Hi there
I was wondering if it is possible to edit this directory and change the components?
I have added some updates but cannot figure how to repack it.
Gzip works with single files ............ Tar & Gzip in combination will work with a directory.
However, the original Initrd is a directory just packed as a *.gz file.
If someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction, I would be appreciative
I realised if I clicked on the file it would give me an option to extract the directory ............ added my new components and clicking on it again, repacked it automatically.
Rebooted with the new file and got a what I found was a hilarious message informing me that the Initrd file was "tainted" but it did give me a suggestion/alternative.
Not as easy as I thought hahahahha
Back to the drawing board and testing a binary at a time