I am trying to hopefully make this a topic we can have in the Instructional How-To Section -> Upgrade/Backup
Looking for specific best way to upgrade glibc to a newer version, from the version that is in the Puppy version you are using.
Trying to install and use some programs, using terminal commands to do something, doing anything using glibc.
At times, I get error that the command or process of starting a program, is looking for a newer version of glibc, to work.
I am hopping someone that really understands what is needed to update glibc, will please help us all by providing how to do it.
I am hopping how to do it can be as simple a process as possible.
So, if you can provide the how to, WE WILL All BE EXTREMELY GRATEFUL!!!
Anyone want to dive in and give us some ideas and help on best way to do it!
I have enough understanding of this to just end up with a big mess.
Buit I can help in testing, finding stuff on the Internet, etc...........