Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE (or GNOME-Wayland)

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Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE (or GNOME-Wayland)

Post by wiak »

NOTE WELL!!! If you are using a Puppy Linux as the host build system you likely need to first:
mkdir -p firstrib_rootfs
in the directory you want to build KL Fedora in. That's because Puppy uses limited busybox realpath command rather than the full version usually, which results in build failure.

NEW: version 800rc1,
updated f_00_fedora_gui build plugin,
NEW facility via addons_f.plug (for finishing off the build; for example fetching numbered addon layers. With suitable added commands could be used, for example to make an iso... whatever).
Read the below for simple build instructions and details:

FirstRib/KL: Bringing EASY but powerful frugal-installable distro building to the masses! ;-)

Following on from post of: viewtopic.php?p=95950#p95950
For howto use dnf package manager google tutorials on that or refer:

Do the following as root user (the build directory can have any name but must be in a partition that has a Linux format)

1. Download latest script to build directory such as /KLF (as root user in a terminal opened there):

Code: Select all

wget -c && chmod +x

2. Create a simple text file, let's call it f_00_fedora_gui (filename is unimportant as long as starts with f_), with the following text in it (most all of it is simple package manager install commands so you can easily modify/add to it).
For your convenience a quite complete f_00_fedora_gui is attached; just remove dummy tar:

Code: Select all

# Change XFCE to GNOME below if you want that instead
dnf --nogpgcheck group install XFCE -y
# dnf --nogpgcheck --exclude=kernel* --skip-broken group install XFCE -y # experimental to avoid kernel download: 
dnf --nogpgcheck install tar wget leafpad yad sudo rsync gparted chromium xmessage -y
# add user spot and set password for user spot (spot:spot - root user:password is root:root)
useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash spot
printf "spot\nspot" | passwd spot >/dev/null 2>&1
echo '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | (VISUAL="tee -a" visudo) # wheel group override to sudo no password required
# If using 11rox... addon sfs addon we need a symlink to rox stored in /usr/lib/rox directory
# Folder rox stored in /usr/lib so 11rox... addon sfs also works with FR Void Linux and Arch Linux based distros
# No harm including this symlink anyway
ln -s /usr/lib/rox /usr/lib64/rox
#Avoid updating/fetching new kernels/modules later
echo exclude=kernel* redhat-release* >> /etc/dnf/dnf.conf

3. Create a simple text file named exactly as addons_f.plug, which will be sourced immediately the main root filesystem (firstrib_rootfs) is complete. The addons_f.plug can be used for anything you want to finish off your build such as downloading addon sfs files, FirstRib utilities and so on (most all of it is simple wget download commands so you can easily modify/add to it). Expert FR builders could even use it for creating an iso release via suitable extra make iso commands.
For your convenience a relatively complete addons_f.plug is attached (but doesn't make iso)
NOTE WELL: two alternative addons_f.plug files are attached, one that also downloads huge-kernel/00modules and 00firmware to make quickly bootable. Before use you need to remove the end part of name (e.g. _includes_kernel.tar) so ends up always named exactly as: "addons_f.plug". They are NOT actually a tar files

Code: Select all

# Main KL addon containing the likes of gtkdialog, filemnt, UExtract, gxmessage, and more
wget -c
wget -c -O initrd.gz  # FR skeleton initrd.gz
# The following are optional (disclaimer: may be untested or had limited testing so use at own risk like everything else provided by FirstRib/KL build system):
# Roxfiler install (made from Fedora 38 rpm provided by rockedge):
wget -c
# Some useful FR utilities for distro builders
wget -c && chmod +x wd_grubconfig
wget -c && chmod +x
wget -c && chmod +x
wget -c && chmod +x
# Under-test/optional addons: NOTE WELL: uncomment below wget line(s) to use these
# poorercputemp;From Sofiya
#wget -c -O 14poorercputemp_usrlocalbin-0.2_1.x86_64.sfs

4. Build Fedora Rawhide XFCE with FirstRib build script(!), using command:

Code: Select all

./ fedora default amd64 f_00_fedora_gui

or, if you don't mind it being slowed down a bit and want a build log, add the following at end of above line: 2>&1 | tee build.log

