I try to test the flatpak Fcitx (https://flathub.org/apps/org.fcitx.Fcitx5)
The instructions for Fcitx (https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Setup_Fcitx_5) are the addition of environment variables to a config file (See section Environment variables on https://fcitx-im.org/wiki/Setup_Fcitx_5 ),
and the use of XDG Autostart
XDG Autostart
Certain distribution may not provide such a file. If not, you can simply copy /usr/share/applications/org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop to ~/.config/autostart
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart && cp /usr/share/applications/org.fcitx.Fcitx5.desktop ~/.config/autostart
It seems autostart not work in EasyOS (though /etc/xdg/autostart exists).
First question : what are the differences between to use /root/Startup and to use autostart (besides the use of .desktop files with autostart) ?