multiboot usb for puppy linux

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multiboot usb for puppy linux

Post by icake »

I have created a multi-boot usb iso: icake-multiboot-usb-02.iso (519 mb)

When you burn (see instructions at bottom) this file to a usb stick, you will get a multi-boot usb with these features:

a. uefi and legacy bootable

b. comes with fatdog64 8.1.3 on the usb

c. option to run super Grub2 Disk (built-in to the iso/usb)
enable you to search suitable loopback bootable iso files on the usb and your system
(most modern Puppy systems are loopback bootable directly from the iso file)
stored inside these folders:
/boot/bootisos; /boot/boot-isos; /bootisos; /boot-isos
folders can be in the usb or any partitions in your system

d. users can add customized loopback bootable iso to usb or partitions in your system, method:
add suitable iso to /bootisos on usb or any partitions on your system
e.g. to add fossapup64-9.6.iso as a bootable option:
download and add fossapup64-9.6.iso to /bootisos in usb or in a partition in your system (e.g. /sda1/bootisos)
then run super Grub2 Disk on the usb and you can boot fossapup64-9.6 direct from the iso file

e. users can add customized frugal bootable puppy files, method:
i. add initrd**; vmlinuz**; puppy*.sfs; *.sfs files to new folder under /frugal.puppy of usb
e.g. to add precise 5.7.1,
download precise_5.7.1.iso and extract these files from the iso:
initrd.gz, puppy_precise_5.7.1.sfs, vmlinuz and zdrv_precise_5.7.1.sfs
put these 4 files inside new folder /frugal.puppy/precise571 on usb
ii. add suitable entries in files /frugal.puppy/menu.lst on usb
e.g. to add precise 5.7.1, add these lines in /frugal.puppy/menu.lst on usb
title Puppy Linux precise 5.7.1 org Frugal on sda8
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/frugal.puppy/precise571/vmlinuz psubdir=/frugal.puppy/precise571 pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck
initrd (hd0,0)/frugal.puppy/precise571/initrd.gz
then you can boot precise 5.7.1 from the usb using the booting frugal puppy system option

Note: to burn iso to usb, you can:

1. under linux: use Startup Disk Creator; Fedora Media Writer; balenaEtcher; UNetbootin (I have not tried these)

2. under windows: use any third-party tool like Rufus, UltraISO, Etcher (I have only tried Rufus)

3. experienced users can use dd in linux terminal:
sudo dd if=icake-multiboot-usb-02.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=1M status=progress
(warning: be extremely careful about your typing and make sure that /dev/sdx is the right usb drive)

4. after burning the iso file and your usb has unused space, you can use GParted to expand the usb partition to include more space.

Jun 11, 2023

Last edited by icake on Sun Jun 11, 2023 9:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: multiboot usb for puppy linux

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ icake

Thank you for developing multiboot-usb -

I understand the procedure for adding extra Puppies, fair enough -

I have downloaded the ISO and will try it later -

In the meantime a couple of questions:

After adding Puppy A and Puppy B and Puppy C, then deciding that Puppy B is no longer required, do I just delete the Puppy B ISO? -

If this is the case, do I then have to edit the menu to reflect the deletion of Puppy B ISO? -

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
....Frugal Install - Internal HDD - Gateway MX8716b - HDD 120GB - RAM 2GB

2. Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1
....USB Stick 2GB

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Re: multiboot usb for puppy linux

Post by icake »

After adding Puppy A and Puppy B and Puppy C, then deciding that Puppy B is no longer required, do I just delete the Puppy B ISO?


do I then have to edit the menu to reflect the deletion of Puppy B ISO?

The way Super Grub2 Disk works:
a. It will do a scan of your system for suitable iso files inside these folders: /boot/bootisos; /boot/boot-isos; /bootisos; /boot-isos (both small letters and all CAPTIALS)
b. Display a list of all available iso files on the screen for you to select
c. Boot the selected iso file
d. So there is no menu for updating. All suitable iso files inside /boot/bootisos; /boot/boot-isos; /bootisos; /boot-isos folders will become the selection list for the session.
e. If you want to add more iso files, just add them to one of the folders and rerun. The new file will appear in the new selection list.
f. If you want to delete unused iso files, just delete them from the folders and rerun. The deleted file will not appear in the new selection list.

However, if you use the frugal install option in the multiboot usb, you have a menu to update because this is how the system works:
a. It will display the file /frugal.puppy/menu.lst as a selection list
b. You will need to select one of the items to boot.
c. Therefore if you want to add more frugal systems, you have to do 2 steps:
1. add the required initrd**; vmlinuz**; puppy*.sfs; *.sfs files extracted from the puppy iso files to a new folder inside /frugal.puppy, e.g. /frugal.puppy/precise571; /frugal.puppy/slacko64810
2. update the /frugal.puppy/menu.lst file with appropriate new section, e.g.
title Puppy Linux precise 5.7.1 org Frugal on usb
root (hd0,0)
kernel (hd0,0)/frugal.puppy/precise571/vmlinuz psubdir=/frugal.puppy/precise571 pmedia=usbflash pfix=fsck
initrd (hd0,0)/frugal.puppy/precise571/initrd.gz
pointing to the new folder just created for the new system so that your new frugal addition will appear in the selection list
d. If you want to delete an unused frugal system, you have to do 2 steps (reverse of the above):
1. delete the unused folders and files, e.g. /frugal.puppy/precise571; /frugal.puppy/slacko64810
2. update the /frugal.puppy/menu.lst file by removing the appropriate section. If you do not do this, the system will display the deleted system on the selection list and if you select this deleted system to boot, an error will show because the system cannot find the required folder and files.

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Re: multiboot usb for puppy linux

Post by Chelsea80 »

@ icake

Thank you -

Very clear and precise -

Will try when time is on my side -

Best regards



1. BionicPup32+28 19.03 - Linux 4.9.163 - lxpup - 32-pae [i686] - (UPup Bionic Beaver)
....Frugal Install - Internal HDD - Gateway MX8716b - HDD 120GB - RAM 2GB

2. Friendly-Bionic32 v1.1
....USB Stick 2GB

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Re: multiboot usb for puppy linux

Post by some1 »

@icake: Very nice explanations,project.
Perhaps you should edit this:

(both small letters and all CAPTIALS)

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Re: multiboot usb for puppy linux

Post by fredx181 »

some1 wrote: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:17 am

@icake: Very nice explanations,project.
Perhaps you should edit this:

(both small letters and all CAPTIALS)

Perhaps it's meant that it's case insensitive, so that /boot/BOOTISOS; /boot/BOOT-ISOS; /BOOTISOS; /BOOT-ISOS works too.
(not sure though)

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multiboot usb for puppy linux - version 03

Post by icake »

I have updated the icake-multiboot-usb to verion 03: icake-multiboot-usb-03.iso (322 mb)

Key changes from version 02:
1. comes with frugal fossapup64 9.5.0 low 6 with icake combo files for Chinese support (instead of fatdog64 8.1.3, English with no Chinese support)

2. size reduced from 531 mb to 322 mb

3. Chinese support details:
a. option to select 1 of 5 Chinese input platforms: fcitx, gcin, hime, scim or yong
b. option to select user interface language in English, Simplified Chinese or Traditional Chinese

4. Other features (no changes from version 02):
a. option to boot using Super Grub2 Disk (user can add customized iso)
b. option to boot other frugal Puppy systems (user needs to add suitable files and adjust file: /puppy.frugal/menu.lst

Jun 21, 2023

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