5. Rename firstrib_rootfs directory to 07firstrib_rootfs:

Code: Select all

mv firstrib_rootfs 07firstrib_rootfs

6. Alongside the initrd.gz, put a KL/Puppy-style huge-kernel vmlinuz, 00modules.sfs, 01firmware.sfs in the build directory (could be called 00zdr... and 01fdr... doesn't matter as long as number part correct). For example, from KL-jam or KL-OT2base iso I think (or, KL-experts, can use non-huge vmlinuz kernel with modified FR initrd, optionally constructed using FRmake_initrd to include boot modules, 00modules.sfs and 01firmware.sfs).

7. Find suitable grub stanza by running script:

Code: Select all

./wd_grubconfig  # And set up your grub accordingly ready to boot

9. Reboot into your shiny new Fedora Rawhide GUI distro!
(Default provided addons_f.plug includes auto-inclusion of Rox filemanager addon at the moment)


NOTE: Of course, if small distro size matters to you, then best to use FirstRib/KL build system (using to build a Void Linux based distro since the smallest package manager including distro with that only includes busybox and xbps package manager plus huge-style-kernel vmlinuz, 00modules, 01firmware, skeleton FR initrd in the resulting build, which you can add to yourself via a suitable f_ plugin to produce the likes of KLV-Airedale...

It is also advantageous to always add the small additional KL-modified save2flash scripts (/usr/local/bin/snap-ex, /usr/bin/save2flash, and /usr/bin/snapmergepuppy) to provide convenient save-on-demand FR-RAM2 mode persistence operation: See here for sfs addon that will achieve that save2flash (and gtkdialog and filemnt and more) automatically on reboot:
viewtopic.php?p=95988#p95988 (this is included in above build by attached addons_f.plug).

Note well that the above simple text files that control the build, f_00_fedora_gui and addons_f.plug are very short and simple. If you want to understand the simple build process just read them; just simple package manager install and wget fetch commands on the whole.

To see all the Fedora program 'group/template/meta apps' available, in running Fedora, enter command:

Code: Select all

dnf group list --hidden

To see what packages any of these Environment Groups contain, in running Fedora, enter command:

Code: Select all

dnf group info <group name>

For example:

Code: Select all

dnf group info "Sound and Video"

For lots of general information concerning FirstRib boot options and usage, refer to:

remove: _nokernel.tar (dummy) before use
(1.69 KiB) Downloaded 148 times
remove: _includes_kernel.tar (dummy) before use
(2.15 KiB) Downloaded 197 times
(1.15 KiB) Downloaded 238 times
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

:thumbup: @Wiak it's just fantastic
By the way, the build comes with the 6.5.0 kernel, which I had to throw out from /usr/lib/modules/ .because it doesn't work for me

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Last edited by Sofiya on Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »


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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

The following addition will likely work to provide gtkdialog and save2flash functionality after rebooting. Just download it to your Fedora Rawhide build directory with:

Code: Select all

wget -c

EDIT: Not quite... I needed to first

dnf install yad sudo rsync -y

Fixing the first post of thread to include these.
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

Sofiya wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:33 am

:thumbup: @Wiak it's just fantastic
By the way, the build comes with the 6.0.0 kernel, which I had to throw out from /usr/lib/modules/ .because it doesn't work for me

Oh yes, so it does. I didn't notice. We could use that if we downloaded suitable firmware for kernel release around that version number and used (and or, which also makes appropriate 00modules sfs), but I'll leave that possibility for later since not really for newcomers to FirstRib/KL creation).

EDIT: just noticed that as well as that dnf install of sudo, I also have to make a sudoers group. I'll do that in test and then incorporate that in first post f_plugin
EDIT2: no I don't need sudoers group. Already put spot in wheel group, which is correct approach here... see my immediately next post.
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

NOTE: You can ignore all of this. Just use first post instructions for easy build of KL_Fedora_Rawhide_XFCE.

