache /etc/skel/.local/share
echo Still some extra to do here re the likes of runit starting pulseaudio
echo among other user needed config bits and pieces,
echo so probably a few user-config issues noted as needing fixed here

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create weedog as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash weedog  # weedog in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "weedog\nweedog\n" | passwd weedog >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default weedog passwd to "weedog"

# Give wheel group nopasswd sudo rights and create spot as wheel group member
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group added to sudo no password required
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spot  #spot in wheel group so has elevated sudo permissions
printf "spot\nspot\n" | passwd spot >/dev/null 2>&1 # Quietly set default spot

# Create /home/spot directories
mkdir -p /home/spot/Downloads

# Set permissions
chown -R spot:spot /home/spot
chown -R weedog:weedog /home/weedog

# add users to groups and change permissions
usermod -a -G audio weedog
usermod -a -G audio spot
usermod -a -G video weedog
usermod -a -G video spot
xhost +
chmod 755 /
chmod 755 /bin
chmod 755 /lib

# Set execution permissions recursivly for binaries and scripts
chmod +x -R /usr/local/bin

# Clean Up

rm /var/cache/xbps/*
rm /var/cache/fontconfig/*

echo "desktop build process finished"
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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by wiak »

OOOOPS, sorry. The issue is nothing to do with updates happening on Void Linux repos... I had simply broken the build_firstrib_rootfs.sh script in something I did to make fedora builds work (been too busy concentrating on that and didn't have time before for another Void Linux build test... I'm fixing it right now and will upload new build_firstrib_rootfs.sh version 8.0.0 rc2 within half an hour. It was a stupid simple mistake actually, but enough to break everything! :oops:

I've uploaded what I hope is fixed version (unless I missed something else), but still testing it so no guarantee yet (never is one actually...). Anyway, you can try it meantime and report and further bugs please:
This is version 8.0.0 rc2, which I'm currently testing again:

Code: Select all

wget -c https://gitlab.com/firstrib/firstrib/-/raw/master/latest/build_system/build_firstrib_rootfs.sh && chmod +x build_firstrib_rootfs.sh

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by williwaw »

rockedge wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:52 am

@williwaw This one does a bit more setting up the Networkmanager...

setting up the network manager is a nice touch

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by williwaw »

wiak wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:34 am

I've uploaded what I hope is fixed version (unless I missed something else), but still testing it so no guarantee yet (never is one actually...). Anyway, you can try it meantime and report and further bugs please:

still building, (I have a slow connextion)

the only error I see so far is

Code: Select all

[*] Configuring unpacked packages
xbps-triggers-0.125_1: configuring ...
xbps-triggers-0.125_1: installed successfully.
base-files-0.143_3: configuring ...
WARNING: cannot create kvm:24 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: kvm:24
WARNING: cannot create plugdev:26 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: plugdev:26
WARNING: cannot create usbmon:27 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: usbmon:27
WARNING: cannot create sgx:28 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: sgx:28
Creating system directories/symlinks...
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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by wiak »

williwaw wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:51 am
wiak wrote: Tue Aug 15, 2023 3:34 am

I've uploaded what I hope is fixed version (unless I missed something else), but still testing it so no guarantee yet (never is one actually...). Anyway, you can try it meantime and report and further bugs please:

still building, (I have a slow connextion)

the only error I see so far is

Code: Select all

[*] Configuring unpacked packages
xbps-triggers-0.125_1: configuring ...
xbps-triggers-0.125_1: installed successfully.
base-files-0.143_3: configuring ...
WARNING: cannot create kvm:24 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: kvm:24
WARNING: cannot create plugdev:26 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: plugdev:26
WARNING: cannot create usbmon:27 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: usbmon:27
WARNING: cannot create sgx:28 system group (missing groupadd)
The following group must be created manually: sgx:28
Creating system directories/symlinks...

These are just irrelevant warnings since just installing in a chroot with runit and so on not active. They won't effect the final build.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by geo_c »

Not to change the subject. I'm trying to follow everything you guys are up to with the firstrib scripts.

But I've been doing some audio work with KLV-airedale-RT, and I went ahead and installed cpu-power, because my cpu frequency was topping out around 800, and that just wasn't cutting it.

the available governors on this machine are performance and powersave. I don't know how to change the governor to performance, but what I did instead is probably better.

I left it on powersave and I used the cpupower frequency-set -u command and set it to max 3.6Ghz, which does the trick. The cpu's jump to 3.6 when needed.

Running well. I will say, I tend to get some pops in the audio with the RT kernel combination when changing volumes with sliders in certain applications like Parole. Not sure what the cause of that is. It doesn't seem to do it when using the pavucontrol volume sliders.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by geo_c »

Follow up on the cpu scaling. I finally noticed that cpupower has the -g option to change the governor, and I figured out that the intel_pstate basically gives you a choice of powersave (schedutil) or performance.

So I've set sr2 to run performance and it's running like a top, not overly hot either.

I'll be working more with RT now to see how that does.

For the moment I'm chalking the parole volume slider audio pops to parole itself. Using the plus and minus karets on the slider don't create the pop, just sliding.

So I'll be using the performance governor a lot, and when using powersave I'll set the frequency range to the upper 1/3 of the processor's capabilities.

cpupower is an easy install and a handy tool.

Simple stuff I'm sure every developer knows, but it takes me awhile, which is why I'm letting you guys get the build scripts close to idiot-proof before attempting builds.

With cpu power installed I dropped a script in /root/Startup to set it on bootup.

Code: Select all


cpupower frequency-set -g performance



cpupower frequency-set -g powersave &
cpupower frequency-set -u 3.6GHz &
cpupower frequency-set -d 2.4GHz

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by geo_c »

Earlier in this thread I mentioned that KLV-airedale-RT (or KLV-spectr-RT for that matter) didn't play well with a certain 4 cpu thread laptop of mine.

Well changing the governor to performance solved that issue and KLV-airedale-RT is running great on it now.

I'm a happy camper, I have two versions of both Airedale and Spectr, realtime kernel and void 6.3.12 kernel (to the best of my knowledge) that are installed using resquashed rootfs's fully configured.

I also booted each of these up on different machines, tweaked the desktop and added hplip for printing, then squashed those newly created upper_changes into a 20-[machine-specific]-desk.sfs additional layer.

So now I can break upper_changes all I want without having to ever reconfigure the desktop for a particular machine.

And with all four of these OS's I have real-time/standard kernel performance and mutl-track audio recording capability.

I kind of feel set for life in one sense.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by geo_c »

I've been experimenting with dropping cpupower Startup scripts in /root/Startup

a simple line in the script:

Code: Select all

cpupower frequency-set -g performance

In KLV-airedale-RT though, I occassionally get an XFCE Policy Kit notification on bootup. Not sure it's an error, because it's just a window that says "Xfce Policy Kit!" and then the cpu scale changes to performance and functions normally.

Just noting this, and it makes sense.

I had decided earlier to remove the startup script anyway, because I don't see that it makes sense to burn my processors full tilt when checking email. So I have two scripts in my launcher tray to make the switch on the fly, which work wonderfully and don't seem to cause any policy kit notifications.

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Re: KLV-Airedale-RT with full Real Time Kernel 6.1.38-rt13

Post by rockedge »

I uploaded a new KLV-Airedale-RT ISO!!

The rootfs is totally updated and this version uses pipewire and kernel is 6.1.38-rt13

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