bigpup wrote: Tue Feb 28, 2023 12:38 amI know this has been posted about before.
But I have to let off some steam someplace
I just tried to log into my cell phone service account by using my computer.
I could not get it to log on.
I started a conversation with that online, click here for help, can we help you, person
After about 10 minutes of give and take messages.
I asked could my browsers cookie setting be causing this issue.
A short wait for an answer and I get back.
OH! you are using Firefox.
You need to be using Chrome browser to be able to log in!
Used Chome browser and logged in with no problem.
oh, Beautiful, FIREFOX and adepts wine !
FRIREFOX (and adepts) do exactly the same against SEAMONKEY and other brothers! Look at my 2 following Screenshots:
(how is Gmx? Gmx is the standard email provider out the time before Google domination. Gmx is coming from the town München, the town having transfered in the past the software from the town to Linux...)