No, I don't need to add a sudo group. Forgot I already put spot in wheel group; that's the correct approach in Fedora I think. Users in that group get permissions to use sudo as assigned in /etc/sudoers file.

You don't need to do anything, all should now be fine. However, if you want them to not need to use their password, just edit that /etc/sudoers file, but don't edit it directly - instead, enter command:

Code: Select all


And look for entries for 'wheel' group and comment out the existing one:

Code: Select all

%wheel  ALL=(ALL)       ALL

and remove comment (# symbol) in the alternative:

Code: Select all

# %wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

no sound when changing to root user.

1)And another question is how to run Thunar with root rights from the spot user.we are probably missing some script in /usr/local/bin

2) I would include Leafpad in the assembly since there is nothing to open a text file on the first start

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

wiak wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:40 am

The following addition will likely work to provide gtkdialog and save2flash functionality after rebooting. Just download it to your Fedora Rawhide build directory with:

Enable service for save2flash functionality after rebooting.

Code: Select all


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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

Sofiya wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:46 am

no sound when changing to root user.

1)And another question is how to run Thunar with root rights from the spot user.we are probably missing some script in /usr/local/bin

2) I would include Leafpad in the assembly since there is nothing to open a text file on the first start

Yes, a few tweaks, extras needed though for thunar I always just run:

sudo thunar

And open root terminals from there
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

wiak wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:39 pm
Sofiya wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 11:46 am

no sound when changing to root user.

1)And another question is how to run Thunar with root rights from the spot user.we are probably missing some script in /usr/local/bin

sudo thunar

And open root terminals from there

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

to save on exit
file "saveatshutdown.service" is missing.

Code: Select all

# systemctl enable saveatshutdown.service
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/system/saveatshutdown.service /etc/systemd/system/

note :
You don't want save on exit in console save/don't save.
then this file is not needed "probably"

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

I can't get a build made for some reason. Both these commands end up the same way:
./ fedora default amd64 f_00_fedora_gui
./ fedora default amd64
with only these built:

Screenshot(47).jpg (19.72 KiB) Viewed 7883 times

Code: Select all

Saving to: ‘’          100%[===================>]   1.18K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-08-10 11:43:48 (19.1 MB/s) - ‘’ saved [1213/1213]

realpath: firstrib_rootfs: No such file or directory
./bfr: line 712: cd: firstrib_rootfs: No such file or directory
--2023-08-10 11:43:48--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2076 (2.0K) [text/plain]
Saving to: ‘etc/udhcpc/default.script’

etc/udhcpc/default. 100%[===================>]   2.03K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2023-08-10 11:43:49 (278 MB/s) - ‘etc/udhcpc/default.script’ saved [2076/2076]

usr/local/bin/wiakwifi: No such file or directory
usr/local/bin/wd_mount: No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat 'f_*': No such file or directory
mount-FULL: firstrib_rootfs/proc: mount point does not exist.
mv: cannot stat 'firstrib_rootfs/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory
chroot: can't change root directory to 'firstrib_rootfs': No such file or directory
umount-FULL: firstrib_rootfs/proc: no mount point specified.
mv: cannot stat 'firstrib_rootfs/etc/resolv.confORIG': No such file or directory

Is the .plug extension is no longer needed?

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

@wiak while pondering what is going on.......... I manually created the /firstrib_rootfs and now the build is working.
I did not have to manually create the firstrib_roots directory on the KLV builds so I had assumed that it was created by the script.

So it seems to be working!! I feel so inadequate :oops:

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

I extracted the 6.5.0-0-rc5 Fedora kernel from a freshly built firstrib_roots which I can share standalone for anyone to use it if they wish or of course could use the RT kernel 6.1.38-rt13c or many of the Puppy Linux huge kernels. I will test how KLV kernels work!

Made some SFS files using gzip or zstd compression.

