DistroSea - test drive 39 Linux distros from your browser

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DistroSea - test drive 39 Linux distros from your browser

Post by pp4mnklinux »

Here you have a "software" to test 39 Linux distros from your browser (you don't need to install them on your machine).

Puppy is not included, I think, but include it could be a good starting point to motivate Linux users to try it.

Did any of u test it?

Last edited by pp4mnklinux on Thu Jul 06, 2023 4:15 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: DistroSea

Post by bigpup »

Well, that is different!

Does seem to do what it says.

Tried a few of the Ubuntu offers.

Seemed to work very well.


The things you do not tell us, are usually the clue to fixing the problem.
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Re: DistroSea

Post by wiak »

Ok for briefly seeing what they look like, but even networking doesn't seem to be provided (e.g. can't use firefox). Works otherwise as a viewer of distro look_and_feel, but I found it a tad slow to the point of finding it painful (and I do have fast internet connection albeit from New Zealand). All-in-all, of no use to me. I'd always prefer to download and try locally, or via the likes of my previous weedogit system that can install most all such distros as FirstRib-based frugal install overlayfs-based distros. Fact is, most distros provide most the same apps, so we already know what these look like. Desktop environments can be different of course, but finding out how well these work and how easily they can be configured isn't really provided well by this DistroSea remote viewer mechanism to cloud-installed distros IMO.

But, yes, a little bit useful for a quick 'look', for some (but not me I'd say), I suppose, to see if you might like to download and install more completely.

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Re: DistroSea

Post by rockedge »

@wiak I agree. I also tried it out and found for seeing what the distro looks like is okay but anything else is a drag to use and so it's not possible to get a real demo run.

We need to get the weedogit script(s) available again. It's way too good to have discontinued. Otherwise a quick look at a distro in QEMU or VirtualBox feels to me to be a step further and a better demo platform. Of course nothing beats booting one up on a bare metal machine.

How's it going out there Will? Hope all is moving along in an orderly fashion and isn't making you crazy!!

I feel like KLV-Spectr with the tiling window manager Spectrwm and Rox (also Thunar) is a really good alternative for doing real work on a computer. It does take a bit to get used to but once the key bindings are known by muscle memory and instinct the system is proving to be quite useful and is very fast and responsive.

The beta2 version includes @fredx181's save2flash function builtin, which is working as expected. KLV-Airedale is moving along nicely and seems to be used by a few more people since I've recently seen YouTube videos in other languages than English previewing it.

All in all hope all is well and you'll be getting the big move finished smoothly and in good time.

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