Android Non-Rooted Phone Debloat Tool

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Android Non-Rooted Phone Debloat Tool

Post by dogcat »

Old site (command line only utility)

New site (GUI utility) 64-bit software tool that saves a lot of typing (point and click tool written in Rust)

You need to have ADB installed and running as a service on the computer prior to launching the UAD utility.

The GUI worked fine on FossaPup64 and helped me debloat a samsung and nokia android phone.
For additional info about debloating and hardening an android phone (what i used for reference)

Basically, you install ADB from the repository (PPM, etc.) and start the ADB service from the command line with this command in terminal

Code: Select all

adb devices

Then enable usb debugging on the phone (developer options) then attach the phone via usb cable.
After attaching with usb cable launch the debloater from the command line and the GUI launches.

Make a backup of your android phone before using, just in case you do something crazy. You can't brick the phone using this (according to UAD website) but you could lose all data if you put the phone in a boot loop and had to manually reset the phone, so know how to manually reset your phone might be a good idea.

Best to connect and play with an old phone, get the feel of it before using on important device.

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Re: Android Non-Rooted Phone Debloat Tool

Post by dogcat »

This is the PET file I made for FossaPup64 that has the android debug bridge and universal debloat tool.
The android debug bridge comes from PPM, the universal debloat tool is the GUI version from here (mentioned in 1st post), you should visit the link and read some before using this.

Link to PET
md5 2d85342f77ebb0a9c695d87a44a762cb
No menu here, use the command line only. This PET will allow you to look at the GUI without connecting a phone to satisfy some curiosity.

Install the pet to fossapup64 (does not work on bionic, xenial, etc., only fossapup64 based)

From the terminal.
First start the adb daemon

Code: Select all

adb devices

Then start the universal android debloat tool

Code: Select all


The GUI will run without connecting the android phone. It will recognize an android phone when it is connected by USB cable. Your android phone needs to have USB debugging enabled (turn on in phone developer options) for the adb daemon to see the phone. Also the first time you connect the phone there should be some kind of authorization message on the phone to allow the connection. At that time it also helps to enable USB file sharing in the USB phone menu settings (sometimes needed, sometimes not, but to avoid the hassle just enable)

I figure if you try this tool you are probably familiar with the android developer menu and have heard of USB debugging, the adb android debug bridge and are curious enough to do some reading. There is a lot of info available on various methods of debloating an android phone on the internet and most non-root methods will have some similarities to using this program. Learning new stuff can be fun, or it can be a nightmare if you don't follow warnings, so beware and anything you do with this is your responsibility, your fault if you don't backup first and make mistakes. Have fun but don't make a nightmare, if you do make a nightmare it is your own fault so do some reading first before you assume anything.

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Re: Android Non-Rooted Phone Debloat Tool

Post by mouldy »

Still NOTHING beats having full root access. Why people ever accepted buying a phone controlled entirely by somebody else.... with software they cant remove, shut down, etc... Just like computer, yea maybe dont want to run it as root, but you should have full root access to make changes, if its truly YOUR computer/phone.

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Re: Android Non-Rooted Phone Debloat Tool

Post by sucuklu yumurta »

Reserved. I will definitely try

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