I made an ISO of 1.2 gigs to test it QEMU......looks great so far :thumbup2:

Screenshot(52).jpg (8.69 KiB) Viewed 7830 times

The entire build including making the ISO was under 30 minutes. Really exciting stuff :ugeek:

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

This I'll refer to as KLF-a as a working title, is booting at a really snappy pace. Gotta like that. KLF-a is built using the example plug file that @wiak provided so no frills other than the stock Fedora XFCE4 set up.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »


I have not problem at all when logged in as user spot (password spot), opening a terminal and entering


Code: Select all

sudo thunar

and supplying the password.

I can only think something went wrong during your build. I have had a few builds fail for no reason I know of. Unlike Void Linux builds I don't know a way as yet of preventing occasional connection timeouts that could be the reason some builds fail or have imperfections.

Yes, it boots really fast - you got to hand it to Fedora/RedHat - when it comes to systemd they probably know what they are doing...
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

As far as I understand it, dnf is just a new revamp of older package manager 'yum'. The following might provide a fix for likely build errors on any repo timeouts: ... um-install

If you look at man yum.conf, there is this option:

timeout: Number of seconds to wait for a connection before timing out. Defaults to 30 seconds. This may be too short of a time for extremely overloaded sites.

According to the documentation, you can set timeout in either the [main] section of yum.conf to apply globally or the [repositories] section to set per repository.

The default location of yum.conf is /etc/yum.conf.

Void Linux has a similar option, that I use in build_firstrib_rootfs script (export CONNECTION_TIMEOUT=-1)

I'll try 'timeouts=AveryLargeNumber' for fedora builds in the script. Don't know yet if that applies to dnf package manager though (just out of bed, haven't had time to look!).
For the moment, I'd suggest rebuilding if odd error such as sudo not working for Sofiya, but keep a log of the build and check through it to see if error occurred installing any package.

./ fedora default amd64 f_00_fedora_gui | tee build.log # might create log, or maybe you need to also capture standard error output (I forget the syntax and out for coffee now so can't try)...
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

wiak wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:27 pm


I have not problem at all when logged in as user spot (password spot), opening a terminal and entering

Code: Select all

sudo spot

Build number two looks better and sudo thunar works, but the build failed to install Chromium. an attempt to install from the console in a loaded OS does not give a result. it gives out there like some keys GPG are missing and the browser is not installed, and even Firefox gives the same error when trying to install.

Everything else works fine and other programs are also installed except for browsers
In general, I liked Fedora :thumbup: :)

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Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Aug 11, 2023 8:54 am, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

Still out for coffee on android phone but yes, combination of timeout option with migrate option should sort out dnf download issues. See dnf manual pages. I'll put in build script once I've tested that later.

There is also 'retries' option, default is 10, but probably doesn't help stop actual slow speed timouts
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

Here is the Fedora Kernel 6.5.0-0.rc5 with an initrd.gz ready to go for Kennel Linux variants.

Also reachable via https://rockedge.or/kernels

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

sudo is working and so is save2flash. Used the package manager to install GParted so I could partition and format the QEMU VHDD and LABEL it.

I feel that these steps can be included in the PLUG file instructions to install these items as the system is being built.

There is a problem with keys getting a browser installed. So I downloaded Firefox 116.0 and put the decompressed package in /opt in firstrib_rootfs and squashed it again using zstd compression.

I am typing this post using Firefox in KLF-a started from /opt/firefox/firefox. Besides the oddness of not being able to install a browser, once it is installed manually, runs really well and is as responsive in a QEMU VM as the F96-CE_4 host.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

Fixed the browser installation by bypassing the GPG keys like this:

Code: Select all

sudo dnf --nogpgcheck install chromium

So Chromium is working nicely and I have /opt/firefox to play with.

Managed to find a Fedora Rox-filer package!

In just a short time and no coding put this Fedora Rawhide at absolute cutting edge

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Somehow made a default keyring and have it auto-loading and applications are starting up instantly running as a QEMU VM

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

@wiak we need a Kennel Linux logo for Kennel Linux Fedora variants :thumbup2:

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

rockedge wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 4:04 am

@wiak we need a Kennel Linux logo for Kennel Linux Fedora variants :thumbup2:

Per the following, there is a need to be careful about that: ... _the_logos

Usage That Does Not Require Permission
Below are some guidelines for use of the Fedora Trademarks where, as long as you are in compliance with the guidelines, no permission is necessary. In all cases, use is permitted only provided that:

the use is only in connection with promoting the Fedora Project or Fedora products
the use is not disparaging to Red Hat, the Fedora Project or their products
the use is appropriate for the mark used, for example, "Fedora Remix" is used only for remix products and "Fedora" alone is not used for remix products
the use does not imply sponsorship or endorsement by Red Hat or the Fedora Project
Proper trademark symbols are used in connection with the Fedora Trademarks and the trademark attribution statement must appear as explained in Proper Trademark Use
the official logo usage guidelines are strictly observed ... guidelines
The root filesystem built is actually proper Fedora, but... incorporating logo in FR weedog-like logo may be dubious. Same goes for previous logs though. I don't know.

Meanwhile, I am modifying to include timeout=120 in resulting /etc/dnf/dnf.conf; that's four times more than the default so should help avoid bad builds. I will upload the modded to gitlab once my testing is completed - thereafter it will be used by the build_script. Note if you still have issues with timeout you can thereafter modify the that was downloaded into the build directory by since the local one will always be used if present.
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by wiak »

I have modified upstream to include timeout=120 to /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
Remember to delete any previous in build directory because wget won't fetch new one if already present.

That is four times longer than the default so hopefully will prevent most cases of build failure due to connection timeout.

The script now also automatically downloads 12KL_gtkdialogGTK3filemnt64.sfs if you don't already have it present in your build directory. Again make sure to delete the old one. New one is version 7.0.0 rc2

I have used --nogpgcheck in all dnf operations (but didn't change the gptcheck=TRUE selection in the actual /etc/dnf/dnf.conf (up to you if you want to manually change that or if we find issue with it).
I have included leafpad in f_00 plug as about smallest GUI text editor available.

See first post of thread for f_00_fedora_gui.plug new contents (and is attached - compare the contents of the one you've got to make sure it is the most recent).

Always remember once build complete to rename the firstrib_rootfs to numbered form such as 07firstrib_rootfs prior to booting (or it won't be loaded of course... and boot will fail).

The group XFCE does indeed also download official fedora vmlinuz into /boot, and huge firmware into /usr/lib and modules for that vmlinuz into /usr/lib/modules. You don't need these at all if using a Puppy-style huge kernel 00xxxxx.sfs (for modules) and 01yyyyy.sfs for firmware so can safely delete all of these if you wish or planning to make smallish iso of the final build. Of course, you optionally can keep the firmware (but still can remove the modules) if using with the downloaded vmlinuz and have a 00modules/ or 00modules.sfs of the modules that were downloaded for that official kernel, but you still would need a modified FR initrd.gz such that it contains the necessary boot modules to see the boot directory partition and mount it. I gather rockedge has made exactly such a kernel, modules, FR initrd.gz combination in case you want to use that. For the FR build experts amongst you, you could alternatively also use available FR scripts, and to process the built fedora firstrib_rootfs to produce all the kernel, modules, FRinitrd parts needed to boot it (aside from using rockedge alternative or Puppy-type huge-kernel arrangement). But you don't need any of that for this thread's method. Simple use huge kernel approach is the easiest to implement, and easiest for changing kernel/modules/firmware used later.

Please feel free to make a Community Edition iso release if you wish. I won't be, but will maintain the first post step by step build of this thread as an instructional resource concerning some of how to build using FirstRib build system.

Looking forwards to a KLF section in the Kennels!! - I don't think we have had many, if any, Fedora distro releases of any sort on the forum before. Great to be able to practice using dnf package manager (which is terrific IMO). Fedora Rawhide is really at the front in terms of up-to-date everything - rolling release like an easter egg down Mount Everest - so great for trying out the newest of ideas (afterall most such new ideas come from RedHat and are tested by Fedora before long later becoming RedHat; you also tend to get close to latest glibc and versions of most apps in Fedora Rawhide - living on the edge a bit, but proves pretty stable when I've used it).

This Fedora FirstRib/KL is surely the easiest full-on-capable frugal-installed distro to build ever! (and so easy to modify to what user might want).

To me that shows how important it becomes in this forum to develop KL system/user tools and applications such as 12KL_gtkdialogGTK3filemnt64.sfs currently contains - so much scope and forum-wide-collaboration possible in such work; these additions, including frugal install flexibility/facilities, are what actually differentiate projects on this forum from what upstream already provides. No need to re-invent the wheel in my opinion; better to use the excellent resources upstream repos provide and concentrate on doing what we do well here, very efficient and useful utility apps and flexible frugal install mechanisms, and particularly utility apps that take advantage of these flexible frugal install facilities. Tons of work to do there.

With FirstRib/KL build system it 'can be' certainly easy (as shown) to produce the actual root filesystem of the distro itself (and to user-choice-taste) via the upsteam repo/package-management advantages.

Void Linux builds, because of the fine control we get over these, will always lead the way in terms of developing KL apps and utilities - hence the importance to Kennel Linux of KLV-Airedale where most such development now occurs.

Fedora also provides tons of Desktop Managers/Environment alternatives:

Code: Select all

dnf group list --hidden

provides list of such group package installations.
DOWNLOAD wd_multi for hundreds of 'distros' at your fingertips: viewtopic.php?p=99154#p99154
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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

the assembly was made with the last modified scripts
Assembly went well :thumbup: :) chromium browser and programs also installed well.
installed programs on build ( leafpad mtpaint xarchiver xterm yad sudo rsync gparted chromium )
the only thing I can't figure out is how saving works in it.
I save by typing save2flash in the terminal .

sudo thunar added to right click in thunar - it is very comfortable

Code: Select all

exo-open --launch TerminalEmulator sudo thunar
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Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by rockedge »

@Sofiya so far save2flash used from the command line when booted in RAM2 mode is saving reliably. But I also am not sure if persistence is working fully in a regular RAM mode.

I am working in QEMU on a build and it boots in regular mode but upon shutdown there is a query message asking about saving or not. This message is not from our configurations and doesn't seem to work

Screenshot(1).jpg (13.3 KiB) Viewed 7567 times

UPDATE: seems that regular RAM mode does save to upper_changes ! So I am not sure again what exactly is working as expected or not :shock:

During some shutdowns I see a mount failure happen but the text scrolls by like lightning and I can't see exactly what it is. Now that red failure notice has disappeared and regular RAM mode saving appears to be working as expected.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

rockedge wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 3:13 pm

I am working in QEMU on a build and it boots in regular mode but upon shutdown there is a query message asking about saving or not. This message is not from our configurations and doesn't seem to work

I fixed it - now my save works. in KLV we don’t have a password, but here we have.
so before it proceeds to saving we need to enter a password.
1) install xterm . for a beautiful terminal add to /root/.Xresources
2/usr/local/bin/wd_save2flash at the end of line 35 change (exec save2flash ) to ( xterm -e save2flash )
3)password : spot
4)wait for saving, and opening the exit in the XFCE menu..


Code: Select all

Xft*antialias: true
Xft*autohint: true
XTerm*background: black
XTerm*foreground: grey
XTerm*cursorColor: grey
XTerm.vt100.geometry: 95x25+150
XTerm.vt100.scrollBar: true
XTerm.vt100.scrollbar.width: 8
XTerm*faceName: Monospace Regular 
XTerm*faceSize: 9

UXft*antialias: true
UXft*autohint: true
UXTerm*background: #002b36
UXTerm*foreground: #839496
UXTerm*cursorColor: grey
UXTerm.vt100.geometry: 84x25+150
UXTerm*faceName: Monospace Regular 
UXTerm*faceSize: 8
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Last edited by Sofiya on Fri Aug 11, 2023 5:36 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

this should be replaced in ( 12KL_gtkdialogGTK3filemnt64.sfs ) :)

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Re: Build KL_Fedora Rawhide XFCE

Post by Sofiya »

The language change was successful! :) :thumbup:
the truth is not without pitfalls :geek:

Снимок экрана_2023-08-11_23-34-23.png
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